"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of piercing laughter suddenly sounded, and then voices came from all directions.

"Little devil, let's meet again."

Qiao Ye's eyes widened sharply, and he took a deep breath and said, "Eight scolds?"

As soon as Qiao Ye finished speaking, the body of the sea snake exploded suddenly, and then Ba Chi got out of the sea snake's stomach.

Qiao Ye said in a deep voice, "You really are not dead!"

Ba Chi sneered and said, "Just because of you two brats, you want to kill me?"

Qiao Ye didn't say a word, he thought that Ba Chi was not dead at first, although it looked like he killed Ba Chi, but in fact he didn't absorb the martial soul value at that time, so Qiao Ye felt that Ba Chi was still alive, However, Ba Chi's body was right in front of the two of them at that time, and Qiao Ye had no evidence that Ba Chi was still alive.

"This time..." Ba Chi roared, "You guys won't be so lucky!"

Bachi raised the tentacles and smashed them down towards the front.

This guy not only wanted to kill Qiao Ye and the others, but also planned to destroy all the surrounding ships.

Seeing the tentacles falling towards the boat, Yuan Ke suddenly panicked.

"Sky Sword!" Yuan Ke roared, "Sword Qi Qinglan!"

Yuan Ke stabbed forward with a sword, and the surrounding wind suddenly rose up, turning into a huge wind blade, and then slashed forward.


Just for a moment!

The Wind Blade Slash hit Yuan Ke's tentacles and was easily shattered. Immediately afterwards, Yuan Ke spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, and smashed back onto the frozen ice.

Qiao Ye said, "Let's go!"

Rong Bao said cursingly: "Eight-legged, I didn't kill you last time, it's your luck, this time you are finished!"

Rong Bao turned into a spirit body and passed across the sky, facing the tentacle without any hesitation, the moment he collided with the tentacle, Rong Bao passed through the tentacle.


Rong Bao kept stretching out his hand towards the front, and one after another Lingbo blasted forward, hitting Ba Chi's body continuously, making loud noises, knocking Ba Chi's huge body backwards continuously.

Qiao Ye looked at Qingmei and said: "Do your best. This guy is the evil beast I told you before. It is very difficult to deal with. Although Rong Bao and I killed each other once, it was because we were on the bed and now the other party has entered the water. , will be even stronger."

Qingmei nodded and said: "Understood!"

Qiao Ye saw that Qingmei agreed carefully, so she stopped talking, and after a low growl, she sacrificed the treasure!

Emerald Star Record (Treasure Phantasm) (first grade): Made of the emerald star stone outside the sky, it contains the magic formula of the universe astrology array pattern, which can transform into stars to attack, and can summon up to twelve pieces. After each twelve pieces are formed, the treasure Phantasm Need to sleep for six hours.

After the Cui Xinglu was lifted up by Qiao Yetuo, it instantly burst into light!

In that light, a large phantom image was printed, and the endless brilliance suddenly bloomed. There was a strange feeling. The phantom seemed to be infinitely large and boundless.

In the sky, there were a total of twelve stars, which turned into a huge circle, spinning continuously, spinning continuously, splashing brilliance crazily, and then...



Violent power erupted in an instant.

A circle of silver fluctuations pushed around at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and crazily pushed in all directions.

Earth trembles!

The silver starlight lit up the sky, and the starlight scattered in all directions, with a cool feeling.

However, this is just the beginning!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of explosions sounded continuously, and the twelve stars continued to fall to the ground, shattering crazily, and the silver brilliance continued to roll towards the four directions, appearing majestic.

Ba Chi looked up, with a look of contempt on his face, and then three tentacles shot up into the sky at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom!

Those three tentacles passed across the sky, hitting the big star in the sky continuously, smashing the big star continuously.

Qiao Ye is also helpless, Cui Xinglu is already an excellent treasure in Canglan Star, but it is indeed a lot less meaningful in the world of primordial void, but it is only a first-grade treasure, although it is considered precious, it is not difficult You can also grab a lot of things you are looking for, such as Rongbao.

However, Qiao Ye didn't expect Cui Xinglu to hurt Ba Chi.

Qiao Ye's purpose was to push the sea surface away with the waves impacted by the big star, and the rolled up waves could push the ship far away, at least away from the area that Ba Chi's tentacles could touch.


Qiao Ye jumped up and offered two treasures again.

Such a stormy weather is perfect for these two treasures, and Ba Chi is no stranger to it.

Thunderbolt Tiger Soul (treasure) (God's Familiar): The treasure of the world, the thing of the Three Realms, the origin is unknown, the materials used are unknown, the thunder soul from the nine heavens is taken, and the shocking thunder of the world is drawn into it, and the soul of the shocking beast is hidden and forged , its power is the most dominant in the world, symbolizing destruction, which can break the sky and shatter the earth.

Thunderbolt (Noble Phantasm) (Wu Shuang): It is made from the source of thunder that is the source of heaven and earth, and can master the power of heaven after possessing it.

The combination of these two treasures can be said to be unimaginably powerful, and it is even more applicable in the current thunderstorm weather!


The ear-piercing electric sound suddenly sounded.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed on Qiao Ye.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's hair stood on end, and his whole body was covered with lightning.

With a roar, Qiao Ye raised his arm and punched forward.

Accompanied by the sound of the current surging, the current moved forward, broke through the sea surface, and approached Ba Chi directly.


The thunder pillar hit Ba Chi, and then exploded, leaving a scorched black mark on Ba Chi's body, and that huge body was also thrown backwards.


And that's all!

Ba Chi straightened his body again, and sneered at Qiao Ye: "Little devil, do you still think it was before? Now we are at sea, why are you fighting with me?"

The moment Ba Chiyan fell, the huge tentacles waved forward, and the moment they swept across the sea, huge waves arose. Countless currents swept forward and came straight to Qiao Ye, like a handle sharp knife!

Seeing that the moment Qiao Ye was about to be slashed, Qingmei suddenly soared into the sky, and a dragon-shaped light appeared around Qingmei, directly defending the water flow.


At the moment of the collision, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and Qingmei broke the water flow abruptly.

And Qiao Ye raised his fist again.

Tiger-pattern Thunder God: Attracts thunder and thunder from heaven and earth, and can control thunder to fight within a certain period of time.

In an instant, behind Qiao Ye, the surge of thunder was like a fierce tiger.

In the turbulent wind and rain, another thunder fell and hit Qiao Ye's body, making the thunder light on Qiao Ye's body even more beautiful. The next moment, Qiao Ye roared and punched forward again!


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