
In an instant, the blasted thunder was thicker and more terrifying than before.

The sound of the electric arc surging was extremely ear-piercing. The moment it passed over the sea surface, the electric current cut through the sea surface, breaking the sea surface instantly.

Ba Chi sneered, not intending to dodge, and he couldn't dodge either.

The huge body looks very destructive, but it is also accompanied by obvious problems, that is, it is difficult to avoid attacks.


Ba Chi defended Qiao Ye's thunder forcefully again, and his whole body was covered with thunder light.

However, the next moment...

Ba Chi also roared, and the tentacles struck forward again.


Rong Bao floated in the air, condensed a huge spiritual wave and smashed down.

Ba Chi sneered and growled, "Get lost."


Several tentacles suddenly condensed and entangled together, becoming extraordinarily huge. The moment they stabbed forward, they collided with Rong Bao's spiritual wave, and then there was a loud noise, smashing the spiritual wave, and then continued to move forward.

Not to be outdone, Qingmei jumped into the air, her body wrapped in blue light, transformed into a dragon shape, and moved forward.


There was a second loud bang.

Qingmei resisted the tentacles abruptly, its strength was indeed terrifying, but what was even more terrifying was Ba Chi.

Because the dragon-shaped brilliance is shattering.

Like smashed glass, cracks appeared one after another, making the dragon shape piece by piece.

The corner of Qingmei's mouth overflowed with blood, and then...

Roar to the sky!

In the roar, the dragon-shaped brilliance was completely shattered, turning into a large wave of waves, swinging towards the surroundings, constantly impacting.

The sea is rippling, and the ripples are sweeping.

The next moment, Qingmei fell from the sky, but fortunately Rong Bao had quick eyes and hands, and immediately flew under Qingmei's body, holding Qingmei firmly.

The scattered tentacles struck again, trying to pursue them, but at this moment, Qiao Ye suddenly punched.


The ear-piercing sound of current surge appeared.

Thunder from ten directions: attract thunder from ten directions to form a field of thunder to attack.

Qiao Ye slammed forward with a punch, and in an instant, thunder broke out all around.

Thunder one after another continuously descended from the sky, howled in the air, and turned into ferocious thunder beasts, heading towards the sea.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of explosions kept ringing, and every thunderbolt falling from the sky would shatter the sea surface into pieces.

The rolled up waves continued to rise, and those thunder beasts walked on the waves, approaching the direction of Ba Chi.

Ba Chi sneered and said, "Small tricks!"

Above Ba Chi's body, the raised tentacles waved, and the surrounding area was golden.

The golden brilliance condensed and turned into a golden hurricane, attacking forward, colliding with the Thunder Beast, smashing the Thunder Beast to pieces.

The endless fluctuations pushed away again, pushing wildly towards the surroundings, causing the sea to sink abruptly, and the rolled up waves were as high as 100 meters, and the ships in the distance drifted with the waves.

After a while, after everything gradually calmed down, Ba Chi pointed at Rong Bao with a tentacle and said, "One trash."

The tentacle turned and pointed at Qingmei and said, "No need to hit."

Finally, the tentacle pointed at Qiao Ye again: "You're okay."

"How can there be so much nonsense." Qiao Ye looked at Ba Chi and said, "Did you forget how you got scrapped last time? Since you didn't die, you should honestly get out of here."

"Boy, it's not certain who will die. It was just your luck last time!" Ba Chi gritted his teeth and said, "Shadow Curtain!"

Bachi raised his head and spat out a mouthful of black ink.

The ink emitted a faint light and drifted towards the surroundings, like a huge curtain, covering the surroundings.

"Deprivation of the five senses again?" Qiao Ye said disdainfully, "This trick is useless to us."

Ba Chi suddenly smirked and said, "Then what about this move?"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the huge black curtain, and then one after another black light continuously fell from the sky and hit the frozen sea.

Qiao Ye and the others couldn't help frowning, what is this?

After the black light fell, everyone discovered that it was a ball of ink, and after the ink fell on the ice, it wriggled continuously, and some of them turned into human shapes, and some turned into flesh shapes, which was a little strange Weird, there is no way to see what kind of monster it is.


The monsters made of ink suddenly ran on the ice and rushed towards Qiao Ye and the others.

Qiao Ye immediately raised the halberd, and swept across the front forcefully. Then, a piece of silver frost flew over, and the bodies of those ink monsters were frozen.

With a flick of Qiao Ye's wrist, the tip of the halberd thrust forward, crushing the frozen ink monster.

Rong Bao is even more direct, the spirit body can float and fly, and after passing along the sea surface, Rong Bao directly bumped into it.

Puff puff……

Those ink monsters were hit by Rong Bao, and their bodies exploded continuously, turning back into puddles of ink.

On the other side, Qingmei also followed suit, and after closing her hands together, two small dragons that were eight feet long suddenly appeared in her hands. The moment those magic juice monsters pounced on them, the two small dragons flew around Qingmei's body, It kept colliding with the bodies of the ink monsters, and kept smashing the bodies of those ink monsters, turning them into puddles of ink and falling to the ground.

Even Yuanke was putting on a strong effort at this time, and continuously drew his swords!

The sword light moved forward, and then exploded, turning into streaks of silver light, continuously piercing through the bodies of the ink monsters, and then with a flick of Yuan Ke's wrist, he easily crushed the bodies of those ink monsters.

It can be seen from this that the ink monster is indeed not strong, and even Yuanke's strength can easily deal with it.

Rong Bao sneered, and said to Ba Chi: "Is that all you are capable of? You want to kill us with such a low-level thing?"

Ba Chi sneered and said, "You guys are too happy."

Rong Bao said: "I think you can only play tricks..."

Before Rong Bao finished his sentence, his face suddenly changed, and he knelt down on the ice.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The next moment, Rong Bao began to cry out in pain, and on Rong Bao's body, wisps of white smoke continued to rise, and then Rong Bao's spirit body began to shake continuously, like a flickering candle, and then... …

Rong Bao was forcibly knocked out from the state of the spirit body, and returned to its original appearance.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, helped Rong Bao up and said, "How is it?"

"I can't die!" Rong Bao looked at Ba Chi and gritted his teeth: "The spirit body is poisoned to death, and I can't kill my real body!"

Qingmei said: "Poison?"

Rong Bao said: "The ink is highly poisonous, don't get it easily!"

Yuan Ke's face showed horror, and then he looked at the back of his hand!


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