Yuan Ke killed those ink monsters with his sword, and then those ink monsters died, and the ink splashed, which was bound to scatter on Yuan Ke's body.

Therefore, not only the clothes, but even the surface of Yuan Ke's skin was also stained with ink, and a large area of ​​his arm had already been stained black.

And at the moment Rong Bao's voice fell, Yuan Ke just looked down, and his face changed drastically, and he suddenly became painful.


Yuan Ke followed in Rong Bao's footsteps and fell to his knees, clutching his arms and howling continuously!

"You take care of him!" Qiao Ye handed the bag to Qingmei, and quickly came to Yuan Ke's side and said, "How are you?"

Because Rong Bao is a spirit body, the injuries are actually not obvious. When the spirit body is destroyed, Rong Bao will directly return to a normal body.

Yuanke is different.

After Qiao Ye came to Yuan Ke's side in a flash, he couldn't help but gasped.

Wisps of white smoke billowed from Yuanke's arm, the flesh and blood on his arm had been completely dissolved, and dense white bones could be seen, what was even more frightening was that the ink was still spreading along Yuanke's arm Continuously going up, the flesh and blood disappeared rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this speed continues, it is very likely that it will spread to Yuanke's whole body in a very short period of time!

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye hooked Yuanke's sword with a hook.

"Hold it!"

Qiao Ye yelled at Yuan Ke, then raised his sword and dropped it.

poof 1

The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly appeared, and with Qiao Ye's sword slashing, Yuanke's entire right arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder.


Yuan Ke couldn't help crying out in pain again, his body reclined on the ground, twitching constantly.

Qiao Ye squatted beside Yuanke and said, "Senior, don't blame me, I can't keep it, so I can only do this."

Yuan Ke gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, don't take it to heart, I understand."

Qiao Ye nodded, then took out a pill and fed it into Yuanke's mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, Ba Chi was laughing wildly, looking extremely proud.

"That taste is not good." Ba Chi said: "Everyone of you will taste it!"

The moment the eight reproaches fell, the surrounding ink monsters approached again, surrounding Qiao Ye and the others.

This time, Qiao Ye and the others did not dare to neglect.

The combat power of these ink monsters is not strong, on the contrary, it can be said to be very weak, but they are very troublesome!

Those inks are extremely poisonous, so you can't even touch any of them!

Not to mention that Yuan Ke directly lost his arm, it is not an easy task to be able to forcibly destroy Rong Bao's spirit body state. Moreover, although Rong Bao is fine, but the spirit body is destroyed, and in a short time Unable to use it anymore, Rong Bao's current combat power has been at least halved.

Therefore, seeing the ink monster approaching again, both Qiao Ye and Qingmei felt a little headache.

First of all, melee kills are definitely not enough, and melee kills will inevitably stain my body with those inks.

Instead, use remote means...

It wasn't easy for Qiao Ye and the others.

This place is above the sea, and Qiao Ye just froze a piece of the sea surface to gain a foothold. The space is not very large, which means that there is not enough distance between them.

Of course, Qiao Ye can freeze the sea to a larger extent, but that will naturally require more consumption, and the resonance time between Qiao Ye and the four different beast souls will be shortened. Did Qiao Ye do this?

Qingmei said: "Why don't you go back to the boat with Rongbao and Yuanke?"

Qiao Ye said, "What?"

Qingmei said: "I can fly into the air, these guys can't trouble me."

Qiao Ye pouted in the direction of Bachi: "These things around are not a problem, the problem is that guy, leaving you alone, even if you can deal with these things around, will that guy let us go? And, even if he Let us go, but it is not easy for you to attack directly, and the boats of Tianming Island, in case that guy goes crazy, are you going to let him go?"

Qingmei frowned, Qiao Ye's words were reasonable, to break the situation, one person is not enough, it seems that Xiefeng is going to make a move now.

Xiefeng also has the ability to fly into the air, and can deal with those ink monsters, and then he and Qiao Ye can resist the eight scolds. Although Rong Bao can't enter the spirit state, he still has at least 50% of his strength, which can help split the set off. The waves will not cause damage to the surrounding ships.

It's just that Xiefeng seems to be hiding her identity from Qiao Ye, and she doesn't want to show her strength in front of Qiao Ye.

This made Qingmei very speechless, aren't you a couple? Isn't Qiao Ye the son-in-law of the Phoenix family now? What is there to pretend in front of my man.

At this time, Qiao Ye said: "You deal with that guy first, I'll take care of the little things around you."

"Can you?" Qingmei said: "You can't let those ink stains on your body."

"Don't worry!" Qiao Ye said, "I know."

Qingmei nodded and said: "Then, continue?"

Qiao Ye said: "Continue!"

As Qiao Ye's voice fell, Qingmei let out a low growl, and then a dragon's chant soared into the sky, and then...

Qingmei flew into the air!

And Qiao Ye took out a treasure from her bosom!

Qihuang glazed bead string (treasure) (unparalleled): Legend has it that there is a seven-huang tree on the border of the heavenly realm. The tree is like glazed glass and as hard as gold and stone. , complement each other, is the world's rare thirty-six.

Divine force field: Release the supreme divine power in the seven-radiant glazed bead string to form a space with a radius of fifteen meters. The space will overlap with the homeland of the Seven-Glorious Tree in the realm of heaven to form a domain.

Resonance: The divine power of the Seven Brilliant Tree can resonate synchronously with any spiritual power and strengthen it, so that the spiritual power contains divine power and produces abnormal changes.

In the sky that day, a piece of milky white light emanated from the string of seven brilliant glazed beads, retreating towards the surroundings.

This is a dreamlike world!

This is a piece of land floating in the air, with a large lawn, and an endless sky on the side. It is different from the general sky color, and the sky is actually a blue-purple color.

Large pieces of gorgeous aurora flowed in the sky, like ribbons and colorful streams.

This is the realm of heaven!

In the next moment, the divine force field took shape!



Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and then the divine power gathered in the sky suddenly fell from the sky and fell in the direction of Qiao Ye, forming a set of terrifying beams of light.

As if sensing a threat, the surrounding ink monsters suddenly rushed towards Qiao Ye, but the moment they touched the beam of divine power!


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