Puff puff……

Those ink monsters were like paper in front of the pillar of divine power, and they burst to death the moment they came into contact.

However, Ba Chi didn't care.

The ink monsters he made were easy to kill, but the problem was that killing them was useless, what was important was the poison that was sprayed after killing them.

That poison is Ba Chi's biggest reliance, and it is also one of the things that Ba Chi suppresses at the bottom of the box.

The poison is not only violent and terrifying, but also has an effect on everything in the world, whether it is tangible or intangible.

You know, under normal circumstances, ordinary toxins have no effect on the spirit body.

The spirit body is nothingness, only the outline of a human being, without substance, how can it be poisoned?

However, Ba Chi's poison can still have an effect, even spirit bodies can still be corroded by the poison.

In the same way, Qiao Ye's divine power can also be corroded!

Therefore, in Ba Chi's view, Qiao Ye was just delaying his own death. As long as it was accompanied by the continuous impact of the ink monster, the divine power would eventually be corroded and hastened.

That beam of divine power can't stop the ink monster!

However, Ba Chi didn't know one thing.

The greatest use of the Seven Brilliant Glazed Bead String is to transform spiritual power into divine power. That is to say, after the cultivation base reaches the divine state, the transformation of divine power is meaningless.

The reason is very simple. Lingshen can use divine power in the first place. After Qiao Ye breaks through the divine realm, his spiritual power is automatically transformed into divine power.

So, what else do you need Qihuang glass beads for?

In fact, after breaking the God Realm, Qiao Ye hardly used the Qihuang Glazed Bead String much.

However, this does not mean that the Qihuang Glazed Bead String is useless.

Because, another effect of resonance is...

After breaking through the divine realm, since one is using divine power, one cannot strengthen one's spiritual power and transform it into divine power, but one can make the divine power mutate.

the question is that……

The direction of the mutation is beyond Qiao Ye's control!

Therefore, Qiao Ye is now betting on luck, betting on whether the abilities he needs can be mutated.

And Qiao Ye's luck...

Seems to be fine!

Because, the ability to change divine power is...

All words!

In the beam of divine power, Qiao Ye's whole body felt ethereal, and her eyes became incomparable, with one circle of white and one circle of black, as if they had become a circle of overlapping black and white.

In the next moment, the beam of divine power suddenly spread out!

The ink monster, which was attacking the beam of divine power, suddenly lost its shackles and became even crazier. It kept flying towards Qiao Ye.



Qiao Ye looked around and spoke suddenly.

Qiao Ye's voice at this moment has become different from that of a human voice, and is extremely ethereal, as if it is coming from all directions, and it seems to be going in all directions, suddenly far and near, extremely ethereal.

And the moment Qiao Ye opened his mouth, all the ink monsters stopped, just stood there, and suddenly stopped moving.

Qiao Ye said again: "Stand back!"

Those ink monsters suddenly began to retreat, keeping away from Qiao Ye, and then...

Plop, plop, plop...

The ink monsters at the rear left the frozen sea and fell into the sea continuously, but even so, those ink monsters still had no intention of staying at all, and continued to move forward.

Ba Chi finally saw that something was wrong, and wanted to order those ink monsters to stop, and then...

Ba Chi was shocked to find that he couldn't control those ink monsters anymore!

Obviously it was something made by himself, but at this moment, Ba Chi found that his connection with the ink monster had been cut off.

Ba Chi looked at Qiao Ye in astonishment and said, "This is impossible, how did you do it?"

Qiao Ye looked at Ba Chi, and suddenly sneered, "Shut up!"

The next moment, Ba Chi wanted to shout, but found that no matter how he shouted, he couldn't make a sound!

Ba Chi was extremely angry, and then the eight tentacles flew up at the same time, sweeping forward, and there was a loud roar on the sea again, and then a huge wave appeared, sweeping forward.



Qiao Ye spoke again, and then something even weirder happened.

The huge wave was obviously coming towards the front, but at this moment it suddenly changed direction, kept retreating, and went towards Ba Chi, smashing heavily on Ba Chi's body.

Ba Chi was instantly dumbfounded, not only him, but also Qingmei.

Didn't you agree, you deal with those ink monsters, and I'll deal with Ba Chi? Why are you robbing me of my job now, and after dealing with the ink monster, you just started with Bachi?

Not only Qingmei was dumbfounded, but Rongbao was also dumbfounded.

Didn't you agree that the two of you are in charge of fighting, and I'll chop those waves so that the surrounding ships won't be affected? What's going on if the wave is pushed back right now? Can't you chop it yourself? If I split that wave, would I be considered an enemy?


Yuan Ke was not stupid, he fainted from the pain.

After being dazed for a moment, Ba Chi roared angrily, "What the hell did you do?"

After shouting, Ba Chi was taken aback for a moment, could he make a sound again?

But at this moment...


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards the front, and Ba Chi suddenly felt as if an invisible wall appeared in front of him. The huge force kept pushing and squeezing Ba Chi's body, squeezing Ba Chi's body like a hill. Push towards the rear.

Ba Chi was naturally unwilling, and the eight tentacles kept dancing and struggling, wanting to struggle out of that invisible force.



The power was so weird that no matter how much Ba Chi resisted, it was useless, and even had no slowing effect.

And this is the power of words!

One of the oldest powers in the world!

As long as you say it, it is irreversible.

However, the power of Yan Ling is obviously not permanent, but has a certain timeliness. Although Ba Chi was pushed towards the rear, it was only a distance of ten meters. The voice of freedom was restored.

However, Rongbao and Qingmei don't see it that way.

No matter what Qiao Ye did, at least on the surface, Ba Chi was suppressed. If that's the case, if he doesn't do anything now, when will he wait?

Rong Bao directly took out a treasure, which was a white jade vase.

After pointing the mouth of the bottle in the direction of Ba Chi, the white jade vase suddenly sprayed out three-color streamers of light, heading towards Ba Chi's direction, and soon turned into three-color sword lights, showing The sharpness is unparalleled, and it hits the eight chi!

And that sky...

A dragon chant instantly shattered the sky!


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