Qingmei showed her true body!

A black radiance appeared, wrapping Qingmei's body, and then...

Green eyebrows show their true body!

A black dragon 20 to 30 meters away, the dragon scales all over the body felt like jade, a pair of scarlet eyes, opened its mouth downwards, and then two wisps of black smoke overflowed from the corners of Qingmei's mouth.

"Dragon Breath!"

The next moment, Qingmei roared angrily.

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant, the black radiance condensed in Qingmei's mouth, and it continued to grow bigger, and then...


A black beam of light appeared, from top to bottom, and blasted down in the direction of Ba Chi.

The black beam of light seemed to penetrate the sky and sea completely in an instant.

Ba Chi's eyes were gloomy, looking at the green eyebrows that showed his true body, he also felt a sense of oppression, an extremely heavy feeling, and a sense of danger.

Almost instantly, Ba Chi lifted up his eight tentacles, first swung forward, smashing Rongbao's three-color sword light, and then the eight tentacles quickly mingled together, as if A huge shield stood in front of him, trying to resist Qingmei's attack.

But at this moment...


Qiao Ye spoke again, and immediately after, Ba Chi watched his tentacles disintegrate again in disbelief, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless.


The black beam of light is coming!


The black beam of light hit Ba Chi's body, and under the roaring sound, Ba Chi's body was directly torn apart, and a bloody hole was forcefully blasted out by the black beam of light.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Anger, incomparable anger!

Seeing his body being blasted through, Ba Chi roared crazily, suddenly appearing extremely manic.

"Looking for death, looking for death..." Ba Chi shouted, "You are looking for death!"

The eight tentacles soared to the sky, bringing up eight water jets, like water dragons breaking through the sea, about to rush to the sky.



Qiao Ye spoke again, and the eight dancing tentacles suddenly hovered in the air, as if the incident had stopped there.

Qiao Ye is buying time for Qingmei.

Spiritual speech is very strong, and the spiritual speech under the mutation is even stronger, but there is an extremely embarrassing aspect of spiritual speech, which is that it cannot be separated from life and death!

Right now, under the effect of the Qihuang glazed beads string, Qiao Ye's mutated speech and spirituality can even use the power of laws to stop time, but it can't directly make Ba Chi die.

Therefore, if you want to kill Ba Chi, you must have Qingmei!

Qingmei immediately began to gather black brilliance again!

After a while, the still time ended, and Ba Chi regained the ability to act, but he didn't realize that part of his time had been deprived, until the moment Ba Chi raised his head, he found that another dragon's breath from Qingmei had condensed. Only then did I realize that something was wrong.

When will the Dragon Breath of the Dragon Clan be able to burst out?


Between surprise and doubt, the black beam of light fell again, without giving Ba Chi a chance to react, and once again slammed on Ba Chi's body fiercely.

With a puff, a terrifying blood hole appeared in that huge body again, and Ba Chi's body was penetrated by a black beam of light.


"It's useless, it's useless at all." Ba Chi roared loudly: "It's useless no matter how many times you come again, this injury is nothing to me at all!"

While Ba Chi was roaring, the bloody hole on his body was constantly wriggling, and soon, with the wriggling of the fleshy flesh, the bloody hole was filled again, and in the blink of an eye, the injury recovered as before. , not even the slightest bit of wound could be seen.

Qingmei's eyes were gloomy, and she even felt a trace of fear after a long absence.

This kind of regenerative ability is really terrible. It is obviously a terrible injury, and it has already pierced Ba Chi's body directly, but it is meaningless at all. It only takes a moment, and the injury has already recovered.

With this level of regenerative ability, how can people kill them?

It is almost impossible to see the possibility of killing Ba Chi!

And at this moment...

"What? Don't you want to continue?" Ba Chi raised his head and roared angrily, "If you don't plan to continue, then it's my turn. I'll show you what doomsday is."

Ba Chi's tentacles were raised again, while Qiao Ye continued to speak, "Push!"

That invisible force appeared in front of Ba Chi again, constantly pushing Ba Chi's body, trying to push Ba Chi back.

That is the power of Spirit Words, it should be an irresistible force, but...

This time...

Ba Chi resisted!

The impetus created by the word spirit technique was not able to push Ba Chi's body away.

"Hahahahahaha..." Ba Chi couldn't help laughing, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You've almost reached your limit!"

Qiao Ye frowned, but did not respond to Ba Chi.

When using Spiritual Words, it's best to speak less, and don't speak if you can, otherwise something will happen!

Because, no matter what you say, corresponding things may happen. In terms of the effect of spiritual art, it is not necessarily for the enemy, and sometimes it will also have a corresponding effect for yourself.

Besides, the reason why Qiao Ye didn't respond was...

Bachi was right!

At this moment, Qiao Ye's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. Although Qiao Ye's mental power was strong enough, Qiao Ye's divine power was also strong enough, but at this moment, he still felt strenuous.

The spirit speech technique strengthened by the Qihuang glazed bead string consumes too much, crazily extracting his divine power, and Qiao Ye begins to feel tired.

The most important thing is that this kind of exhaustion is not physical, but spiritual.

Physical exhaustion is easy to solve, and it can be solved after breaking the cocoon with a concentrated heart. However, no medicine can restore mental exhaustion. The only way to heal the spirit is time.

And Qiao Ye's non-response naturally made Ba Chi even more rampant. After forcibly resisting the pushing force, the eight tentacles were lifted up again.

"Prepare to die!"

Bachi roared angrily, but at this moment...


A voice suddenly sounded in Ba Chi's ear.

Ba Chi was taken aback by this sudden voice, and then said, "Yintu?"

"Yes!" The voice said again: "It's time to retreat."

Ba Chi said angrily: "Why? I could kill this group of guys right away, but you let me retreat?"

"My lord's order!" Yintu said, "Retreat now."

Ba Chi dissatisfied: "I only need half an hour."

"There is no time." The voice said: "The master's layout in the Hundred Yuan Sea has been completed, and the spread of the Kuroshio does not need to be suppressed. Within three days, this place will be closed, so we should leave here Now, go back to the world of Primordial Void, so, you can figure it out, if you plan to stay here forever, just keep fighting with them."


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