When Qiao Ye was wondering, everyone had already boarded the boat and headed out of the port.

Seeing Qiao Ye in a daze, Rong Bao couldn't help urging, "What are you doing in a daze? Let's go, we're entering the city."

Qiao Ye came back to her senses and jumped onto the boat.

The boat moved forward along the waterway, and Qiao Ye kept looking at everything around him. The scenery along the way from the port to Hongshan City was exactly the same as what Qiao Ye had seen.

Until the city wall of Hongshan City appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes, Qiao Ye could almost conclude that Hongshan City was the empty city he had seen yesterday.

However, the word empty city is not suitable to describe this city right now.

The city tower was full of guards, and there were many people waiting in line to enter the city at the front gate. Ships go into it.

After entering the city from the waterway, Qiao Ye and the others quickly found Tongbaozhai. After all, it was a well-known and time-honored brand, and it was easy to know the location of Tongbaozhai with an open mouth.

"Call out your shopkeeper..." After entering Tongbaozhai, Rong Bao started to scream, yelling at the clerk, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Forget it, let Qin Su come to see me directly."

The clerk in the store had a bewildered expression, but the meaning of that expression was very clear - who is this girl?

Rong Bao also seemed to realize that he was sloppy. He took out a wooden sign from the space treasure, and privately sealed it with one party: "Give it to Qin Su, and he will naturally know who I am."

The man took the things and looked at them, and was startled. Although he didn't know the Rong Bao, the man still knew the Rong family's private seal and token.

"Everyone wait a moment."

The man took the things and hurriedly ran to the backyard.

Rong Bao found a place to sit down by himself and said, "That Qin Su is the son of our Rong family's outer door steward. He is half of our own family. The guys and shopkeepers here may not know me, but Qin Su must know me." Mine, he has to go back to Rong’s house to report on his work every year, and at the same time, he manages the caravan on the Hundred Yuan Sea side, and he is in Hongshan City all the year round.”

Qiao Ye didn't speak, but looked around.

The scale of this Tongbaozhai is huge, much larger than the ones Qiao Ye has seen in Duanliujietian. It is a small building with a total of six floors. It is quite large, and you can see it on just one floor. , there are not many customers, but there are not too few people coming in and out. You must know that this Tongbaozhai mainly sells all kinds of treasures, not groceries, and there are no such things as elixir and spiritual materials. Therefore, Normally speaking, it is not uncommon to not see people for a day, but with such a flow of passengers, it is considered quite good.

At this time, a man in his thirties, wearing a blue long coat, came out from the back hall, hurriedly greeted Rong Bao and said, "Master, why bother you to come over in person for some trivial matters?"

"Ah?" Rong Bao wondered, "What's a little thing?"

Isn't it us who have something to do?

Qin Su said, "Young Master, didn't you come here because of your faith?"

Rong Bao was even more puzzled: "What letter?"

Qiao Ye said: "Can't you talk about your own affairs separately first? It will make things clearer."

Rong Bao nodded and said, "Tell me first, what letter?"

Qin Su scratched her head and said, "About a month or so ago, something happened in the Hundred Yuan Sea. One of our merchant ships was missing, maybe it was robbed, but it was just a small cargo ship, and it didn't carry any treasures. It is some supplies for ordinary businessmen. The most expensive thing may be the ship, but no matter what, it still needs to be reported. However, the summons cannot be sent out, so I wrote a letter by hand It was sent back by the master of Xinniaolou, but there was news a while ago that the master of Xinniaolou disappeared, and there was no one alive or dead."

Qiao Ye and the others looked at each other, and it was not difficult to understand what Qin Su said. After listening to it once, they could probably understand what was going on. As for Qin Su's question, Qiao Ye and the others could actually answer it, because...

Right now it is impossible to escape from the sea of ​​a hundred yuan into the primordial void, so why are you still thinking of sending a message? Naturally, it is even more impossible!

Or, to be more direct, the Sea of ​​Hundred Yuan is now closed like a prison.

However, some people found some clues, some people didn't know it at all, and some people like Qin Su didn't care much even if they found some weird things.

The reason is very simple. Sending messages across the void is not an easy task. Even a powerful force like Baozhai has such ability, but even if it has such ability, it is not guaranteed to be successful. things.

The so-called Xinniao Tower is actually a well-known force in the Primordial Void. Their business is to raise a group of masters who are capable of crossing the Primordial Void, and help people deliver letters.

As for why life and death are unknown, it's hard to say, but it's definitely impossible to leave the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan now, and it's hard to say whether that person forced his way and caused the murder.

Rong Bao said: "Your matter is not important, isn't it just a cargo ship, if it is gone, it will be gone."

Qiao Ye said: "It may not be unimportant."

Rong Bao said: "What?"

Qiao Ye said: "Not everyone dares to rob the boat of you and Baozhai, right?"

Rong Bao showed a dazed expression and said, "A corpse?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Qin Su asked curiously, "Are you talking about the living dead?"

Rong Bao said, "What living dead?"

Qin Su said: "It's the corpse monster. I don't know when it started. Suddenly, there are more of these things in the hundred yuan sea. Some people come back from the dead and attack others. At the beginning, they were only seen occasionally, but recently the number seems to be I’ve gotten more, and I’ve paid some attention.”

"Just pay attention." Rong Bao's eyes lit up and said: "You arrange a room for us first, and then come to me. I have something to tell you about those corpse monsters. You need to help collect some information."

Qin Su nodded and said, "Okay, everyone, please follow me."

Qin Su is the kind of person who can do things, there is no unnecessary nonsense, what Rong Bao says is what he says, he doesn't even ask about the identities of Qiao Ye and the others, he directly leads people into the back hall, and arranges for Qiao Ye and the others to come Good wing.

Rong Bao said: "I'll go talk to this kid first, we'll discuss after we're done."

"Well, let's go!" Qiao Ye nodded, watched Rong Bao leave, and then said to the others: "There is something wrong with Hongshan City."

Qingmei wondered: "What?"

Qiao Ye said: "Go to my room first, sit down and talk."

After several people entered the room, Qiao Ye told everyone what he saw while meditating.

"Although there is nothing to do right now..." Qiao Ye said in a deep voice, "But you have seen the power of Shiyuan fragments before, so I don't need to emphasize too much, right?"


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