In fact, predicting the future has always been a matter of gods and gods.

It is said that the Wu clan is relatively good at this matter, but generally speaking, it is also the kind that must be believed and cannot be fully believed.

However, as soon as Qiao Ye mentioned the Shiyuan fragments, no one dared to neglect him.

The power of the Shiyuan Fragment is a bit scary, and other people have seen it before. One of the main reasons is that it can be "seeed" directly.

The general prediction of the future is to give some predictions. To put it bluntly, it is impossible to predict the future. This kind of future prediction is not useless, but even if you don’t consider whether the prediction is accurate, it is very difficult to judge.

However, the source fragments contain the power of the law of reincarnation, which can be seen in past and present lives.

To be precise, if Qiao Ye could grasp the power of the law of reincarnation, it would not be called predicting the future, but seeing the future!

There is still a big difference between the two.

Yizhuo said in a deep voice, "It's just that there is no one? No other clues?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "Although I see the future, it's actually not that accurate. It's hard to tell if there is no beginning or end. Maybe it's because I haven't been able to grasp the law of reincarnation, or it may be that the fragments of Shiyuan are not complete. Then, reincarnation The power of the law is not complete, maybe I have not fully grasped the law of reincarnation."

Yizhuo nodded and said, "This is indeed the case."

Qiao Ye said: "As far as the current limited clues are concerned, I don't know the future I see, the exact time, and the location can actually be known if there are obvious landmarks, and Hongshan City will not Wrong, what I saw then is exactly the same as what I see now."

Xiefeng said: "However, this description doesn't seem like a zombie attack, nor like those evil beasts. People disappeared? No traces of battle? An empty city? This matter has to be considered in two parts. There are corpses even if they are gone, but if they are absolutely powerful, then it is not impossible to have no bones left, but the problem is that there are no traces of battle, which is incredible. "

"If there is no battle, there will be no trace." Qingmei said: "Could something happen to make the people in the city leave?"

Qiao Ye said: "In a city, there is no living person?"

Qingmei spread her hands.

This matter is indeed unbelievable, but what Qingmei said is not impossible.

Qiao Ye said: "Anyway, that's what it is. You need to pay attention to it. For other things, it's up to Rong Bao. I hope that I can use Tong Baozhai's influence to get some convenience. The first thing is to stop the Kuroshio, and the second is to stop the black tide." The most important thing is to at least be able to leave the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan."

Even if Qiao Ye didn't want to admit it, she was pessimistic about the so-called Kuroshio from the bottom of her heart.

Just like the two worlds of gods and demons destroyed by evil beasts, if it is really a general trend, it is not so easy to stop. More precisely, Qiao Ye and the others cannot be stopped.

Taking this opportunity to think about it again, the reason why Jiang Liuxue threw people into the Hundred Yuan Sea is not clear, but people can still see some clues since the ban cut off the Hundred Yuan Sea.

The Kuroshio may not be unstoppable, but it cannot be stopped by those who rely on the hundred yuan sea alone.

The Evil Beast and the Kuroshio are all terrifying forces capable of destroying a large star.

However, what if you gather the power of the Hongmeng world?

In fact, it is not impossible to prevent the destruction of a big star.

Therefore, Qiao Ye felt that the purpose of blocking the Hundred Yuan Sea was very clear, that is, to prevent this matter from spreading. At that time, when it was found that there was an abnormality in the Hundred Yuan Sea and it was impossible to enter and exit, maybe the Kuroshio It has swept through the entire hundred yuan sea, and it is hopeless.

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Ye had to think of the saying that manpower cannot do anything.

If the Kuroshio didn't come, there should still be a possibility to stop it, but if it does come, it's really not something that one or two experts can resist, let alone Qiao Ye and others, the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan is not without Ning Xin Qingyi and Wuwang Dao are extremely strong, but I am afraid they will be useless at that time.

But, if you think about it carefully, hasn't the damn Kuroshio come yet? So, it seems there is still a chance...

"Hey, hello..."

At this time, Xiefeng's voice entered Qiao Ye's ears.

Xiao Ji raised her hand and gently pushed Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye recovered and said, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you?" Xiefeng said speechlessly: "Isn't this talking about the empty city? You suddenly lost your mind."

Qiao Ye said embarrassedly, "Sorry."

Qingmei knocked on the table and said: "When you were distracted, let's briefly talk about the current situation. I'm afraid the most important thing is to see what surprises Rongbao can bring us. From the current point of view, it is not completely unstoppable." hope."

Yizhuo nodded and said: "According to the legend left by Zuwu, the earliest Kuroshio was controllable. If we think about it in this way, the Kuroshio didn't get out of control from the very beginning, nor was it so powerful at the beginning. Yes, so there is a possibility to stop the Kuroshio before it erupts."

Qingmei continued: "So, we need to see what information Rongbao can bring us, and secondly, we need to pay special attention to what you said. After all, the future seen by using the law of reincarnation has all happened so far."

Xiefeng said: "It will definitely take some time for Rongbao to collect information. I think we can visit Hongshan City during this time to see if we find anything."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

Qingmei said: "Don't agree so quickly, you are the most important."

Qiao Ye said, "What's wrong with me?"

Qingmei said: "I learned something from Liang Tieguai. The fragments of Shiyuan contain the power of the law of reincarnation. The law of reincarnation is one of the powers of the highest laws in the world. It’s different, it’s the earliest law of reincarnation that was born in this world when the world first opened and the chaos faded away. From this point of view, it’s natural to snatch the Shiyuan fragments, but the opponent’s goal is so clear, it’s hard to say Does the appearance of the source fragments have anything to do with the Kuroshio?"

Xiefeng said: "So, we need to know if there are any other fragments of Siyuan, and we need to hold them in our hands, because this matter is actually very simple, the other party either needs the fragments of Siyuan, or is afraid of them. Fragments, therefore, as long as we get the source fragments, we will have an advantage."

Qingmei said: "Secondly, the law of reincarnation to see the future is actually very useful. You have to try to master the power of the law, which may bring us more clues. For example, if you can directly see Hongshan City Why do people disappear, wouldn't it be more convenient?"


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