Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2021 Humanoid Outline

Qiao Ye watched the other party approaching, without any nonsense, and walked forward in the same stride.

With no intention of avoiding it, Qiao Ye wanted to see what the human-shaped silhouette formed by the black mist was.

Dang clang, clang clang!

The huge black halberd was dragged to the ground by Qiao Ye, and as Qiao Ye walked forward, the blade of the halberd dragged across the ground, releasing golden sparks.

Soon, Qiao Ye and the human silhouette met in the middle of the street, and before the opponent raised the knife, Qiao Ye swept forward with a halberd.

Because a knife is smarter than a halberd, but a halberd is longer than a knife!

Qiao Ye swung the halberd round and swept it forward, but the human silhouette could only resist in embarrassment.


The moment the weapons intersected, there was a crisp collision sound, and immediately after, the humanoid silhouette stepped back several steps.


Qiao Ye showed a bit of confusion, this thing doesn't seem to be very strong.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, he jumped forward again, and the black halberd in his hand pointed forward, directly hitting the blade of the long knife in the human silhouette's hand.

next moment...

With a twist of Qiao Ye's wrist, the halberd shaft spun.

Using the rotation, the long knife instantly broke into two pieces, and the halberd blade passed through the chest of the human silhouette, piercing the opponent's body.

However, the silhouette of the human figure is a body made of condensed smoke. It is impossible to know the pain at all. After being pierced by Qiao Ye with a halberd, he strode forward. After approaching Qiao Ye, he raised the broken knife and slashed !

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely quick, she stretched out her hand, clasped and grabbed the blade, and then swiped the big halberd in her hand towards the side, the silhouette of the human figure was shattered and scattered in all directions.

Not evil beasts, not corpse monsters.

After Qiao Ye killed the human-shaped silhouette, he didn't absorb any martial soul value, which made Qiao Ye babble, this thing looked a little weird.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye walked forward, came to the man who had been beheaded before, sized him up, and tried to confirm the identity of the man from his clothes or some obvious features, but unfortunately it was fruitless , looks like it might be an ordinary Hongshan City resident.

In fact, the residents of Hongshan City are indeed being slaughtered.

Qiao Ye could hear the shouts of killing. Looking up, the whole city could be seen with flames everywhere. Anyone with eyes could tell that the city was suffering disaster.

And at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt something, and thrust the black halberd towards the ground, and slowly turned around.

On the street, there were clouds of fog floating everywhere. After breaking out of Tongbaozhai, Qiao Ye noticed that there was something obviously wrong with those clouds of fog right now.

Continuously condensing and transforming into human silhouettes.

Those human outlines quickly gathered around Qiao Ye, and picked up the weapon from the ground.


Qiao Ye grinned, it seemed that this matter was not so easy to solve.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she turned the black halberd in her hand sideways.



Qiao Ye stepped on the ground fiercely, crushing the ground, and then turned into an afterimage, rushing forward.

After the previous confrontation, Qiao Ye didn't pay much attention to these outlines of human nature, because they were not very strong, and Qiao Ye was sure that he could easily deal with them.

And that was indeed the case. The moment Qiao Ye passed by the two human silhouettes, the two human silhouettes didn't even have a chance to react, they were split apart and turned back into smoke.

Qiao Ye stopped abruptly. Facing the silhouette of people surrounding her, she twisted her ankle suddenly, and her body spun like a spinning top.

The black halberd swung in a circle towards the surroundings, swinging a circle of black halberd arcs, and the human silhouettes that had just gathered around were chopped into pieces in an instant.

Qiao Ye stopped, turned around, and planned to leave with a halberd, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt a strong wind appear behind her.

Qiao Ye quickly moved away...

next moment...


A loud bang suddenly sounded, and a sword energy swept past Qiao Ye's side, hit the side room, and knocked down the wall of the room.


Qiao Ye turned around and looked behind her.

"There is still one missing?"

Qiao Ye looked in front of him, and there was a human silhouette standing in front of him, holding a sword in his hand, which looked no different from other human silhouettes.

However, Qiao Ye could feel a slight difference.

That humanoid silhouette seems stronger!

Qiao Ye didn't remember that he missed the outline of the human figure. At that moment, his attack should have covered all the outlines of the human figure.

So, if there is another possibility not missed...

The other party avoided it!

Qiao Ye slowly paced sideways, the black halberd in his hand was dropped and dragged on the ground.


Qiao Ye's eyes flashed brightly, and then Qiao Ye threw the black halberd in his hand, heading towards the other party.

The silhouette of the human figure was not in a hurry, behind the side of the body, he attached the sword to the pole of the halberd, and between the friction of the weapon, golden sparks swayed continuously.

Qiao Ye's figure moved, using the black smoke to move, and suddenly appeared in front of the opponent. He grabbed the black halberd that was flying forward, and then smashed it forward with all his strength.


There was a crisp chirping sound, and then the long sword in the opponent's hand broke.

The sword was just picked up from the side of the road, so it is not a good thing, so it is normal that it is so vulnerable.

Looking at the broken sword, the humanoid silhouette resolutely abandoned the sword, jumped backwards, and after somersaulting in the air, propped up the ground with one palm to borrow strength, and then jumped up again.

After landing, the human silhouette quickly picked up a new sword, and then swept it forward.

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!

The human silhouette seems to be a master sword wielder, sweeping out the sword continuously, each sword will bring out a sharp sword energy and attack Qiao Ye's direction, pointing at Qiao Ye's head, chest, and lower three The road is quite delicate, and it is difficult to dodge.


One force down ten will!


Qiao Ye let out an angry roar, raised it high, and raised the black halberd to slash forward.

With one move, he slashed Huashan, and the moment the halberd blade hit the ground, it shattered the ground, and a circle of fluctuations appeared, like ripples, shattering the flying sword energy.

After a while, after the smoke and dust disappeared, Qiao Ye slowly stood up straight again.

If Qiao Ye was just suspicious before, then Qiao Ye is sure now that this thing in front of him is indeed much stronger than other human silhouettes.

"So..." Qiao Ye showed doubts and said, "Are you some kind of creature?"


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