Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2022 Giant Silhouette

If it is just some kind of object, or something made by some means, then it is not a living thing, but a dead thing. Usually, there is no distinction between strength and weakness of this kind of thing, as if it is constantly reproduced. Same as mass-produced items.

But if it is a living being, it is another matter.

No matter what race it is, as long as it is a living being, it will have the characteristics of individualization, that is, each one is a unique existence, whether it is external or internal, there are differences, so if it is a living being, it is impossible to be exactly the same. It also includes strength.

Unfortunately, the human silhouette standing opposite Qiao Ye didn't seem to be able to speak, so he couldn't answer Qiao Ye's question.

Or, the other party's answer is...


The humanoid silhouette beckoned the immortal to guide the way, and then a sword energy flew forward again.

Qiao Ye didn't back down, but advanced instead of retreating, and leaped forward. With a flick of the black halberd in his hand, the sword energy was shaken away.

However, at the moment when the sword energy was shaken away, Qiao Ye's pupils shrank!

Behind that sword energy, there is actually a hidden sword energy.

Qiao Ye quickly raised her palm to block in front of the sword energy, her whole body glowing with golden light.

The next moment, the sword energy blasted into Qiao Ye's palm, and the huge force pushed Qiao Ye backwards. After four or five meters, Qiao Ye stabilized his figure.

With a sharp force, Qiao Ye shattered the sword energy. Looking at the silhouette of the human figure, he lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "It seems interesting!"

That humanoid silhouette is not only stronger than other humanoid silhouettes, but also not a little bit stronger, it is completely the difference between the gods and the gods, and it looks like a master who is good at swordsmanship.

But after the sword still missed, the humanoid silhouette shot out the sword again, and a new sword energy pointed directly at Qiao Ye.

On Qiao Ye's side, the moment the opponent raised his sword, his figure flashed, and he moved through the space through the black smoke. The figure flickered, leaving only a residual film.

In an instant, the sword energy was flying freely!

The silhouette of the human figure cut out the sword energy quickly, and went in all directions, trying to catch up with Qiao Ye, but although the speed of the sword energy was very fast, it was always a little bit behind, or it would pass by Qiao Ye, Either it hit the afterimage of Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a constant sound of things exploding all around.

The sword energy hit the ground, the ground exploded, hit the house, the house collapsed, and the sword energy swept across one by one, looming in the air, showing very gorgeous.

But, at this moment...

Qiao Ye dodged again, and suddenly came behind the other party.

"Your sword is very powerful, but you can't hit it!"

Hearing Qiao Ye's voice, the human figure turned around suddenly, raised his sword and swept it backwards, and then...

The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing suddenly sounded, and Qiao Ye suddenly reached out, grabbed the sword in his hand, and used the nine-turn golden body to forcefully grab the sword.


Hands up and down!

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, and slammed it down toward the front, splitting the human-shaped body with a halberd.

The silhouette of the human figure that was split in half seemed to struggle a bit, but in the end it turned into a cloud of mist again and disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, watched the fog disappear, and then quickly left towards the front.


Walking along the street, Qiao Ye saw corpses densely packed one by one, falling on the street everywhere they passed.

Judging by the way those corpses were dressed, they should all be residents of Hongshan City.

Qiao Ye even saw people he knew in it.

A fat man in a flowered silk robe, with a black felt hat on his head, was the shopkeeper of a tea shop on the street. Qiao Ye went there to drink tea and had a few conversations with the other party. The other party knew that Qiao Ye After living in Tongbaozhai, he treated himself as a distinguished guest of Tongbaozhai, and graciously gave Qiao Ye two pots of tea.

But now, the shopkeeper with the fat man was lying on the ground, his abdomen was cut open by a sharp weapon, and even the internal organs fell out, and he died extremely miserable.


The fat shopkeeper's body made Qiao Ye pause for a while, then took a deep breath, looking at the fire in front of him, Qiao Ye fell into confusion and anxiety.

what's the problem?

It doesn't seem to be an attack by a beast, nor is it an attack by a corpse monster. What is the black-gray fog that lingers around?

Qiao Ye looked up, and the sky had been completely shrouded in black-gray fog.

It felt extremely weird, like a huge prison descended on Hongshan City, trapping the whole city in it, and, as if there was something sitting on top of the black mist, looking down at everything .

And when Qiao Ye was distracted...


Suddenly there was a loud noise!

Qiao Ye was attracted by the loud noise, and then looked forward.

In the distance, the mist is constantly surging, like a wave, rolling up, rolling and condensing together, and then rising into the sky, like a huge tsunami, majestic and spectacular.


The black-gray mist rising into the sky began to transform into a human silhouette.

It's just that the silhouette of this human figure is really huge, which is not comparable to those that Qiao Ye saw before. It is as high as 100 meters. Even the normal human silhouette has no eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the giant human silhouette There are also three circular cutouts on the face, which seem to symbolize the eyes and mouth.

In the next moment, the giant humanoid silhouette raised its arms, gathered its two huge palms, and moved towards a six-story building, as if it wanted to crush the building to pieces.

Take a closer look, there is a person standing on the roof of the pavilion!

a woman!

The woman was dressed in white and seemed to be a bit older. Although her face was quite beautiful, she couldn't hide some fine lines on her face. She was holding a long sword in her hand, which looked longer than ordinary swords. The white scabbard, The white hilt, even the tassel hanging on the hilt is white, and the scabbard has brushed lines, which looks extremely beautiful.

Qiao Ye didn't know the woman, but he knew the sword.

It was a famous sword called Tingyu Sword. The brushed pattern on the scabbard was actually the expression of rain.

This sword is one of the three major swords in the Bashan Dojo!

And the owner of this sword is called Xia Xuelian!

Her senior brother is now the owner of the Bashan Dojo!



With Xia Xuelian drawing the sword, there was a crisp sound of sword cries, and then a silver sword light shot up into the sky, carrying a slight chill, and after it exploded in the air, it was like rain.

This sword is Xia Xuelian's signature, so everyone calls her...

Bashan Yujian!


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