Boom, boom, boom!

Xia Xuelian's attack was quite ferocious, and the rain of swords fell, and the surrounding houses fell down crazily like cutting leeks.

The ground made a loud roar and collapsed directly downward.

Almost instantly, within half a mile radius, a huge deep pit was formed, seven or eight meters deep, and everything around it was annihilated into ashes, turning into a large area of ​​ruins.

The huge human-shaped outline was continuously pierced by Jian Yu, and the body was continuously broken, and soon, it turned into a large piece of floating mist!

Although Qiao Ye was far away, he still stabbed the black halberd into the ground and stabilized his body. The aftermath of that sword even made the ground on Qiao Ye's side tremble.


That humanoid silhouette is not dead!

When Xia Xuelian withdrew her sword and wanted to leave the place, the huge human figure slowly healed and condensed again, and then swung her huge fist forward.


There was a loud bang.

In that area, after the sword rain, there was only the attic where Xia Xuelian was standing, but now the attic is gone.

The broken attic was scattered like torn pieces of paper.

Xia Xuelian jumped up, her body whirled in the air, and landed gracefully on the ground.

When she raised her head again, Xia Xuelian's eyes became more cautious and less contemptuous. The guy in front of her seemed to be more difficult to deal with than she imagined.

The next moment, Xia Xuelian yelled angrily, holding her sword soaring into the sky, turning into a huge sword light and rushing up to the sky, while the humanoid silhouette raised its fist and slammed it down again.

The violent collision sounded again, and the surrounding area shook.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath without any hesitation, and ran straight ahead, intending to move closer to Xia Xuelian.

Xia Xuelian definitely has thighs, one of the most powerful people in Hongshan City, the current situation is unknown, if she has thighs, she should still be hugged.

Secondly, a big boss like Xia Xuelian might be able to understand the current situation, at least better than her current random rush.


It didn't seem so easy for Qiao Ye to move forward.

After jumping over the roof continuously, when they came to the end of the street, a group of people fought normally, one side was still those human silhouettes, and the other side was the soldiers guarding the mansion.

Undoubtedly, Qiao Ye was involved again.

The surrounding fog immediately turned into a human silhouette, approaching Qiao Ye, one left and one right towards Qiao Ye.

With the lessons learned from the past, Qiao Ye did not dare to be too negligent.

The strength of these humanoid silhouettes varies, not all of them are weak, and some of them are powerful, which cannot be easily solved. If they are too careless, they may be right.

However, the silhouettes of the two figures approaching Qiao Ye were not strong. The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept across, easily knocking the opponent's weapon into the air. It is easy to split the two humanoid silhouettes.

Leaping again, to the roof in front, Qiao Ye looked down at the guarding soldiers below, and said in a low voice, "Get out of the way!"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, the aura on his body began to surge wildly.

The soldiers understood clearly in their hearts, and immediately tried their best to retreat towards the rear, breaking away from the entanglement of the human silhouettes, and distanced themselves from those human silhouettes.

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Qiao Ye held the black halberd upside down in mid-air, and raised her palm forward.

With Qiao Ye's palm raised, the sky was instantly filled with wind and clouds.

The color of the surrounding world changed, and suddenly dark clouds appeared.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind blowing around!

The power of one palm changes the world!

The next moment, the sun and the moon flow!

A small moon and a small sun appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

The sun and moon whirled continuously in Qiao Ye's palm, and then Qiao Ye sent the sun and moon towards the sky.

Two rays of light, one red and one white, appeared and scattered in the air.

A bright moon!

One day!

After one palm, the sun and the moon are in the sky!


Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and then the sunlight and moonlight intertwined into a brilliance, which was extraordinarily bright and dazzling under the dark sky, blasting downwards, covering all directions.


The moment the human silhouette was enveloped by the brilliance, the body twisted crazily, struggled and twitched, and then completely disappeared in the sky under the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

Even after the body shattered and dissipated, there wasn't even a cloud of fog left behind, which was completely dispersed by Qiao Ye's palm.

After solving the silhouettes of those figures, Qiao Ye jumped down from the roof, looked at the soldiers and said, "The man who guards the mansion?"

A man with a big beard stepped forward, cupped his fists and said, "I am their team leader, named Liang Tian, ​​thank you for your help."

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "There's no need to talk about useless nonsense, do you know what's going on right now?"

Liang Tian thought for a while, and said with a wry smile: "I know a little about the current situation, but I don't know what's going on, please, I'm not sure."

"Talk as much as you want." Qiao Ye looked ahead and said, "I'm going to find Xia Xuelian, come together?"

Without any hesitation, Liang Tian said directly, "Okay."

Qiao Ye was about to run to hug Xia Xuelian's thigh, but in the eyes of these soldiers, Qiao Ye was actually considered a thigh.

Qiao Ye waved his hand and continued to move forward.

Liang Tian immediately led people to follow.

There are seven people in total, less than a team. However, these soldiers guarding the mansion are of high standard. Right now, Hongshan City is in chaos, but there is not much panic on their faces. They are very calm, and when they follow Qiao Ye, the first Time opened up its posture and was vigilant about its surroundings.

Liang Tian came to about half a meter behind Qiao Ye, stopped deliberately, and followed Qiao Ye.

This is a kind of humility, but it can also be seen that Liang Tian has a high quality and a strong military temperament, because when talking to his superiors, he usually keeps such a distance, saying that humility is just a show, and more importantly, etiquette Follow discipline.

Liang Tianbian stepped aside and said, "We don't know how the city became like this. We only know that there is a huge black ball."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Black ball?"

"I can't see it now." Liang Tiandao: "The diameter is about three meters, floating in the sky, it looks a bit weird, the surface of the black sphere is wriggling like mud, but, from the surface, the black sphere is more like It was formed by the condensed brilliance, and immediately after, we received an order to enter a state of combat alert, ready to fight hard."


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