Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 207 Fighting, life-and-death struggle

Chapter 207 Fighting, life-and-death struggle

"Shenwei Dojo, Qian Tongshu, the fifth level of Wukuang Realm!" The young man proudly clasped his fists and said, "I haven't asked for advice!"

"Qiao Ye!" Qiao Ye grinned, then threw Yang Huan's knife to the ground, and said with a smile, "I heard that this is a gambling arena, so I'll bet on this, what do you think?"

"Junior Brother Yang's knife..." Qian Tongshu opened his eyes wide and said, "Are you Qiao Ye?"

"It's guaranteed to be fake!" Qiao Ye said with a smile, "Will you take this one?"

Qian Tongshu said in a deep voice, "Where is Junior Brother Yang?"

Qiao Ye said: "The knife is here, where do you think the man is? Naturally, he reported to Lord Yan."

Qian Tongshu's expression changed immediately, showing anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you kill people from our Shenwei Dojo!"

"Ridiculous!" Qiao Ye said contemptuously: "You Shenwei Daoist sent someone to kill me, should I help you sharpen the knife, then lay down on the table, waiting for you to kill me? Stop talking nonsense, I will ask you now Do you dare to accept this challenge?"

Qian Tongshu licked the corner of his mouth, remembering Yan Beixing's promise.

Cultivation techniques, treasures, elixir, and even because of this, they may be on the lap of the Four Great Spears Dongfang Yao. From then on, the future is bright.

In addition to anger, Qian Tongshu's eyes gradually showed a hint of greed. As long as he killed Qiao Ye, these things would be his own!

"Okay, I'll take it!" Qian Tongshu stretched out his hand fiercely, and a purple-gold long spear flew from the edge of the ring. Holding Qian Tongshu in his hand, he threw it towards the ring and said, "The seventh-grade treasure, the Purple Star Spear, I With this gamble, life and death fight, if you don't die, you won't be beaten, Qiao Ye, dare you?"

Qian Tongshu's eyes were full of killing intent, and he greedily stretched out his tongue to lick his lips.

Kill Qiao Ye...

Just kill Qiao Ye!

Everything is at your fingertips!

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth, then stretched out her palm, and hooked her fingers in the direction of Qian Tongshu.


With a flick of his legs, Qian Tongshu leaped forward, like a predatory beast, with a touch of the Zichen gun in his hand, the gun's light suddenly appeared, like thousands of pear trees blooming!

"Qiao Ye..." Qian Tongshu roared: "Offend our master, offend our Shenwei Dojo, you will only die, and I have to thank you, I will send my head to the door!"

Qiao Ye stretched out his palm expressionlessly, his nails ran across his fingers, and a drop of blood dripped from Qiao Ye's fingertips.

A hundred battle blood techniques, a dazzling style!

Almost instantly, the drop of blood burst open suddenly, turning into bits and pieces of red light, sweeping away in all directions, directly piercing into the gun light.

next moment...

Qiao Ye pulled her hand violently, and countless blood lines appeared, criss-crossing in the spear pierced by Qian Tongshu.

Hundred battle blood techniques, two beheadings!

With a bang, along with the stretching of those blood lines, Qian Tongshu's spear light was instantly shattered and completely disintegrated.

A look of astonishment appeared on Qian Tongshu's face, his spear skills were so easily neutralized?

Moreover, that martial art uses blood as a medium, which is completely unheard of, never heard of, what is the origin?

Qian Tongshu was distracted for a moment, and then, because of this moment of distraction, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly flashed forward, and suddenly appeared in front of Qian Tongshu.

Qiao Ye raised her hand abruptly, grabbed Qian Tongshu's head, and threw him to the ground.


The bluestone bricks on the arena were smashed to pieces in an instant, but Qiao Ye obviously didn't intend to let Qian Tongshu go, bowed directly and ran forward quickly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Qian Tongshu's body was dragged on the ground by Qiao Ye, and the bricks on the ring shattered one by one, and then Qiao Ye threw Qian Tongshu forward with a sudden force.


Qian Tongshu fell to the ground, and his body kept rolling on the ring.

After a while, Qian Tongshu got up from the ground, but his face was already covered with blood. Naturally, the expression on his face became more ferocious, and he looked at Qiao Ye viciously.

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Shenwei Dojo, that's all!"

Qian Tongshu got up from the ground, and said in a low voice, "Don't be too happy."

While talking, Qian Tongshu slammed the Zichen Spear towards the ground!

"Wuhun!" Qian Tongshu growled, "Brute force owl beast!"

An eighth-grade imperial level martial soul, a brute force owl beast!

The Brute Owl Beast is a summoning type martial spirit. With Qian Tongshu's gunshot hitting the ground, a yellow-brown light appeared in front of him, and then a giant beast three to four meters high stepped out.

The owl beast looks like a black bear, but its four claws are dragon claws, and it has an eagle head. It is a fierce beast that existed in ancient times. It looks very violent. After it appeared, it rushed towards Qiao Ye with big strides. come over.

"Wuhun!" Qiao Ye yelled softly, "The Heavenly Demon is Dazzling!"


Accompanied by the black smoke, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it. The black Fang Tian painted halberd appeared in his hand, facing the owl beast. One arm was chopped off by Qiao Ye.

But, in the next moment...

With a puff, viscous liquid flowed from the owlbeast's wound, and then a new arm grew back, and it slammed down on Qiao Ye!

Qiao Ye immediately jumped up, and then, there was a cracking sound, and the ground was smashed into pieces, and half of the ring collapsed.

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, she had such a strong ability to regenerate.

However, even if that owl beast is hard to kill...

Qiao Ye looked sideways at Qian Tongshu, twisted his waist in mid-air, raised the black halberd and threw it towards Qian Tongshu.

Since that owl beast is hard to kill, then kill Qian Tongshu!

But at this moment...

Qian Tongshu suddenly gave a ferocious smile, and said in a low voice, "Symbiosis!"


The black halberd was nailed into Qian Tongshu's chest, and with one halberd he flew Qian Tongshu out. After a blood hole was opened in Qian Tongshu's chest, he nailed Qian Tongshu to death on the ring.


Qiao Ye fell back to the ground, frowning slightly!

There was no hint of defeat, moreover, the moonkin still existed and did not just disappear.

In the next moment, Qian Tongshu's body suddenly twisted, and then he grabbed the halberd shaft and pulled out the black halberd forcefully.

A blood hole appeared in the owl beast's chest, and then recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the wound on Qian Tongshu's body, which was pierced by Qiao Ye, quickly returned to its original state.

Qiao Ye murmured, "Symbiosis?"

Qian Tongshu cracked his mouth and said with a strange smile: "Before you kill the owl beast, you can't kill me."

There is only one effect of symbiosis, and that is the transfer of damage. It can transfer the damage suffered by the owl beast to Qian Tongshu, and it can also transfer the injury of Qian Tongshu to the owl beast.


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