Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 208 Don't You Even Have This Backbone?

Chapter 208 Don't You Even Have This Spine?

Of course, it's meaningless to pass on the owl beast's injury to Qian Tongshu. What's the difference between that and courting death?

The point is that Qian Tongshu can transfer the damage to the owlbeast, and the owlbeast has an extremely powerful regenerative ability. Even if an arm is cut off, it can be reborn with a broken limb.


Summoned martial spirits are usually attached to multiplayer battles because users need protection, but Qian Tongshu can transfer the damage to owl beasts, which means that the set of capturing thieves and kings is not suitable for Qian Tongshu. Words are useless.

Looking at it this way, Qian Tongshu's martial spirit really has unlimited potential, and it actually made up for the biggest shortcoming of summoning the martial spirit.

"Qiao Ye, you can't kill me because you can't kill owl beasts!" Qian Tongshu laughed proudly, "But I can kill you, and you will die here to achieve my glory and wealth!"

Qian Tongshu snarled at Qiao Ye while roaring, while the owl beast charged forward again. Every time a foot landed, the broken arena would tremble violently, appearing extremely domineering.

When it came to Qiao Ye, the owl beast raised its claws, and smashed it down on Qiao Ye's face.

If we want to talk about the shortcomings of this owl beast, it is actually very obvious. Except for the terrifying regeneration ability, the attack is really not satisfactory. Except for the howling and screaming claws, there is nothing worth mentioning, and the speed is quite mediocre. , even, it can be said to be very bulky.

Many people around the arena are veterans, and they judged the situation easily. According to this situation, it is probably because of whose martial spirit has been supported for a long time. The symbiosis made Qiao Ye unable to easily kill Qian Tongshu, but only by Looking at the owl beast, it was difficult for Qian Tongshu to even touch the corner of Qiao Ye's clothes.

But at this moment...

Everyone let out an exclamation.

Qiao Ye didn't dodge, just looked at the owl beast's paw, and slapped it down on his head.

What is this for?

It's fine to dodge it, but with the owl beast's bulky size, it's impossible to catch up to Qiao Ye.

Qian Tongshu said ferociously: "Qiao Ye, you are looking for your own death!"

Qian Tongshu roared, as if speaking everyone's aspirations, and then...


The owlbeast's claws fell down with a bang, and then there was a loud noise of the ground collapsing. The ring under Qiao Ye's feet was under tremendous force. After a loud noise, a piece of it collapsed and collapsed downward.

The flying sand rolled into the air and spread out towards the surroundings, like a thick yellow-orange fog.


Qian Tongshu laughed wantonly. Although the owl beast's attack is monotonous and slow, its power is still very terrifying. As long as it can hit, Qian Tongshu is confident that Qiao Ye's head will instantly explode like a smashed watermelon. open.

Qian Tongshu said viciously: "It's time to end!"

"Yes!" In the flying dust, Qiao Ye's voice sounded: "It's time to end!"

Qian Tongshu was stunned, and then...


The black halberd circled in the air with an arc, and then the owl beast's arm flew up, but was chopped off by Qiao Ye again.

A figure jumped out from the dust, and in mid-air, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand slashed horizontally again.


The owl beast's head flew into the air, and blood gushed out from the wound.

Qiao Ye fell to the ground, and stretched out her hand fiercely, blood splashed out from her fingertips, and landed around the owl beast.

"Hundred battle blood technique..." Qiao Ye shouted: "Second type of beheading!"

The spilled blood instantly turned into dense blood lines, spreading all over the owlbeast's surroundings. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye pulled his arm backwards violently!

Those bloodlines were all tied to the Moonkin's body, binding the Moonkin tightly, and then...

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's force, the sound of something exploding suddenly sounded, and the whole body of the owlbeast was blown apart, and the blood all over the sky scattered in all directions, like a sudden rain.

Many people watching the battle around the ring also suffered disaster and were drenched in blood.

blah blah blah blah...

Amidst the blood flying, countless corpses fell onto the ring.

Strong regenerative ability? I will cut your whole body open to see if you can regenerate!

Qian Tongshu's face turned pale for a few minutes, because the Wuhun was killed by Qiao Ye's blow, and the Qi mechanism in his body was disordered, causing Qian Tongshu to open his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, Qian Tongshu raised his head and saw Qiao Ye coming with a halberd.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Qian Tongshu was terrified in his heart, kept stepping back and said, "Qiao Ye, I surrendered, you won, this is the Zichen Spear, it belongs to you, let me go!" , please let me go, I will quit the Shenwei Dojo when I get back, and I will never have anything to do with the Shenwei Dojo..."

Qiao Ye slowly raised the black halberd.

"Life and death, you can't fight without death, you said it yourself!" Qiao Ye said indifferently: "As a warrior, don't you even have the backbone? Since you dare to say it, you must dare to admit it!"


The moment Qian Tongshu retreated to the edge of the ring, Qiao Ye slammed down with a halberd.

On Qian Tongshu's chest, a terrifying wound appeared, slanting from his shoulder to his waist, almost splitting Qian Tongshu's body completely.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fifth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8800 points."

"You have defeated 300 warriors without a single defeat. You have received an additional reward: 150,000 points of martial spirit."

Qiao Ye turned around, stopped looking at Qian Tongshu's body, picked up the Zichen gun and Yang Huan's beheading knife, and jumped off the ring.

The people around couldn't help but give way, which is due respect for the winner.

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat power: 665500

Cultivation level: the seventh level of the Martial Madness Realm.

Martial soul value: 695000/600000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 6) (variable variants).

Items: Tsing Yi Umbrella, Thunder Ring

Skills: None

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (Rank 6), Heaven Breaking Palm (Rank 7), Road to Heaven (Rank 7)

A light curtain appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes, and he glanced at his martial soul value.

After beheading Qian Tongshu, the reward for the long-lost streak finally appeared. After all, beheading from 200 people to 300 people is indeed not an easy task. Killing white ghosts in the Ningbei Snowfield is not considered a warrior.

With an extra reward of 150,000, Qiao Ye's accumulated martial soul value exceeded 600,000 again, and he could raise his cultivation to the eighth level of the Martial Madness Realm.

"Your cultivation has been raised to the eighth level of the Martial Madness Realm!"

After raising his cultivation base, there were still 90,000 martial soul points left, so Qiao Ye absorbed both the beheading sword and the Zichen spear without hesitation.

"You have absorbed the beheading sword, absorbing martial soul value: 90000 points"

"You have absorbed the Purple Star Spear, the value of absorbing martial soul: 72000 points"

After absorbing the two precious weapons, Qiao Ye's accumulated martial soul value changed from 90,000 to 250,000. Of course, it is not enough to improve the cultivation level. The eighth level of the Wukuang Realm has been raised to the ninth level, because it is the last level of the Wukuang Realm. Therefore, the required Martial Soul value has also skyrocketed, jumping from 600,000 to 800,000, and the demand has increased by 200,000, so...

What Qiao Ye chose to promote was...

Hundred Battle Blood Technique!


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