Chapter 213 Siege

Qiao Ye's words were like clear water dripping into a frying pan, and it exploded in no time!

"What an arrogant boy!" Bai Lingfeng snorted coldly, "Do you still want to defeat so many of us by yourself?"

Di Qiulong looked at Qiao Ye with gloomy eyes and said, "I've always heard that Blood Sea Academy is crazy, and among the four major academies, Blood Sea Academy is the most overbearing. Now it seems that it's not clear whether it's overbearing, but it's true that it's crazy. You are defiant, but do you have the qualifications to be defiant?"

Qiao Ye obviously committed public outrage, but Qiao Ye didn't care at all, just reached out and ticked the front.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Qiao Ye said, "Are you going to make it!"

Everyone looked at each other, although there was anger in their hearts, they still said that, no one wanted to make a wedding dress for others first.

However, there are always those who are irritable and unbearable.

Zhang Zhun jumped forward, punched suddenly and said, "Let me meet you!"

The title given by Zhang Zhunren to the King Kong God Fist is also a well-known figure on the Fengchu list. He relied on a pair of flesh fists, which were thrown forward, and his body was covered with a layer of golden light, like a golden body. Immediately afterwards, A golden fist from the boss slammed into Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and just slapped it with a palm.

The three forms of Tianwu, break the palm of the sky!

A big handprint was released, which was several times larger than Zhang Zhun's golden fist. With a hard blow from the front, there was a crackling sound in the ring, and Zhang Zhun took several steps back.

Someone said in amazement: "Isn't this the Sky-breaking Palm of the third form of Tianwu? Isn't he from Blood Sea Academy?"

Zhang Zhun was forced to retreat with a palm, annoyed in his heart, jumped up again and said: "I don't care what academy he is from, kill him!"

Zhang Zhun swung his fists continuously. This time, the golden fist mark was not one, but several. It was more domineering than before.

Qiao Ye looked indifferent, and slapped again.


This time, the big handprint of Botianzhang appeared directly on top of Zhang Zhun's head, and he slapped it down, falling directly from the sky, smashing the golden fist mark, together with Zhang Zhun, to the ground, and holding it down hard. .

Zhang Zhun kept struggling, and was surprised to find that he couldn't earn it.

The power of the Mahamudra is so fierce!

Qiao Ye looked around and said, "You're welcome, you can go up together!"

The others looked at each other, and suddenly, someone drew the sword suddenly, and with a clang, a gloomy silver sword light appeared, and fell towards Qiao Ye.

Without rushing, Qiao Ye stretched out her hand to open the Tsing Yi Umbrella, and with a clang, the sword light was blocked by the Tsing Yi Umbrella's surface.

Someone started, and naturally someone followed suit. There was a strong wind howling from Qiao Ye's side, and someone came with a knife and slashed at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye casually raised her hand, pulled out the rapier from the green-clothed umbrella, swept it towards the side, and blocked the knife with a clang.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Zhang Zhun, who was suppressed by the Mahamudra, raised his head and roared angrily at this moment, suddenly, his body was covered with golden light.

"Wuhun!" Zhang Zhun roared, "Arhat with angry eyes!"

In the golden light, the dharma form of a glaring Arhat was transformed, and then entered Zhang Zhun's body continuously like a liquid.

An imperial level eighth-rank possessed martial soul, glaring at Arhat.


With a loud noise, Zhang Zhun punched, shattering the big handprint, and then soared into the sky.

In the next moment, a punch blasted out.

Zhang Zhun, as a civilian fighter, although he has the vajra boxing method passed down from his ancestors, his rank is not very high. After all, Zhang Zhun belongs to the type that his ancestors have never been rich. , the most important thing is that Vajra Fist, which fits very well with Zhang Zhun's Wuhun Angering Arhat, the combination of two and two will double the power!

This is also what Ji Wuyuan said, that it is best to match the martial arts with the martial soul. Although Zhang Zhun's Vajra Fist is a martial skill, with a matching martial soul, it can also display super-level power.

At this moment, the golden fist print blasted out, continuously expanded, and fell from the sky, falling towards Qiao Ye like a golden comet.

Qiao Ye raised her head, narrowed her eyes, and...

"Wuhun!" Qiao Ye yelled softly, "The Heavenly Demon is Dazzling!"

Qiao Ye knew very well that one can be confident, but one should not be conceited. Fighting the martial soul with the body is courting death. To fight against the martial soul, of course the martial soul must be used!

The black smoke was lingering, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to grab a handful in the black smoke, and then pulled a black halberd out of the black smoke, and swung it into the air.


Gold and black, the two colors collided in the air, making a loud noise, and the attacks of the two exploded at the same time.

But at this moment...

"Martial Soul, Thousand Birds Pierce the Forest!"

Someone immediately followed Zhang Zhun and used his martial soul. When he raised his head suddenly, countless palm-sized transfigured flying birds appeared and began to pounce in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly swung his halberd towards the back, a large cloud of black smoke flew up, and kept moving forward, engulfing the birds. In the blink of an eye, the birds were submerged in it.

"You..." Qiao Ye dropped the halberd blade on the ground with a smile, then drew a circle around her body, and said with a smile, "No way!"

Some were furious, some looked gloomy, and some trembled in their hearts.

Qiao Ye's circle means...

He hasn't moved yet!

That's right, Qiao Ye was just standing there. Despite being besieged, Qiao Ye's feet hadn't moved a bit from the beginning to the end.

This is a naked provocation!

"Boy, you are too crazy!" Someone yelled angrily, "Die!"

Qiao Ye tilted her head, raised her head slightly, stretched out her hand to stroke the hair on her forehead, and suddenly revealed a hint of ferocity in her eyes!



Qiao Ye still didn't move, but the black smoke all around suddenly poured in, and the pupils of the person who jumped towards Qiao Ye shrank suddenly, and then...

Blood scattered!

The black smoke passed by the man, like a sharp knife cutting across, and then the man's body was broken in two, and fell straight from the air.

A pool of blood appeared and slowly spread towards the surroundings.

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9500 points."

The sudden corpse made everyone's actions stagnate.

The Dou Wang War is not a life-and-death fight. Although there were dead people in the previous Dou Wang Wars, they have never been so fierce. Their shots are aimed at beheading people, and it is rare for people to be cut in half with one blow.

"Is this something to be surprised about?" Qiao Ye tilted his head, narrowed his eyes into a slit, and hooked the corner of his mouth, "When you decide to kill me, you should be prepared to be killed by me as a matter of course." That's fair enough, isn't it?"


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