Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 214 Let's continue fighting

Chapter 214 Let's Keep Fighting

Qiao Ye's ferocity shocked everyone, but soon made them even more angry.

It's just a shame that it scares so many people even though it's just one person.

"Let's go together!" Someone gritted his teeth: "There are so many of us, how can we be afraid of him alone? Behead him first, and then decide whose head it is!"

These words attracted many people's responses. In their opinion, Qiao Ye killed one person first, not because Qiao Ye was strong enough, but because everyone was not united and each had their own ideas. They wanted to grab Qiao Ye's head. It was just an opportunity for Qiao Ye to take advantage of!

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye was surrounded by people in all directions, and at the same time, someone jumped up and attacked Qiao Ye at the same time.

"Wuhun, the moon of mid-spring!"

"Martial Soul, Five Elements Golden Weapon!"

"Martial Soul, Devil Eyes!"

Above the arena, a spring rain suddenly swayed, and the rain that filled the sky was tinged with coldness, turning into water swords, hanging upside down above Qiao Ye's head.

Under the spring rain, there was suddenly the sound of gold and spears screaming, and the intent of killing and attacking flowed, making people feel like they were on the battlefield. Immediately afterwards, transfigured soldiers with golden light all over their bodies appeared and began to move towards Joe. Charge in array in Ye's direction!

On the top of Qiao Ye's head, a strong smell of blood appeared, and in the next moment, the space seemed to be split open, a void crack was torn, and then a black pupil fell from the sky, and a blood-colored eyeball kept turning, and then One after another, blood-red beams shot out continuously, shooting down in Qiao Ye's direction.

Boom, boom, boom...

Several kinds of martial spirits attacked Qiao Ye at the same time, it was earth-shattering, and the arena was shattered inch by inch. If there were no formation guards around the arena, the arena would have disappeared in an instant, and even the people watching the battle would have been affected.

Dust begins to fill the air!

Someone lowered his lips and said: "I'm afraid this kid will be blown to ashes, but who killed this?"

"Of course it's me!" A young man in a red military uniform said, "My demon pupils attacked last, so I was the one who killed them!"

"Fart!" Someone yelled angrily, "Before you attacked, that kid was already beaten to death by me!"

There was a dispute in the arena, which was about the ownership of the four treasures!

But at this moment...

"Why quarrel!" Qiao Ye's voice sounded faintly: "Anyway, none of you can get it!"

The voices of the dispute stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at the scattered dust. Qiao Ye stepped out of the dust, the only change was that there was an extra black armor on his body, surrounded by black smoke, and he looked extremely evil. different!

Since Qiao Ye was still alive, it was meaningless to quarrel over who killed her, and everyone immediately surrounded Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Thirty or so people are indeed a bit more."

"What? Are you scared now?" Someone sneered, "Unfortunately, it's already too late!"

"No!" Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "I mean, let's get rid of those who are not qualified to participate in this battle first!"


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, stabbed the black halberd towards the ground, and then stretched out his palm.

Tick, tick...

Bright red blood dripped from Qiao Ye's fingertips, dripping continuously to the ground.

In the next moment, the blood that had been spilled on the ground because of the battle before, seemed to be boiling at this moment, and blood bubbles gushed out continuously.

"Hundred Battle Blood Technique!" Qiao Ye said with a sinister smile, "Puncture!"

Suddenly, the arena trembled, and then a bluestone brick slab shattered suddenly, and a bloody spike pierced through the ground, piercing a person's body from behind.

The man didn't even have a chance to react, a bloody hole was opened in his chest, and his whole body was even lifted into the air, just hanging on the sharp thorns protruding obliquely.

"You defeated a martial artist of the sixth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9100 points."

Everyone was shocked, the attack came too suddenly, moreover, there was still blood dripping down from the hanging corpse.

The instant the blood fell to the ground, it quickly seeped into the arena and disappeared, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

On the trembling arena, bricks and slabs continued to shatter one by one, and then, blood thorns one after another were densely packed, piercing out continuously, spreading out in all directions!

Someone jumped up quickly, but in mid-air, the sound of bricks shattering came from behind again, and a canopy of five or six blood thorns pierced out at the same time, heading towards the opponent's back.

The man's face changed in surprise, and at the same time, he was a little thankful that his martial spirit was a huge ghost-head shield, which was of the defensive type, but...


At the moment when the man wanted to defend, the surrounding smoke rose around the blood-colored spikes, and even directly knocked out the martial soul.


In the next moment, the bloody spike pierced into the body, pierced the man's body, and hung him in the air.

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9600 points."

There are really too many bloody spikes, and they are too dense, constantly breaking out of the ground, and, as if they can track, no matter how you dodge, they will attack from all directions.


With more and more corpses and more blood flowing, the speed at which the blood-colored spikes appeared became faster and faster, and the speed at which they advanced also became faster and faster. Even, the blood-colored spikes were only about three meters long at first. root, and now, each bloody spike has soared to one five meters away!

The chaotic black smoke from the Heavenly Demon kept hitting the opponent's martial soul, and the dense bloody spikes were...


Puff puff……

The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart reappeared, piercing through the bodies of the three people, and then hanging the corpses up like that.

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9600 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the sixth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the sixth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9100 points."


The smell of blood became more and more intense, and the pungent feeling made people feel extremely uncomfortable. The dripping blood hit the ground, making crisp and clear sounds.

The arena was completely covered by bloody spikes, covering almost every corner of the arena, and on those bloody spikes, there were corpses hanging one by one. That's two-thirds less!

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said with a light smile: "Those who are not qualified to participate in the battle have been eliminated, as for the rest..."

Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth, feeling the smell of blood.

"Let's continue fighting!"


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