Chapter 237 Blocked

The moment it landed on the ground, Qiao Ye quickly stretched out his hand towards the front and pressed it.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

As Qiao Ye slapped it down, a huge handprint suddenly appeared, and it landed straight on the fire lion's body, pinning the fire lion to the ground.

Roar, roar...

The fire lion raised its head, roaring and struggling, trying to get out of the ground.

As soon as Qiao Ye gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hand and pressed down hard again. With a bang, the ground exploded. Just as the fire lion raised its head, Qiao Ye forcefully pushed it back to the ground again.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and then the black smoke came to the fire lion, raised the black halberd in his hand, and slashed down forcefully.


Blood spattered, and the fire lion's head was chopped off by Qiao Ye, and it kept rolling on the ground.

"You killed an evil beast (flame dancing fire lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8000 points."

After beheading the fire lion, Qiao Ye suddenly sensed something, and quickly took out the spiritual paper from Jin Baocai, which was burning at the moment.

Qiao Ye immediately retreated towards the street behind, and then ran quickly, the surrounding black smoke surged, covering the street, the next moment, Qiao Ye got into the black smoke, and when she reappeared, she arrived at the Dongcheng Market. outer circle.

Stepping out of the black smoke, Qiao Ye heard Jin Baocai's voice: "Young Master Qiao, here!"

Qiao Ye walked over and said, "Is everyone evacuated?"

Jin Baocai said: "There must be people inside, but most of them have quit!"

While talking, Jin Baocai pointed behind him.

The outer area has been sealed off, and the Tianwu Pavilion and the people sent by the various Daochang directly formed a circle, sealed off the market in the east of the city, and also blocked the people who had withdrawn from the outer area.

At the same time, the crowd who had exited did not disperse. Instead, they all looked at the raging flames in front of them, discussing with each other with lingering fears about what happened.

"Have someone put out the spreading flames, as long as they stop the spreading, don't let the flames spread to other areas." Qiao Ye looked forward and said: "But don't enter, the Dongcheng Market will be destroyed if it is destroyed."

The flame must be extinguished, and the fire cannot be allowed to spread unscrupulously, but it is not wise to kill it back. No one can explain clearly what happened to the black light ball. Let Ji Wuyuan and the defenders deal with it!

As Qiao Ye spoke, she took a deep breath and came to the front with her halberd.

Every time Qiao Ye took a step, the qi and blood exuding from his body skyrocketed. At this moment, Qiao Ye didn't hold back anything, and showed all his skills.

Until Qiao Ye's qi and blood climbed to the extreme, and the energy on his body exploded, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd high, and slammed it down forward.


When the halberd fell, the black smoke in front suddenly rose, densely packed, like a dark cloud collapsed, and then continuously poured out towards the front.

The black smoke rolled like a wave, surging and surging.

There was a flame spreading on the roof, but it was suppressed by the black smoke.

A group of lava goblins roared and rushed over from the street, but at this moment, the churning black smoke suddenly fell downwards, completely devouring those lava goblins in just an instant.

When the black smoke passed, only a pile of broken stones remained on the ground.

In a moment, the released smoke directly covered the entire market, and then completely sealed it off, confining the fire within a certain range, and completely sealed off the lava imp.

Qiao Ye was panting continuously, his chest heaving, and covering such a large area with black smoke was equivalent to Qiao Ye covering the entire area with his martial spirit. For Qiao Ye, the consumption was unimaginably huge.

However, what made Qiao Ye happy was that even though she was tired, she held on to it herself!

The Nether Demon Territory consumes a lot. Whether it is fighting wind, thunder, rain and snow, or fighting white ghosts in Ningbei Snowfield, Qiao Ye has experienced excessive consumption.

However, this time, the Nether Demon Realm lasted not too long, but Qiao Ye held on!

Sure enough, raising one's cultivation base to the Martial Ancestor Realm is still obviously effective. After joining the Dao, the spirit, spirit and body are combined, which has a significant improvement in the support of the Martial Soul.

At this time, Jin Baocai helped Qiao Ye and said, "Young Master Qiao, how are you doing?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Qiao Ye said: "Help me to the side to rest for a while, don't worry about everything in the market for now, just seal off this area."

Jin Baocai nodded.

It stands to reason that it would not be Qiao Ye's turn to command. This is the land of Jianmen, not Qiao Ye's territory. In terms of cultivation, the four masters are still alive, but they were injured and repelled, and it is not Qiao Ye's turn to dictate.

But Jin Baocai is a visionary. When Ji Wuyuan appeared, he had a conversation with Qiao Ye, and he obviously knew him. He was a strong man who could fight against the Balrog. If he was blown away with a punch, he must be a person in the Martial Emperor Realm. Listening to Qiao Ye is naturally the same as listening to that Martial Emperor.

Resting on the side for a while, there was a sudden noise outside, and a group of people quickly bypassed the crowd and came to the front.

"Jin Baocai!" A muscular man saw Jin Baocai and said in a low voice, "Why did you stay on the outside instead of going in to save people and kill the enemy?"

Qiao Ye raised his head and said, "I asked him to do this."

The man looked at Qiao Ye and said with disdain, "Where did you come from?"

Jin Baocai hurriedly said: "This is one of the three deputy leaders of the Martial Arts Union, Yang Wenxian, the stele-opener of Jiutian Dojo, and the master of Yang Daochang!"

Yang Wen said cursingly: "Jin Baocai, what the hell are you doing, when is it the turn of a brat to point fingers here?"

Jin Baocai said: "Leader Yang, the matter is like this..."

Yang Wenxian interrupted impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense with me, the ashrams are sending people over, you leave half of them outside to guard, and the rest follow me in."

Qiao Ye said coldly, "It's not up to you to take care of things here."

Yang Wen froze for a moment, then sneered and said, "Little devil, where did you come from? It's your turn to talk here?"

Qiao Ye took out his identity tag and said, "Blood Sea Academy, Qiao Ye!"

Yang Wen first raised his eyebrows, and then said: "So what? This is the land of Jianmen, isn't your blood sea academy taking too much care? It's not up to you to take care of the affairs of Jianmen's land, not to mention, you are just a mere You are just a student of Blood Sea Academy, you think you are a teacher of Blood Sea Academy!"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, took out another sign, looked at Yang Wenxian and said, "Then, take a look at this sign again."

Yang Wenxian's face suddenly changed, showing a bit of panic, a bit of respect, and a bit of disbelief.


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