Chapter 238

It was a black iron sign, which looked ordinary, but it was engraved with two big characters: Defend the boundary!

Boundary defenders are very secretive, and not everyone knows about their existence, but they are not so secretive that someone like Yang Wenxian still knows about them.

Yang Wenxian's expression on Qiao Ye's face was obviously no longer so disdainful and arrogant, and his attitude was much better, but he was still rather dissatisfied and said: "You are just an apprentice."

Qiao Ye said, "So, I'm outside."

Yang Wenxian's complexion changed again, he stretched out his hands to screen back, pushed Jin Baocai aside, and said in a low voice, "You mean inside?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It should be."

Yang Wenxian licked the corners of his mouth, and said with an incredulous expression: "But why did the boundary guards come here? This is the land of Jianmen, and it's not the broken boundary. What happened inside?"

Qiao Ye smiled wryly and shook his head, then said: "I don't know, but since the boundary guards are here, they will naturally deal with them. What we have to do is not to let the fire spread, and don't let the monsters inside rush out. Let’s talk about it later, let’s wait and see.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll arrange the manpower." Yang Wen nodded first, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, turned to look at Qiao Ye and said, "Little brat."

Qiao Ye looked at Yang Wenxian suspiciously.

Yang Wenxian said: "You have chosen an admirable path, come on!"

Qiao Ye smiled and nodded at Yang Wenxian.

Yang Wenxian was obviously referring to the identity of the defender.

Although Qiao Ye wanted to become a boundary guard, she had never understood or felt what a boundary guard really was.

Just because her parents are boundary guards, Qiao Ye wants to become a boundary guard.

However, at this moment...

Just because of Yang Wenxian's words, Qiao Ye suddenly felt a different feeling in his heart.

It was the first time for Qiao Ye that he wanted to know the defenders not because of his parents, but purely because he wanted to know the defenders, and wanted to know what the target he was expecting and what he really looked like.

Will I be respected in the future?

Just because, I am a defender of the world!

Qiao Ye's mood drifted a little, but the people around quickly moved. Yang Wen appeared first, which was equivalent to having a backbone. After all, whether it was the Tianwu Pavilion or the Daochang, they all belonged to the Martial Arts Alliance.

Of course, more importantly...

Yang Wenxian is an extremely strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm!

Having such a strong person appear in charge, of course it will make people feel more at ease.

After about a cup of tea, a figure suddenly jumped up in the air, passed through the dense black smoke, and landed on the periphery.

Ji Wuyuan came out.

Qiao Ye immediately stood up and said, "Teacher, what's going on inside?"

"The Balrog was killed by me, other things are still unclear." Ji Wuyuan said: "Has anyone from the Martial Arts Alliance come over?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Come on, over here!"

Qiao Ye took Ji Wuyuan to the other side and found Yang Wenxian who was directing everyone to maintain order.

When Yang Wenxian saw Ji Wuyuan, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he had such a strong blood and breath.

Yang Wenxian lowered his voice and said, "A boundary guard?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "It's Professor Ji Wuyuan from our Blood Sea Academy."

Yang Wenxian looked surprised and said: "The king of heaven, Ji Wuyuan?"

Ji Wuyuan curled his lips and said, "It's me."

Yang Wenxian said respectfully for a moment: "Senior Ji, what's going on inside?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but glance at Ji Wuyuan, Ji Wuyuan was only in his thirties, Yang Wenxian was in his early forties, nearly half a hundred years old, and both of them were at the Martial Emperor Realm, Yang Wenxian wouldn't be so humble and use his seniors Such a title, right?

What did Ji Wuyuan do before he became the instructor of Blood Sea Academy?

Qiao Ye also couldn't help being curious. After all, Yang Wenxian could only use such an honorific title because of his status if it wasn't for his cultivation.

On the other side, Ji Wuyuan said impatiently: "I don't know."

Yang Wenxian froze for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "Blood Sea Academy is enrolling students, don't you know?"

Yang Wenxian grinned in embarrassment. Ji Wuyuan not only robbed the students who were going to report to Tianwu Academy, but also recently robbed students from the dojos everywhere. Can you not know?

Ji Wuyuan continued: "So, I'm just passing by and meddling in my own business. What can I know? But, of course someone will!"

Yang Wen first lowered his voice so that no one else could hear him, and said in a low voice, "A boundary guard?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "As long as you have the numbers, someone will contact your Martial Arts Alliance in the future, and you will do as they ordered."

Yang Wenxian nodded immediately and said, "Understood."

After Ji Wuyuan gave the order, he said to Qiao Ye, "Disperse your martial soul, let's go."

Qiao Ye said: "Those things inside?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "The void fault has been sealed, I killed all the rest, and I can already put out the fire."

Qiao Ye nodded and waved his hand forward, the black smoke that sealed the entire area quickly converged and penetrated into Qiao Ye's body.

Ji Wuyuan left as soon as he said that, and after Qiao Ye gave Yang Wenxian a slight salute to Jin Baocai, he followed Ji Wuyuan.

Qiao Ye walked and said, "Teacher, what's going on?"

Ji Wuyuan spread his hands and said: "I really don't know, but there should be a result later."

Qiao Ye said, "Is that woman a boundary guard?"

Ji Wuyuan nodded, and then said: "Jiang Liuxue has been told to the defenders, she was sent to investigate, and then she came to me, but you are the one who saw Jiang Liuxue, I will I brought her over to find you, but something happened."

Qiao Ye said: "Jiang Liuxue did what happened on the other side of the ring. He suddenly appeared, and then it became like that."

Ji Wuyuan frowned and said: "Impossible, no one can artificially open the void fault."

Qiao Ye said: "The black ball of light is a void fault?"

Ji Wuyuan nodded and said: "The Balrog, the lava imp, these are creatures that live in the void fault called Dalietian."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I also heard him mention Vulcan."

"Vulcan?" Ji Wuyuan shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this, so I'm not sure."

Qiao Ye said: "Then where are we going now? Just ignore the boundary guard?"

"She will naturally take care of herself, and you need to worry about it? Let's go, go to the flying boat outside the city." Ji Wuyuan looked at Qiao Ye with a smile and said, "Isn't your training over? A month and a half It won the first place in the Fengchu list in a short time, not bad!"

Qiao Ye smiled. Although something happened in Jianmen Land, I'm afraid I don't have the intention to change the ranking of Fengchu list, but Yan Shizheng has been killed by himself. Who else can compete with him on the Fengchu list?


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