Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 239 Doubts and Inferences

Chapter 239 Doubts and Inferences

Qiao Ye was talking to Ji Wuyuan, and left the land of Jianmen all the way. On a small slope not far outside the city, he saw the flying boat of Xuehai Academy.

After boarding the flying boat, Qiao Ye said, "Why is there no one? Isn't it here to recruit students?"

"Send it back to the academy." Ji Wuyuan said: "If I hadn't waited for the boundary guards, I would have gone back a long time ago."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "This year is the famous brand competition again?"

"Of course!" Ji Wuyuan said: "This is the rule of Xuehai Academy!"

Qiao Ye thought about the time when he first went to Blood Sea Academy, but he really missed it a bit. In the blink of an eye, it has been a long time.

Qiao Ye and Ji Wuyuan chatted for a while on the flying boat. Suddenly, the two looked up at the same time, and there was an extremely powerful aura approaching. Then, a person suddenly fell from the sky. He stepped on the deck of the flying boat fiercely, causing the flying boat to tremble.

Ji Wuyuan was dissatisfied and said, "Be careful."

The one who came was the woman who was with Ji Wuyuan before.

"Is the blood dragon boat so fragile?" The woman curled her lips, then looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you Qiao Ye?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "Xuanyuan Beimu, a day-level boundary guard, she can be regarded as a boundary guard of the Xuehai Academy lineage, she can be regarded as my junior sister, your senior sister."

Qiao Ye rarely said obediently: "Hello, senior."

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded, and said, "Tell me what you know."

Qiao Ye said, "Where do I start?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Don't worry, if you have time, start from the Ningbei Xueyuan. The old man Yue Hua told the story before. Now that you have seen the person involved, let you say it again, and the matter will be clearer."

Qiao Ye said: "During the Ningbei snowfield, Lin Ziyi and I saw a suspicious person in a crack in the void. At the time, we didn't know his identity. , was sent to report the letter, and was robbed and killed by a group of white ghosts on the way, I let Lin Ziyi go first, and stayed behind, after finishing the group of white ghosts, Jiang Liuxue appeared."

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded, similar to what Yue Hua said, and then continued: "What's going on here?"

Qiao Ye said: "I came to the land of Jianmen for the second time as a boundary guard apprentice. I want to win the first place in the Fengchu list. I saw Jiang Liuxue on the street by chance. , and Jiang Liuxue from the Jiangmen Dojo, this is the third one, I found that he entered the Tianwu Pavilion, and followed him in, and then found that the location where I entered the Tianwu Pavilion was not the real location of the Tianwu Pavilion, the other party may have discovered I, that's why I played tricks, by the way, the place I entered that time was the place where the Void Fault appeared, that is, the Dongcheng Market, but at that time the other party used formations or space teleportation."

Xuanyuan Beimu frowned, then said: "Continue!"

Qiao Ye said: "Afterwards, I have been looking for Jiang Liuxue, but I have been unsuccessful. Then today is the main actor Wu of Jianmen Kingdom. Come to take the first place in the Fengchu list, just after the fight, Jiang Liuxue appeared, and then a void fault appeared, and the Balrog invaded."

Qiao Ye told what he knew as briefly as possible.

After Xuanyuan Beimu listened to it, his first thought was impossible!

"No one can artificially open the void fault." Xuanyuan Beimu said, "Besides, it's not in the boundary, but in the martial domain."

Qiao Ye said: "It's impossible for me to see it wrong. Moreover, I didn't see it alone. Everyone who watched the battle saw it."

Xuanyuan Beimu didn't frown, and then said: "Details, are there any details worth mentioning, think about it carefully."

"Yes!" Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I have some speculations."

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Say!"

Qiao Ye said: "After Jiang Liuxue suddenly appeared on the ring, she said that today is really a day suitable for massacres. Is it a coincidence? Maybe he came here to make arrangements in the Chengdong market. The second is Tianwu Pavilion. I suspected that he was related to Tianwu Pavilion, but now it seems that it is not. Because there are many fighters in the starring role, and there are many people to be lively, which is in line with his saying that the day is suitable for massacres."

"It makes sense." Xuanyuan Beimu said, "Continue!"

Qiao Ye said: "His other sentence is Balrog, let your people burn the earth, these are sacrifices to the Vulcan!"

Xuanyuan Beimu's pupils shrank sharply and said, "Vulcan?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ji Wuyuan said: "Is there any problem with this Vulcan?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said faintly: "Ji Wuyuan, you are only an instructor of Xuehai Academy now, don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Oh, I'm such a bad temper!"

Ji Wuyuan flicked up his sleeves, but in the end it was just lip service and he didn't do anything.

Qiao Ye said: "So, my conclusion is this. Jiang Liuxue didn't actually find out about me, and then played tricks. He went to the East City Market to decorate, and also went to Tianwu Pavilion. Maybe it was to find out about the landlord. When will the performance of martial arts start, because there will be a lot of people gathering at that time, and then he will create a void fault at that time to carry out the massacre. As for the purpose, I am not clear about this. In addition, I think the most important thing to investigate this matter It is to figure out how there are three Jiang Liuxues, and it is impossible for triplets to look exactly the same."

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded and said: "I will report this matter truthfully, and I will naturally send people over to continue the investigation later. Moreover, there is a void fault in the land of Jianmen, so I will naturally send people to keep an eye on it."

When Xuanyuan Beimu said this, he couldn't help sighing.

"The danger in the Boundary is really starting to threaten Wuyu." Xuanyuan Beimu sighed and said: "Let's leave this matter as it is for now, let's go back first."

Ji Wuyuan interjected: "This is a matter for you defenders. I'm just a bad teacher now, so I don't ask questions, but don't forget what you should do."

Xuanyuan Beimu asked with a confused face, "What is it?"

"He!" Ji Wuyuan said angrily: "Do you need a day-level class to come over just to find an inexplicable triplet? I asked you to come here to take him away. If Ning Beixue didn't report the letter in time, something would happen, and It’s not just the little girl of Linglan Academy who reported the letter, he also has a share, so it must be counted as merit? It’s no problem to pass the first trial, right? Now he’s number one on the Fengchu list, and he’s also passed the second trial. His cultivation has already reached the Martial Ancestor Realm, you should take him away!"

"Oh!" Xuanyuan Beimu said with a dazed expression, "I forgot, so I came here for this."


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