Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 253 Give the suicide note to Hades

Chapter 253 Leave the suicide note to Hades

Qiao Ye came to the back of the second Tianling.

When Qiao Ye's voice sounded, the other party was also startled suddenly, roared in horror, and suddenly swung his sword behind him.

The surrounding green haze turned into wind, continuously attacking towards the front.

However, those wind blades pierced through the black smoke and mist, but they all fell on the soil slope not far away, and the fried mud and debris flew across, and Qiao Ye was not behind the opponent at all.


The black halberd suddenly protruded out of the mist, and then, with the black halberd light sweeping across, and with the sound, one arm flew up, and the halberd fell, cutting off the opponent's arm.

The next moment, Qiao Ye stepped out of the black smoke.

The other side was pale, with a hideous look on his face.

"Yue Chengling, save me, save me!"

Amidst the loud cry for help, the dense wind blades flew towards Qiao Ye continuously, cutting through the surrounding fog and black smoke.

Qiao Ye ignored those wind blades, curled up slightly, held the black halberd to the side of his body, made a stabbing motion, and then kicked his feet fiercely, and the whole person flew forward.

With a bang, facing those wind blades, there was a loud noise as if something exploded in the air, and those wind blades were shattered the moment they met the black halberd.


The black halberd turned into a black halberd light, and the moment he came to the opponent, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pierced the opponent's chest with one blow, leaving a bloody hole in the opponent's chest.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the first level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 10,000 points."

"Now, it's the third turn..." Qiao Ye tilted his head to look at Yue Chengling and said, "It's also the last one."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he lifted the black halberd, and the corpse was picked up like that, and hung on the black halberd. Then, Qiao Ye casually swiped the halberd, and the body was thrown out. , rolling continuously along the ground.

"Qiao Ye, don't be too happy." Yue Chengling yelled hysterically, "You think you've won? No, you haven't won yet. You are the one who will die here today!"

Yue Chengling reached out and grabbed a red rope around his neck, wearing a silver bead on it. The silver bead was obviously Yue Chengling's space treasure. The moment Yue Chengling grabbed it, a square red brocade box appeared in Yue Chengling's hands.

Quickly opened the brocade box, inside was a light red elixir, and the grade was not low!

Because, there are pill patterns!

Then, it means at least a fifth-grade elixir!

Fifth-rank pills do not necessarily have pill patterns, but those with pill patterns are at least fifth-rank pills. Of course, they may also be fourth-rank, third-rank, or even higher.

Yue Chengling grabbed the elixir and put it into his mouth, and swallowed the elixir as soon as he raised his head.

"This is the Izumo Summoning Spirit Pill!" Yue Chengling stretched out his tongue and licked his lips and said, "It can strengthen the spirit pattern, and within half an hour, it can increase my spiritual ability by one rank. Let's see how you fight with me!"

When Yue Chengling was speaking, the spirit pattern on his forehead shone brightly, and the phantom figures of Zhu Jian appeared behind him again, and then Yue Chengling raised his head and roared.

Zhu Jian's phantom is getting bigger and bigger, it is more than twice as big as before, and then...


With a sound like smashing glass, the phantoms of the bullocks shattered, turned into brilliance and quickly entered Yue Chengling's body.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Yue Chengling raised his head and roared, beating his chest continuously, his body changed again, the clothes on his chest were torn, a mass of brown fluff grew on his chest, a pair of horns appeared on his forehead, and even his arms became beasts The arms are covered with extremely long hair.

After a while, Yue Chengling's roar gradually subsided, and a pair of red eyes looked at Qiao Ye.

"Qiao Ye, you are dead, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you!" Yue Chengling roared hysterically: "This is the price, I will take your head and sacrifice it to my brother!"


Qiao Ye sighed, watching Yue Chengling kill him, suddenly raised his halberd, and slashed forward.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Yue Chengling's eyes were wide open, his charge stopped abruptly, his body trembled constantly, and he looked down at his chest.

"No, it's impossible..."

Whispering, a line of blood appeared on Yue Chengling's chest, getting longer and bigger, and then...


A large piece of blood sprayed out from Yue Chengling's chest, spreading all over the ground.


Yue Chengling fell to the ground with his head up, coughing up blood and muttering: "Impossible, why..."

"Because, even if your spiritual ability has been improved by one level, it is still not as good as my martial soul. Isn't this a very simple truth?" Qiao Ye came to Yue Chengling, raised his halberd and said, "I'm not as kind as you. You want me to leave a last word, so if you have a last word, just hand it over to Hades!"

The black halberd fell and directly chopped off Yue Chengling's head.

Qiao Ye picked up Yue Chengling's spatial treasure and the saber of another Tianling, and then entered the mist.

Qiao Ye didn't check his gains immediately, but continued to move forward, and Night Crow had found a suitable place for him to stay.

Passing through a forest, in the mist, a huge cliff appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes. There were large vines hanging on the cliff, and at the bottom, a cave could be vaguely seen through the gaps in the vines.

This place is good, at least it can be regarded as a shelter from the wind and rain, and it is quite hidden, so it will not be attacked suddenly when the night of the devil falls.

After entering the cave, Qiao Ye made some preparations and dripped a few drops of blood around the cave, so that he could use the Hundred Battle Blood Technique at any time. It could be regarded as a small trap, and then let the night crows disperse around to monitor.

As long as the Nether Demon Realm is not used, Qiao Ye's martial soul seems to have no limit, and it can always maintain the state of martial soul, especially after Qiao Ye's cultivation has broken through to the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Entering the cave, Qiao Ye sat down casually and looked at the saber first.

"Discovering Absorbable Items: Wind Rolling Blade (Seventh Grade)"

"Is it absorbed?"

The saber was indeed of the seventh rank, it didn't reach the sixth rank, but it was already infinitely close to the sixth rank, and it was quite good to absorb 130,000 martial soul points.

Then there was Yue Chengling's space treasure. Qiao Ye poured out the contents, and there were quite a lot of them.

However, they are all spiritual materials and pills. Yue Chengling does not have any other treasures in his hand except this space treasure. It is worth mentioning that among those spiritual materials, six of them are produced by Moye City Things, it seems that before they met Qiao Ye, the three of them had already hunted.


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