Chapter 254 Dark Night

Qiao Ye is not interested in knives, and besides, the knives need to cooperate with the wind attribute martial soul to exert their full power. Where can Qiao Ye rectify the wind attribute martial soul?

Spiritual materials and elixir, this is good, but almost all come from the spiritual realm, so it is more difficult to deal with. Qiao Ye doesn't know it at all, and it is not easy to reveal it when it is brought back to Moye City. Some things are tacit, but they cannot be put on the table On the surface, Qiao Ye couldn't tell others that he killed three guardians of the spiritual realm.

As for selling...

This is a good choice. The price of the things produced by the Spiritual Domain is very high in the Wuyu, because there is no such thing in the Wuyu, and the rarity means that it is valuable. The spiritual medicine and spiritual materials of the same product will be three to five times higher than those produced by the Wuyu. The price, of course, is the same in Lingyu.

But it seems that he will stay in Moye City for a while, looking at the gray sky, he doesn't know when he will see the sun again. For the money he earns, Qiao Ye thinks it is more important to improve his own strength, and decisively kills the opponent's What was hunted remained, and everything else was absorbed.

"You have absorbed the Wind Rolling Blade (Rank 7)..."

"You absorbed the four-leaf purple bell flower (eighth grade)..."


Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat strength: 900000

Cultivation level: First level of Wu Zongjing.

Martial soul value: 306000/1200000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 6) (variable variants).

Items: Tsing Yi Umbrella, Thunder Ring, Blood Demon

Skills: None

Martial arts: Hundred Battles Blood Art (Fifth Grade), Breaking Heavenly Palm (7th Grade), Ascending Heaven Road (7th Grade)

A light curtain appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

The cultivation base of Martial Ancestor Realm is not so easy to improve. Only 1.2 million martial soul values ​​can be raised to the second level. It is not enough to rely on a seventh-grade treasure and a bunch of elixir. Not bad, but not rich.

At a time like this, Qiao Ye felt a little nostalgic, that guy is a real rich man!

Leaning against the wall while thinking, he decided to take a short rest. The night of the devil had not yet fully arrived, so there was no point in running out to hunt and kill now. Qiao Ye simply crossed his legs and adjusted his breath.

I don't know how long it has been...

Qiao Ye was awakened by a loud animal cry, and a carp stood up straight from the ground.

Quickly coming to the entrance of the cave, Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows.

What a dense fog!

The entrance of the cave has been completely covered by thick fog, and it is a vast expanse. Lin Ziyi once described the coming of the magic night by saying that he could not see his fingers. Although it is a little exaggerated, it is not much worse.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, it was completely dark, and it was no longer gray.

However, after the sky got dark that day, it became brighter, and the night was dotted with starlight, revealing a trace of clarity, not as depressing as before.

at the same time……


The roar of wild beasts sounded again, and the birds in front spread their wings and flew, and the mountains and forests seemed to vibrate.

With the appearance of Mo Ye, the creatures in this place finally...


That being the case, it is natural to act.

Although it is in the name of survival, there are only results from hunting. Of course, this is a double-edged sword. You may be able to survive the coming of the magic night safely by hiding. Hunting can have results, but accidents may occur. It was kicked out.

Qiao Ye's choice was the latter. He didn't want to be just a handyman after becoming a reserve defender, so he had to perform and show results.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye got up and walked outside, intending to find the sound and enter the dense forest to hunt.

However, as soon as he left the cave, Qiao Ye's footsteps suddenly stopped, and then he laughed.

"It seems..." Qiao Ye looked forward and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

In the forest in front of the cave, streaks of green light suddenly appeared, at first there were only a few streaks, then more and more, more and more...

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed forward and landed on the ground.

It was a black leopard, which looked no different from ordinary leopards. However, ordinary leopards would not appear in this kind of place. The black panther was an evil beast. The only difference between it and ordinary leopards was that it had three tails on its back.

The three-tailed night leopard, the strength of the second to fifth level of the Martial Madness Realm varies, looking at the entire void fault, the strength is not enough, but it can be regarded as an upper-middle existence in this area, and...

a large amount!


Qiao Ye bared her teeth involuntarily. It was written in the illustrated book that three-tailed night leopards would appear in groups of three or four, but is this called groups of three or four?

There were at least twenty or thirty three-tailed night leopards that appeared in front of them, and that was a densely packed one.

"Sure enough..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Is this the night of the devil?"

When Qiao Ye said this, she was not afraid, but...


Sometimes, Qiao Ye would lament that the previous self might have really gone the wrong way, and being a gentle and humble gentleman was really not suitable for him. Although he wanted to be like his father in his memory, always personable, but, Sometimes dreams are just dreams.

Qiao Ye found that she was more eager to fight and blood.

standing up...


standing dead...

"Come on!" Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, looking forward and said, "Do you want to eat me? Then come and bite me, and see if you can tear me to pieces first, or I'll cut off your heads first !"

Of course the three-tailed night leopard couldn't understand Qiao Ye's words, but the three-tailed night leopard was originally a bloodthirsty evil beast. After the demon night came, it would become more irritable and crazy. Pounced on.

Bite, bite, still bite...

In a violent state, the three-tailed night leopard has only the most primitive desire to attack.

Seeing several three-tailed night leopards rushing towards him, Qiao Ye let out a low drink, stretched out his hand to hold it in the void, a black halberd appeared in his hand, and then slashed forward.

Puff puff!

The three-headed and three-tailed night leopard had just jumped in front of Qiao Ye when its body was cut in two. The body fell to the ground, and blood spread out quickly!

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7900 points."


After cutting off the three-headed and three-tailed night leopards, Qiao Ye jumped up without any hesitation, jumped forward, and fell into the group of three-tailed night leopards.

With a wave of the black halberd, Qiao Ye twisted his ankle, and his body suddenly spun, and the crescent-shaped blade of the halberd pushed away, drawing a circle-shaped arc, and blood splashed all around again, and the three-tailed nights one by one The leopard kept falling to the ground.

next moment...

The moment his footsteps stopped, Qiao Ye carried a black halberd on his back, and slapped forward with his palm.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!


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