Chapter 255


After the big handprint fell down, several three-tailed night leopards were directly crushed into a pulp, and the flesh and blood were indistinct.

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7500 points."


Constantly absorbing the power of the martial soul, Qiao Ye killed at least one-third of the three-tailed night leopards in a very short period of time, but it was not enough!

In the woods, low whimpering sounds kept ringing out, and new three-tailed night leopards kept coming out, which made Qiao Ye's beheading seem useless, and the number of three-tailed night leopards seemed to have never decreased.

Blood dripped continuously from the tip of the halberd, and Qiao Ye grinned and said, "This is what makes it interesting!"

The excitement in Qiao Ye's eyes grew stronger, and he was not frightened by the number of three-tailed night leopards.

Another reason why Qiao Ye would never choose to survive when the magic night falls is because of the martial soul value. If you don't hunt, how can you have martial soul value?

The Martial Soul Points that can be absorbed by Evil Beasts are obviously less than those of martial arts fighters and spirit monks in the Spiritual Realm, but there are so many Evil Beasts!


Just kill it!

A three-tailed night leopard jumped up from behind Qiao Ye. Hearing the sound of strong wind behind him, Qiao Ye immediately turned around and shook his wrist.

The thunder ring released an electric arc, and the three-tailed night leopard just came to Qiao Ye, was wrapped by the electric arc, his body twitched, and then fell hard to the ground.

After one blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop, and quickly retreated.

Fighting a group of beasts, the most important point...

Can't be surrounded!

The level of the three-tailed night leopard is just that of the Martial Madness Realm without Martial Soul, Qiao Ye is enough to deal with it, but when there is only one three-tailed night leopard, of course Qiao Ye can easily crush it, but right now Qiao Ye is densely packed, then That's another matter.

Therefore, as long as they are not surrounded, Qiao Ye can kill them one by one, but if they are surrounded, Qiao Ye may be swallowed up in an instant, without even a chance to swing a halberd.

All the way back, those three-tailed night leopards were also chasing after him, and then...

The three drops of blood that Qiao Ye dripped in advance finally came in handy!

The moment he came to the entrance of the cave, seeing the three-tailed night leopard pounce, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards the void in front of him without hesitation.

Hundred battle blood techniques, three punctures!

Puff puff!

Bloody spikes drilled out of the ground one by one, piercing through the three-tailed night leopard's lower abdomen, piercing the three-tailed night leopard's body, and directly hanging in the air.

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8300 points."


Killed two three-tailed night leopards again, but at the next moment, Qiao Ye suddenly heard a sobbing roar from above his head. When he looked up, there was also a three-tailed night leopard lying on his stomach on the cliff above the cave. He jumped down and went straight to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and then he shouted in a low voice, "Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

Smoke swirled around the body, covering Qiao Ye's body, and soon, a black armor appeared, covering Qiao Ye's whole body.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The sharp claws of the three-tailed night leopards kept grabbing Qiao Ye's armor, making crisp noises, but they couldn't break through the armor's defense.

The three-tailed night leopard landed on the ground, but it didn't know how to give up. It turned around and opened its mouth to bite.

Qiao Ye quickly reached out and pinched a three-tailed night leopard by the throat, then slammed it hard towards the cliff, smashing a piece of the three-tailed night leopard's head abruptly.

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7200 points."

Of course, Qiao Ye could use the armor of Heavenly Demon Baxue to fight it. It was only a matter of time before all the three-tailed night leopards were killed. Those three-tailed night leopards could break through the defense of the armor.

However, this is by no means a good choice, the black armor is not a real armor, but an illusion of Wuhun, every time it is attacked, it consumes a point of Wuhun.

And the night of the magic night is not just one night, Qiao Ye has to think about the days to come.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, he stretched out his hand to hold it forward.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

The blood on the ground suddenly turned into blood lines, and then collapsed straight, cutting the body of the two three-tailed night leopards in two, but only the two ends.

The three-tailed night leopard is much stronger than the white ghost. It is fast and can avoid the attack of blood lines and blood thorns. It is impossible to kill the tide of white ghosts with one blow like it did in Ningbei Snowfield. The strength of the three-tailed leopard is too weak, and secondly, most of the white ghosts are very slow, which is completely incomparable with the three-tailed night leopard.

After one blow, Qiao Ye raised his leg and kicked a three-tailed night leopard out. The three-tailed night leopard behind him jumped up, ignored it, tore up his companion's body, and continued to pounce on Qiao Ye. .



Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slashed forward, smashing the body of the three-tailed night leopard, and then grabbed it again.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

An almost invisible handprint appeared, pinching a three-tailed night leopard, directly crushing the three-tailed night leopard's body into a pulp.

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8300 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8000 points."


The blood flowed all over the ground, turning into streaks along the ground, continuously spreading in all directions, dyeing the ground a bright red blood color, and even seeping into the soil.

When Qiao Ye raised his foot, there were streaks of blood on the soles of his feet, which could not be easily broken off.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and it was constantly drifting towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye kept waving the halberd, waving the halberd, and waving the halberd again and again!

In front of the cave, the corpses of the three-tailed night leopard kept piling up, one after another. The three-tailed night leopard whose abdomen had been cut open, had internal organs all over the floor, and the bright red heart fell out of the body, beating every time. .

And Qiao Ye just kept waving his halberd!

It was a fierce battle, under the light of the stars, until Qiao Ye fell, or...

Until the last three-tailed night leopard was beheaded by Qiao Ye.

Since there is no way out...


Fight a great battle!


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