Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 256 Don't Get Out, Die

Chapter 256 Don't Roll, Die

Zheng Xiaose pushed aside the falling vines and walked out from the dense forest. Behind him were two people, one named Wang Quanjun and the other named Li Xuan.

The strength of the three of them is not bad, and their cultivation has reached the first level of Wu Zongjing. You must know that not all apprentices of the defenders have broken through to Wu Zongjing, at least half of them are still at the ninth level of Wukuangjing.

The three of them all came from the Millennium Dojo before they became apprentices of the Guardians of the World. In addition to the four major academies, the top ten Taoist temples in the world will also have genius disciples who become the Guardians of the World. Of course, they also choose to become World Secrets Scholars, guardians and the like, and the Millennium Daoist Temple happens to be ranked tenth among the Daoist Temples in the world!

The teleportation array will only teleport people to a fixed area, not a fixed location. However, Shenmen Dojo has a unique communication method that can communicate with each other. This is also the reason why the three of them were able to gather together in the first place. The reason why the three were able to survive the first day.

Even so, the three of them are in a terrible state right now, their bodies are covered with blood, and there are still many wounds on their bodies, but fortunately none of them are fatal.

Zheng Xiaose said: "We need to find a place where we can rest, otherwise we may not be able to survive the next round of riots."

Wang Quanjun nodded to Li Xuan. Suddenly, Li Xuan moved his nose and said, "It smells so strong of blood."

Wang Quanjun said with a nonchalant smile: "It was so noisy yesterday, how could there be no smell of blood? What's so strange..."

Wang Quanjun finished speaking halfway, and suddenly froze. At the edge of the secret forest, densely packed corpses of three-tailed night leopards appeared in front of the three of them. They even piled up on top of each other, so many that they covered the ground in front of them. There is almost no place to stay.

The blood had already dried up, the ground was bright red, the broken corpses, the internal organs everywhere, and the pieces of minced meat were sticky together. The air was filled with the smell of blood and rot, which made people feel a little sick.

Not only Wang Quanjun was stunned, but when Zheng Xiaose and Li Xuan walked out, they also looked at the scene in front of them with astonishment and astonishment.

After a while, Li Xuan came back to his senses first, and said excitedly: "We have made a fortune. The tails of these three-tailed night leopards have not been cut off. It should be caused by killing each other. Now they are all ours."

The tail of the three-tailed night leopard is the only valuable spiritual material, and it is also the result of hunting. It is definitely a great surprise to be able to obtain so many without any effort.

Zheng Xiaose and Wang Quanjun also became excited, and the three quickly stepped over the bodies of the three-tailed night leopards.


The three of them suddenly felt something, their eyes passed over the body of the three-tailed night leopard, and they looked forward. There was a cave under the hanging vines, which made the three of them happy. This is obviously a good place to rest, but then suddenly another shock.

Because, there is a person sitting at the entrance of the cave!

The man had one leg crossed on the ground, one leg stepped on the ground, and supported his arm with his knees. His whole body was covered in blood, and he was completely a blood man.

Could it be...

Those three-tailed night leopards didn't go berserk and start fighting each other because of the coming of the magic night, but...


Wang Quanjun licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Is this already dead?"

Zheng Xiaoser and Li Xuan didn't answer, but they exchanged winks, and then slowly approached towards the entrance of the cave, gradually approaching Qiao Ye.


The moment the three of them came to Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes faintly.

The three of them were startled for an instant, and they couldn't help but took a few steps back, looking at each other in blank dismay.

After looking at each other, Zheng Xiaoser nodded to the other two people inaudibly, and then came to Qiao Ye and said with a smile: "This brother is very skilled, did you kill these three-tailed night leopards?"

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand silently, brushed back the hanging bangs, and then looked at Zheng Xiaose coldly.

Qiao Ye just watched without answering, which made Zheng Xiaose a little embarrassed. He glanced at Qiao Ye's forehead. He didn't have any spirit patterns, and he was not from the spirit realm. He smiled again and said, "What's the name of this brother?"

Qiao Ye remained silent, still just looking at Zheng Xiaose.

Zheng Xiaoser suddenly became more embarrassed, Li Xuan took a step forward, and said in a low voice: "You are dumb, talking to you."

Zheng Xiaose reached out his hand to stop Li Xuan, and then said: "The riot passed overnight, but I don't know when those monsters will make a comeback. Brother, although the cave behind you is not big, it can accommodate four people. I wonder if we can go in too. have a rest?"

While talking, Zheng Xiaose looked at the cave again.

This cave is really good, very hidden. After entering, you can pull down the vines on the cliff to completely cover the entrance of the cave. With a little arrangement, it is not easy to be found. It is very suitable as a foothold for rest.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye said, "Get lost."

Zheng Xiaoser was taken aback, then raised his eyebrows and said: "Brother, we are all apprentices of the Guardians. Naturally, when the devil comes, we should support each other. Isn't it good for you?"

Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Cave, do you want it? Do you also want the tail of the three-tailed night leopard? Do you want my life?"

Zheng Xiaose looked a little stiff, shook his head and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Qiao Ye said: "You really want to take a break, I won't disagree, but do you need to draw your sword?"

Qiao Ye could clearly see that when Zheng Xiaose stepped forward, Li Xuan and Wang Quanjun deliberately fell behind, put their hands behind their backs, one of them pulled out the saber he was carrying, and the other secretly drew his sword, The weapon is attached to the back to hide it.

Zheng Xiaose said with a smile: "Brother, you are joking. The night of magic is coming, and the danger is abnormal. Even though the riots last night just passed, you still don't know when the danger will come. It is only natural to be careful."

Qiao Ye sneered again, picked up a stone from the ground, flicked his wrist, and threw it close to the ground: "Then what is this?"

The stone flew towards them, and the three instinctively jumped away in different directions. Behind Zheng Xiaose, and in front of Li Xuan and Wang Quanjun, there were several lines on the ground.

Qiao Ye got up slowly, looked at Wang Quanjun and said, "You secretly drew formations with your toes, pretending I didn't see it? Is it also for precaution?"

Zheng Xiaose was still smiling, but he just lived up to the gentle look just now, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Yes."

Qiao Ye said indifferently: "Say it again, get out!"

The gentle expression on Zheng Xiaose's face gradually dissipated, replaced by a fierce look.

Li Xuan even smiled contemptuously, and raised his head directly: "Could it be that this cave still belongs to your family? You can't enter unless you let people in? And these three-tailed night leopards, so many, are you really the one who killed them?" Who do you think you are?"

Wang Quanjun interjected: "These three-tailed night storms can kill each other at first glance. You are just trying to get ahead and want to take advantage of it."

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her lips, not bothering to argue.

"Don't get lost..." Qiao Ye glanced at the three of them coldly and said, "Dead!"


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