Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 257 Three People Siege

Chapter 257 Three People Siege

Zheng Xiaose said: "Since you are selfish and want to monopolize the cave even if you don't care about favors, then we can only be ruthless. Don't blame the three of us."

Qiao Ye couldn't help laughing and said: "There is no one else here, why should you be so dignified? If you don't leave, you will die. You choose!"

"What are you arrogant about!" Li Xuan's temper was obviously much more irritable, and he said in a low voice: "I will tell you clearly, the cave belongs to us, and the corpses of these three-tailed night leopards also belong to us. You should get out obediently and save your life, otherwise don’t blame our three brothers for being cruel and merciless!”

Wang Quanjun said impatiently: "What are you talking about so much nonsense with him, kill him!"

Wang Quanjun directly slashed out, "Broken Wind Saber!"

The sword light suddenly appeared, and it slashed down towards Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye quickly moved one side of his body, and the silver sword light landed on the mountain wall behind, cutting a crack.

Since he made a move, it was equivalent to tearing his face, Zheng Xiaose immediately leaned forward, his palms interlaced.

Eighth-rank martial skill, Stele Opener!

Zheng Xiaose slapped palms continuously, and as Qiao Ye dodged backwards, he slapped the mountain wall continuously, and the mountain wall burst open continuously, and stone chips flew horizontally.

But at this moment...

A sword came from behind Qiao Ye, but Li Xuan sneaked around behind Qiao Ye, jumped up, and handed out a sword.

With cold eyes, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand suddenly, his five fingers formed into claws, and pierced into the mountain wall. Then, with a fierce force, he dug out a huge boulder, swept it towards the back, and collided with Li Xuan's saber, smashing it to the ground. The sword forced back.

After one blow, Qiao Ye kicked the body of a three-tailed night leopard flying with a hook.


With a low growl, Wang Quanjun slashed down with his saber, and the aura of the saber slashed down, splitting the body of the three-tailed night leopard in two.

On the other side, after Qiao Ye kicked out the body of the Three-tailed Night Leopard, he immediately met Zheng Xiaose and punched him out.


Fists and palms collided, making a muffled sound, invisible fluctuations pushed away, cracks appeared on the surrounding mountain walls, and then Qiao Ye and Zheng Xiaose retreated respectively.

Zheng Xiaose stood firm, looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said, "With one against three, you have no chance. I advise you to retreat obediently, so that at least you can survive!"

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "Is it just the three of you?"

"You're still talking big when you're about to die!" Li Xuan said angrily, "If you offend me, even if you want to leave, I won't let you!"

While speaking, Li Xuan pointed out with a sword again.

Rank nine martial arts, Piaoyu Sword!

The sword glow was only a little bit at the beginning, but it suddenly split apart and became densely packed, covering an area in front of Qiao Ye, and enveloping towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye snorted and said, "How dare you make a fool of yourself?"

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye directly covered it with a palm in the air, a huge handprint appeared, and covered it with a palm towards the front, directly smashing that little bit of sword light directly, and then blasted the opponent's chest with a palm, killing the person. Give it a shot and fly out.


Li Xuan only felt a tightness in his chest, and when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

After one blow, Qiao Ye flew towards Zheng Xiaose, Zheng Xiaose's pupils shrank, and he quickly backed away.

The next moment, the moment Zheng Xiaose got out of the way, the ground suddenly exploded, and blood thorns protruded continuously, which scared Zheng Xiaose into a cold sweat. If it was slower, he might be in a bunch.

Zheng Xiaose glanced at the two companions, and then the three of them understood each other.

"Martial Soul, Black Water Profound Snake!"

"Wuhun, drink the spirit sword with snow!"

"Martial Soul, Tianfu Painted Pattern!"

The three of them were obviously serious and directly entered the martial spirit state!

Zheng Xiaose's martial soul is a ten-meter-long black water black snake, which is an eighth-grade summoning type martial soul of the emperor's level. After the giant snake appeared, it circled around Zheng Xiaose's body, so ferocious.

Li Xuan's martial soul is an emperor-level metamorphic martial soul. It is a sword polished by ice cubes, but it is not an ordinary sword, but a spiritual sword. Li Xuan does not need to hold it, use spiritual force to move it , it can hang in the air.

As for Wang Quanjun...

Qiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, this guy had indeed entered the martial soul state, and he could feel the power of the martial soul in his aura, but what surprised Qiao Ye was that there was no change in Wang Quanjun's body, nor did he summon or transform any thing.

Where did Wuhun go?

It feels a little weird!

But Qiao Ye didn't have time to think about it, because Li Xuan pointed the sword in his hand, and the Xueyin Spirit Sword turned into a sword light, shooting towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye turned around sharply, grabbed it in the void, and then a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

Qiao Ye's black halberd looked like a halberd painted by Fang Tian, ​​which was in the shape of a "well". When the sword light flew over, Qiao Ye lifted the black halberd fiercely, and the sword light shot from the crescent halberd. The center passed through, and then Qiao Ye twisted his wrist, and the black halberd swung horizontally, pressing towards the ground, and the sword was stuck in it.

Li Xuan was shocked, and immediately said angrily: "Give me back the sword!"

"Okay!" Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Take the sword back!"

As soon as Qiao Ye swung the halberd, the Xueyin Spirit Sword flew back and hit Li Xuan's chest. The latter felt tight in his chest and backed away after being hit.

Seeing this, Zheng Xiaose immediately stretched out his hand and danced forward, and the black water snakes around him quickly rushed forward. The huge body swept away the corpses of the three-tailed night leopards around them, and came to Qiao Ye In front of him, the huge head raised up, opened its bloody mouth, and bit down on Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye curled her legs, then jumped up, the black black snake bit the ground, the ground burst instantly, and a piece was dug out deeply.

After one blow, the black water snake looked up and saw Qiao Ye falling from the sky!


With a gesture of slashing Huashan Mountain, the moment Qiao Ye's body fell, he slashed at the Black Water Xuan Snake with a halberd. The scales of the snake collapsed, and a black blood sprayed all over the ground.

The black water snake kept twisting and struggling. At this moment, Qiao Ye fell to the ground, and with a whirl of the black halberd in his hand, he drew it forward again.

With a bang, the halberd shaft slammed on the black water snake's body, and the body that was more than ten meters long was sent flying by Qiao Ye's halberd, rolling continuously against the ground.

Qiao Ye raised his head, looked ahead and said, "It seems that your skills are much smaller than your tone."

Zheng Xiaose gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, don't be too happy, it's just started now, look at your feet."

Qiao Ye looked down, then raised her eyebrows.

On the ground, a radiance appeared, and the radiance flowed like water, it turned out to be a seat...



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