Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 258 Martial Soul Formation

Chapter 258

Wang Quanjun is a famous formation mage!

The so-called formation masters are also warriors, but their cultivation methods are different.

Ordinary warriors practice martial arts and martial arts. The so-called formation masters are mainly reflected in the choice of martial arts and martial arts. Poison, etc., the method of distinction is mainly means other than cultivation.

Qiao Ye had already discovered that Wang Quanjun was an array mage. That guy secretly drew array patterns with his toes, which was also the main reason why Qiao Ye judged that the other party was malicious.

Arrays can of course be used for defense, and even, it can be said to be a good defensive measure and defensive trap.

However, Zheng Xiaose's rhetoric did not apply at all, did Qiao Ye agree to let the three of them enter the cave? So he drew the pattern directly, or secretly, if it wasn't malicious, then it was a naked provocation, no matter what kind, Qiao Ye would let the three of them go.

However, the pattern that Wang Quanjun secretly painted before did not take shape, and was destroyed during the battle, so Qiao Ye didn't take Wang Quanjun very seriously.

Array mages are difficult to deal with, but easy to deal with.

The reason why it is difficult to deal with is that the formation masters who major in formations are the strongest in the same realm and level. Under the same cultivation level, it is almost difficult to defeat the formation masters. This is the power of formations.

The reason why it is easy to deal with is that the weakness of the formation master is too obvious. As long as the opponent is not allowed to portray the formation, it is a no-brainer. The mage's physical body and spirit are much weaker when they are in the same realm and at the same level.

Of course, Qiao Ye was wary of Wang Quanjun. After all, Zheng Xiaose seemed to be the leader of the three, but Wang Quanjun was likely to be the core of the three people's battle. Therefore, there was likely to be a fighting method, that is, Zheng Xiaose and Li Xuan entangled Live in Qiao Ye to buy time for Wang Quanjun to draw the pattern.

But the current scene was really beyond Qiao Ye's expectations, and it could even be said that he did not expect it at all.

Wang Quanjun's martial soul...

It turned out to be a formation!

Qiao Ye licked the corners of her lips. Anyone who can become an apprentice of a boundary defender can indeed be regarded as the best among them. With such a martial spirit, Wang Quanjun can be said to be a natural formation master!

This is naturally a manifestation of talent!

While Qiao Ye was thinking, the movement of his hand was not slow at all, and he swept across with his halberd, and slashed towards the light that suddenly burst out from all around.

The next moment, Qiao Ye felt as if his halberd had slashed on the cotton, and the force of the halberd was dissipated in an instant, and the flowing brilliance was like water, rippling and rippling. .

Wang Quanjun laughed loudly and said, "Boy, don't waste your energy. The pattern has been formed, and the formation has just appeared. How could it be destroyed so easily?"

Qiao Ye frowned. This Martial Soul is simply cheating. The greatest weakness of a formation mage is to draw formation patterns, but now it forms a formation directly?

Zheng Xiaose also laughed, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you regretful? It's a pity that even if you admit your cowardice and leave obediently now, you probably won't have a chance. Just die here."

Qiao Ye's voice was cold, and he looked around and said, "Just relying on a broken formation to trap and kill me? I want to see how you kill me!"

The moment the words fell, Qiao Ye raised her leg and stepped on the ground.

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

With a bang, black smoke suddenly erupted from Qiao Ye's body, turning into a column of smoke and rushing up into the sky, pushing away to the sides continuously, colliding with the surrounding radiance.

Under that radiance, the formation has already appeared, and the radiant lines of the spells are outlined one by one.

However, at this moment...

Under the impact of the black smoke, the formation continued to vibrate and shake violently.

Zheng Xiaose turned pale, and shouted at Wang Quanjun: "Don't give him a chance, kill him quickly!"

Wang Quanjun nodded, and said in a low voice: "Soldiers kill thieves!"

Almost instantly, the sound of killing suddenly sounded in the formation. Qiao Ye felt as if he was on the battlefield, surrounded by mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood. Countless armored soldiers appeared, holding long daggers, and charged towards Qiao Ye .

Qiao Ye sneered, and the black halberd in his hand danced towards the front. The black smoke fluttered around, like layers of waves, rushing forward one after another.

When they came in front of those soldiers, the black smoke was as sharp as a knife, and the moment they flew towards the front, those soldiers fell to the ground one after another, their bodies were cut into two pieces, and the corpses piled up like a mountain.

Wang Quanjun's face turned pale, and he said in a low voice, "The thunder array is shattered!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Within the area covered by the formation, suddenly there were bursts of thunder, and thunderbolts suddenly appeared one after another, and fell continuously towards the bottom.

Qiao Ye looked up, and didn't intend to dodge at all. He directly raised his halberd to the sky, curled his legs and jumped, and rushed out into the air.


The black halberd turned into a streak of black light and collided fiercely with the falling thunder, making a loud noise.

The black halberd forcibly broke through the thunder after thunder!

Wang Quanjun was astonished, this was too fierce, his formation couldn't restrain Qiao Ye at all.

"Use the killer move!" Wang Quanjun yelled at Zheng Xiaose: "Let the black water black snake enter the battle!"

When Wang Quanjun was speaking, he was also urging his martial soul with all his strength, and the brilliance in the formation became more intense, illuminating all directions, and even the area shrouded in mist became somewhat clearer.

"Four directions and four elephant formations!" Wang Quanjun shouted in a low voice, "The blue dragon returns!"

The formation pattern on the ground changed again, Zheng Xiaose's black water black color entered the formation, and landed directly on Dongfang Qinglong.


A sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded, and the black water snake suddenly leaped into the air, its body soared to twenty meters away, the snake scales on its body turned into blue dragon scales, horns grew from its forehead, and dragon scales grew from the bottom of its body , turned into a blue dragon, and rushed towards Qiao Ye.

"A snake is a snake, why Jackie Chan!" Qiao Ye said coldly, "Kill!"

Qiao Ye directly met the green dragon, and swung the black halberd in his hand.


A man and a dragon collided together, the ground exploded with a bang, and countless smoke and dust flew into the air engulfed by gravel.

The circle of light around the formation was constantly trembling, and under the impact of the colliding air waves, it began to become flickering.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground began to collapse inch by inch, and a huge deep pit was directly formed around Qiao Ye and the green dragon.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's left hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the green dragon's horn.

"I let you die!"


Qiao Ye's arm suddenly pressed down, grabbing the dragon's horn, and smashed the green dragon in front of him to the ground forcefully.


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