Chapter 259 You Are Unworthy

The sound of dragon chant appeared again, but this time it turned into a cry of mourning.

The green dragon's body exuded a green radiance, as if it had shed its skin. When the radiance dissipated, the green dragon turned back to black water and black, and Qiao Ye forcibly knocked out that metamorphosis.


The martial spirit was greatly damaged, and Wang Quanjun couldn't help throwing up a mouthful of blood!

Qiao Ye took the opportunity to take a step forward, and once again slashed out with a crescent-shaped halberd light, the formation was finally overwhelmed, the formation pattern on the ground exploded, and the surrounding radiance disappeared, and then the halberd light slammed fiercely. Beheaded on Wang Quanjun's body.

With a puff, Wang Quanjun's body was cut in two by Qiao Ye's halberd, and he fell to the ground.

"You defeated a martial artist of the first level of the Martial Ancestry Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 10,000 points."

After one blow, Wang Quanjun died, Qiao Ye also broke out, and then looked up at Zheng Xiaose.

Zheng Xiaose couldn't help but take a step back, but Li Xuan still had a fierce expression on his face, he gave a low drink, pointed at the sword in his hand, and killed Qiao Ye again.

"Phantom Nine Swords!"

While Li Xuan shouted, the Xueyin Spirit Sword suddenly split into nine handles, lined up in a row, and suddenly stabbed in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Li Xuan, raised his halberd the moment he came in front of her, and said, "It's so gaudy, what's the use!"


When the halberd fell, the blade of the halberd was entangled in a large cloud of black smoke. The moment it fell, the spirit sword divided into nine parts was directly shaken away and fell in all directions.

A line of blood appeared on Li Xuan's forehead, his pupils shrank continuously, and then he fell slowly to the ground.

"You defeated a martial artist of the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 9500 points."

After beheading one more person, Qiao Ye raised his head and looked at Zheng Xiaose.

Zheng Xiaose was frightened, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Brother, brother, speak up if you have something to say!" Zheng Xiaose tremblingly said: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

Qiao Ye ignored Zheng Xiaose and kept moving forward step by step.

Zheng Xiaose begged for mercy: "Everyone is an apprentice of a boundary guard, and later becomes a boundary guard, and everyone is a colleague, why is this so?"

"Sorry!" Qiao Ye raised his halberd and said, "You are not worthy!"

Qiao Ye stepped forward fiercely and threw the black halberd in his hand.

The black halberd pierced through the air and turned into a stream of black light, approaching Zheng Xiaose's chest. Before Zheng Xiaose could react, a bloody hole was opened in his chest.

"You defeated a martial artist of the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 9500 points."

Qiao Ye waved his hand, and the black smoke around him dissipated, then picked up the things of the three people, looked at the corpses around, Qiao Ye took out the green umbrella, drew out the rapier, and started to kill the three-tailed night leopard The tail was cut off.

These are all spiritual materials, and they are also the results of Qiao Ye's battle.

After working for about an hour, Qiao Ye returned to the cave, intending to take a rest.

This cave can no longer be used, and there are too many corpses piled up outside, so naturally there is no need to hide it. Instead of cleaning up those corpses, it is better to change the place directly.

I counted the tails of the three-tailed night leopards. I hunted and killed more than a hundred three-tailed night leopards yesterday, and Zheng Xiaose and the other three were quite rich. The three of them even had space treasures with them. Li Xuan's The sword and Wang Quanjun's knife are both seventh-grade treasures. As for the contents of the space treasure, there are food and water, some pills, and spiritual materials. It is worth mentioning that the spiritual materials are all produced by Moye City. See These three fellows gained a lot last night.

Naturally, those spiritual materials should be kept, as well as some pills. After all, these are all pills from the Martial Domain. Qiao Ye knows them well and knows their effects, so keep them for emergencies. However, the space between the three of them Qiao Ye absorbed the treasure and the sword directly.

"You have absorbed the Broken Wind Knife (seventh grade), and got the martial soul value: 68000."

"You have absorbed the Lingyun sword (seventh grade), and got the martial soul value: 78000."

"You absorbed the nine-turn bead chain (eighth grade), and got the martial soul value: 60000."


After Qiao Ye absorbed it, a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes and glanced at it.

The cultivation base can be improved!

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat strength: 900000

Cultivation level: First level of Wu Zongjing.

Martial soul value: 1722000/1200000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 6) (variable variants).

Items: Tsing Yi Umbrella, Thunder Ring, Blood Demon

Skills: None

Martial arts: Hundred Battles Blood Art (Fifth Grade), Breaking Heavenly Palm (7th Grade), Ascending Heaven Road (7th Grade)

The one-night hunt was still fruitful. The three of Zheng Xiaose were just small heads, mainly because the one-night hunt brought Qiao Ye quite a lot of martial soul value, and the price was...

Quite exhausting!

Whether it was physically or mentally, Qiao Ye was exhausted now, not to mention fighting with Zheng Xiaose and the others just now.

Therefore, in the case of obtaining a large number of martial soul points and a large number of battle results, this level of hunting is also accompanied by danger. After all, the night of the devil may last for ten days at the longest. If every riot is hunted like this, Joe Ye may not be killed, but he will definitely die from exhaustion.

"Your cultivation has been raised to the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm!"

While thinking about it, he improved his cultivation base.

The Martial Soul Points needed to upgrade from the second level to the third level of the Martial Ancestry Realm have risen to 1.35 million, and it is necessary to accumulate the Martial Soul Points again.

After stuffing two pills from Zheng Xiaose and the others into his mouth, Qiao Ye poured some water into his palm, washed the blood on his face, and then left the cave and returned to the dense forest.

After the magic night falls, although the creatures here will riot, the riots will not last forever, but intermittently. Last night was the first wave, and now it is considered a short period of tranquility.

Walking along the secret forest, you can see a large number of corpses, some corpses are not complete, the parts of the corpses that belong to spiritual materials have been taken away, and some corpses are complete, these corpses are from evil beasts Those who killed each other did not die at the hands of the apprentice guards. Qiao Ye found out when passing by, so naturally it was cheaper for Qiao Ye.

After about half an hour, Qiao Ye finally found a place to rest.

It was a towering giant tree, extremely old and strong, the roots had already gushed out of the ground, forming a large criss-cross pattern, and the gaps between the roots became quite hidden hiding places.

Qiao Ye dripped a few drops of blood around the big tree, and then released a few night crows to stop on the nearby trees to guard, then slipped in through the gap in the tree roots, and then leaned on a tree root, stretched out After taking a breath, drank some water and ate something, he began to meditate with his eyes closed, and quickly recovered.

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