Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 260 Black Mist Outline

Chapter 260 Black Mist Outline

Qiao Ye rested for about two hours, feeling that his body had recovered a lot, and then got out from the tree roots.

The secret forest was quiet, Qiao Ye took out a compass-like treasure and took a look. It was almost three hours before night fell.

Everyone has this thing, because it is difficult to distinguish day and night in Moye City depending on the weather, so the guardian asked the refiner to refine this little thing, which can tell the time.

The meaning of nightfall is that riots are likely to reappear.

The riots that occur during the night of the devil are intermittent. To be precise, the daytime is relatively peaceful. Although the creatures are more irritable than usual, they do not necessarily attack each other. Of course, when they meet humans, Except for special cases such as ghost lamps, almost all will attack, but at least they will not gather on a large scale.

At night, those creatures will completely fall into madness.

Therefore, it is still possible to relax a little during the day and recover, but it will be difficult after nightfall.

According to past experience, there are generally two options for apprentices of boundary defenders. Those with strong strength will hunt at night because the harvest is very rich, and then rest during the day. The second is to try their best to hide at night and come out to fight the autumn wind during the day.

It is impossible for Qiao Ye to choose the second option. Choosing the second option means that he does not expect much results and survives the night of the devil.

Then, it was going to be night soon, so it was time for Qiao Ye to get ready again.

But at this moment...

A clear sword light appeared not far away, and then Qiao Ye heard a loud roar, and a big tree collapsed and hit the ground.


Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows. Is this someone fighting?

Qiao Ye didn't mean to intentionally snatch other people's victory, nor did he mean to meddle in other people's business. He turned around and prepared to leave in the direction below, but before he could make a step, Qiao Ye suddenly noticed that the movement was a little closer, it turned out to be towards I came here by myself.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye found a large area of ​​colorful lights and shadows around him, and the air was sprinkled with light like powder. Immediately afterwards, a group of colorful butterflies flew over Qiao Ye's head, which looked extremely gorgeous.


Lin Ziyi's voice suddenly sounded, and the butterfly fell from the sky, and Lin Ziyi appeared in the light.

Lin Ziyi looked extremely embarrassed. His body was covered with blood and wounds. Moreover, they were all new injuries. Qiao Ye even saw that one of Lin Ziyi's arms was still bleeding.

Lin Ziyi said anxiously: "Qiao Ye, something happened."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I have eyes, and I can see."

Something happened to Lin Ziyi's appearance. Although it was not fatal, it was obviously seriously injured.

Lin Ziyi shook her head and said, "It's not me, it's..."

Lin Ziyi finished speaking halfway, pointed at Qiao Ye's back and said, "Be careful!"

Qiao Ye could clearly feel a strong wind suddenly blowing behind her, and something was approaching her quickly, so she immediately turned around and took out the green-clothed umbrella.


The sound of gold and iron clanging sounded, and something chopped on the green-clothed umbrella, pushing Qiao Ye out. After sliding back for a few meters, Qiao Ye stabilized his figure.

Looking down, Qiao Ye was furious. The Tsing Yi Umbrella was cut open a gap. It is not known whether it can still be used, but it is definitely considered a serious damage.

Qiao Ye looked up abruptly, and then couldn't help being taken aback.

What was in front of me turned out to be a cloud of black mist, with a silhouette of a human being, without feet, floating in the air, but the body and hands were clearly visible, there were no facial features on the face, only two long and narrow red lights, which seemed to be the opponent's eyes .

Qiao Ye recalled for a moment, but she didn't remember that in the illustration book that Lin Ziyi gave herself before, it was recorded that there was such a creature in Moye City.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but looked at Lin Ziyi and asked, "What is this?"

Lin Ziyi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but be careful, this thing is very strong."

"Is it very strong?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the green-clothed umbrella in his hand, but he didn't deny it. The other party could damage a seventh-rank treasure with a single blow. Moreover, it was the main defense seventh-rank treasure, so of course it wouldn't be too weak .

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to signal Lin Ziyi to get out of the way, then slowly walked to the side, stretched out his hand to hold it in the void, a black smoke appeared in Qiao Ye's hand, and soon turned into a black euphorbia.

Just at this very moment...

The silhouette of the black mist hit Qiao Ye again.

So fast!

The outline of the black mist floated in the air, walking close to the ground, with two red lights coming out of his eyes, at an unimaginably fast speed, about seven or eight meters away, unexpectedly came to Qiao Ye in an instant.

The next moment, the silhouette of the black mist raised its arms and slashed at Qiao Ye.

The moment those arms fell, they directly turned into two black knives, which slashed heavily on the shaft of the black halberd.

Dang clang, clang clang!

There was a crisp symphony, and sparks splashed from the halberd shaft.

Qiao Ye's shoulders sank slightly, the silhouette of the black mist was not only surprisingly fast, but also quite terrifying in strength.

"However, it seems that it is a little bit close to wanting to kill me at this level!"

With a low snort, Qiao Ye violently pushed up the black halberd, shook the opponent away abruptly, and then swung the halberd forcefully to sweep forward.

The light of the halberd suddenly appeared, and the black halberd passed over the opponent's waist, directly cutting the opponent's body into two pieces.


The opponent's body was made of condensed mist. After being cut open, the mist wriggled continuously, and then recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

next moment...

The silhouette of the black mist struck again, and his hands melted into knives, slashing at Qiao Ye continuously.

Qiao Ye squinted his eyes. This guy doesn't look like a creature from Nightmare City, or to put it bluntly, he doesn't look like a living thing. Of course, it's even less likely that he's a human being, but there is something...

"The feeling of Wuhun?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

Qiao Ye suspected that what he was fighting was Wuhun, but if he had to talk about Wuhun, Qiao Ye felt that the aura was a bit weird, not the same as the general Wuhun aura.

Could it be the spiritual ability of the spiritual realm?

As Qiao Ye thought about it, while blocking the attack of the silhouette of the black mist, his eyes became sharper.

If my guess is correct, then the outline of the black mist is a martial soul or a spiritual ability, which means that the attack is not ineffective. Even if the fog group can be reorganized, it is still a kind of consumption. As long as the attack is fierce enough, it can be defeated. Destroy!


While thinking about it, Qiao Ye violently shook the outline of the black mist away, and then swung his halberd across, splitting the outline of the black mist into two pieces again.


This time, Qiao Ye didn't give the black mist outline a chance to condense again easily. At the moment when the fog was still wriggling, Qiao Ye pounced on it again.


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