Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 265 I don't associate with villains

Chapter 265

The moment Qiao Ye's halberd slashed forward, the black smoke continuously condensed and transformed into a huge black halberd, which was seven or eight meters tall, and slashed forward.


The air exploded, and the moment the halberd fell, all the fallen souls exploded.


Lin Jianyu blurted out almost instinctively.

His cultivation at the first level of Martial Ancestry Realm shouldn't be weaker than Qiao Ye's, and the Bianhuahuakai is an eighth-rank Martial Spirit of the Earth Ming level. Even if he can't compete with Qiao Ye, he shouldn't be defeated so easily.


At the same time, Qiao Ye fell from the sky and landed directly in the sea of ​​flowers.

"Do you know why this happened?" Qiao Ye slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Jianyu and said, "Because, I don't even have the mood to kill you slowly!"


The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he directly raised the black halberd and swung it forward vigorously. A strong wind suddenly picked up and whizzed past, and the Bianhua flowers in front were all broken under one blow.


Start to wither!

The blooming Bana flowers withered and withered at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and began to annihilate.


Lin Jianyu opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his martial soul...

It was killed by a halberd!


As soon as Qiao Ye stepped on the ground, his figure flashed again and came towards Lin Jianyu.

Lin Jianyu was shocked, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Qiao Ye, we are all boundary guards after all, let me go, I will not report your whereabouts to Shenmen Dojo, I hunted many creatures yesterday, I Give you all those spiritual materials, I can still follow you, help you hunt, I don't want anything..."


Before Lin Jianyu could finish his words, the tip of the black halberd came suddenly, turned into a stream of black light, and directly hit Lin Jianyu's throat, piercing Lin Jianyu's throat with a bloody hole.

"Sorry!" Qiao Ye drew his halberd and said, "I don't associate with villains!"

As Qiao Ye pulled out the black halberd, a stream of bright red blood spurted out, spreading all over the ground.

"You defeated a martial artist of the first level of the Martial Ancestry Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 10,000 points."


Lin Jianyu's body fell backwards and fell hard to the ground.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, the black halberd turned into smoke and dissipated, Qiao Ye withdrew the Wuhun.

Walking back to Lin Ziyi, Qiao Ye said, "Are you okay?"

Lin Ziyi shook her head and said, "Not long after they caught me, you came back, and you didn't have time to do anything to me."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's going to be night!"

As night fell, it meant that riots might reappear. Lin Ziyi's current state was very dangerous. Qiao Ye collected the things of Lin Jianyu and the others, and then walked downstream along the creek with Lin Ziyi.

The luck of the two of them was not bad. After half an hour, they found a suitable place to stay. A pile of rocks piled up in the lower reaches of the stream. Because the rocks were very huge, many hollow areas were formed, which could be hidden. .

Qiao Ye helped Lin Ziyi enter, cleaned the ground a little, and then the two sat down cross-legged.

Lin Ziyi leaned on the stone and said, "Thank you."

"It's just convenient." Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Ziyi and said, "You can adjust your breathing and heal your wounds. I still have some pills."

Lin Ziyi smiled and said, "No, I have it too."

Lin Ziyi took out a small box from his arms, took a white pill from it and put it into his mouth.

Qiao Ye nodded and didn't say much. After all, she was Zi Yihou's daughter, and she was richer than herself. Qiao Ye still snatched the stock.

Lin Ziyi sat aside to adjust his breath, Qiao Ye simply counted his inventory, and then his eyes lit up.

The five of Lin Jianyu's families are all good, and they all have space treasures. In addition, including Lin Jianyu, the weapons of the five people are also treasures. These alone can be counted as harvests. Quite rich.

Qiao Ye counted the contents of the space treasure one by one, almost all of them were elixir and spiritual materials. Of course, food and water were essential, but no treasure was found. However, Qiao Ye found a small fur bag, only a slap After Qiao Ye opened it, a bead rolled out and fell into Qiao Ye's palm, a pale white light instantly overflowed.

"Han Yuzhu." Lin Ziyi opened his eyes and said: "This is a good thing. Wearing this thing on your body can resist the invasion of wind and snow, and it is also effective against martial spirits with ice and snow attributes."

The cold jade beads are produced in the extreme north. They are not treasures, but fourth-grade spiritual materials. It is said that it takes decades to produce one from the ice soul. As Lin Ziyi said, it can resist wind and snow, and can improve Martial spirits with ice and snow attributes can also resist the attacks of martial spirits with ice and snow attributes.

This thing is quite good. Although it can be exchanged for 450,000 martial soul value after absorbing it, Qiao Ye still decided to keep it. The look in the card, and then all absorbed.

"You absorbed the Xumi bag (ninth grade), and got the martial soul value: 38000."

"You absorbed the thousand-layer knife (seventh grade), and got the martial soul value: 90000."

"You have absorbed the hundred-forged dragon sword (eighth grade), and got the martial soul value: 58000."


"Your cultivation has been raised to the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm!"


When Qiao Ye was raised to the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, he had more than 500,000 martial soul points, and now the ten treasures brought Qiao Ye more than 800,000 martial soul points. Ye's martial soul value just reached the amount that could hit the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, so Qiao Ye naturally improved his cultivation base.

After raising his cultivation base, Qiao Ye also took a deep breath, closed his eyes and practiced meditation to stabilize his cultivation base.

Lin Ziyi's condition is not good. Even if there is a panacea, it will take a certain amount of time for the medicine to take effect. Tonight, there should be no chance to take the initiative to hunt and kill. In this case, meditation practice just happened to improve his cultivation level by two levels in a short period of time. It also needs to be stabilized.

Lin Ziyi adjusted his breath to heal his wounds, Qiao Ye meditated and practiced, and he became quiet in an instant until the middle of the night...


A loud roar woke them up.

Lin Ziyi and Qiao Ye looked at each other, Lin Ziyi said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I dragged you down and prevented you from hunting."

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "I have collected enough spiritual materials."

Qiao Ye is really not polite. He had hunted the three-tailed night leopard all night and collected a lot of three-tailed night leopard tails. Zheng Xiaoser and Lin Yujian rushed to warm Qiao Ye. The spiritual material in Qiao Ye's hand now He couldn't count them all, and Qiao Ye felt that if he directly counted them now, relying on what he had in hand, it probably wouldn't be a problem to rank among the best.

Moreover, even hunting can't go too far. The matter of being killed as a reserve member of the Defenders still needs to be dealt with. Now that they are gone, what should the Defenders who received the summons come over?

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