Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 266 Six-Eyed Demon Owl

Chapter 266 Six-Eyed Demon Owl

Now that they were awakened, Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi had no intention of continuing to meditate. It is not known whether the riot will affect this area, but it is better to be careful.

Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Ziyi and said, "Is the injury better?"

Lin Ziyi smiled and said: "Fortunately, they were all traumatic injuries. Although they haven't fully recovered, they are already recovering."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Just don't hold back."

Lin Ziyi's smile froze, and she tilted her head. So, the reason why you asked me if my injury is good is not because you care, but because you are worried that I will slow you down?

At this time, the huge roar of the beast sounded again, it was earth-shattering, and the ground trembled slightly.

Qiao Ye raised his hand casually, black smoke appeared on his arm, and then slowly condensed, turning into night crows one by one, landing on Qiao Ye's arm, and as Qiao Ye raised his arm, those night crows The crow flew up, passed through the cracks in the pile of rocks, and spread its wings.

Qiao Ye slightly closed his eyes, and after a while, opened them and said, "For the time being, you can rest assured that the home of today's riot seems to be in the mountains on the other side, some distance away from us..."

Only halfway through Qiao Ye's speech, her expression froze suddenly, showing a bit of embarrassment.


Qiao Ye pulled Lin Ziyi up decisively, and ran out of the pile of rocks.

at the same time……

In the pitch-black sky, a huge black shadow suddenly descended from the sky, and only when it got close did it appear. It was a giant bird.

The giant bird is gray and black in color, and its body is extremely huge. Its arms are five or six meters wide, and it looks like a crow. It has six red eyeballs, three in a row, on the forehead, and tail feathers at the end. It looks like a phoenix, but its tail feathers are also pitch black.

Lin Ziyi looked at the pile of rocks that had been crushed behind him and said, "It's the Six-Eyed Demon Owl!"

The Six-Eyed Demon Owl is equivalent to the strength of the first level of Wu Zongjing, and is full of viciousness. In this area, he is already considered a dominant creature.

At the same time, after the six-eyed demon owl crushed the pile of rocks, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi, then spread his giant wings and let out a cry.

In the next moment, the huge figure bumped towards the two of them.

Lin Ziyi stretched out his hand and pointed forward, "Dielian!"

Around the six-eyed demon owl, suddenly appeared a large area of ​​light butterflies, circle after circle, like a rope, as if binding the six-eyed demon owl, and then, the huge body of the six-eyed demon owl It fell to the ground.

Lin Ziyi proudly raised her chin at Qiao Ye, as if to say: Look, my old lady is not holding back at all.

It's a pity that Qiao Ye didn't look at Lin Ziyi at all, and jumped up the moment the Six-eyed Demon Owl fell to the ground.

Stretching out his hand to hold it in the void, a black halberd appeared in his hand, and he slashed forward. The surrounding smoke billowed and turned into a sharp blade to slash at the six-eyed owl.


The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart appeared, and a wound was cut on the back of the Six-eyed Demon Owl, bleeding continuously.

There was a painful cry, and the six-eyed owl kept struggling, flapping its wings, and bumped towards Qiao Ye with its whole body upright.


Qiao Ye quickly swung the black halberd in front of him, hitting the head of the Six-eyed Demon Owl hard.

There was a violent collision sound, and the huge figure of the Six-eyed Demon Owl dragged out mud marks on the ground. Qiao Ye abruptly blocked that huge body, and then cut the Six-eyed Demon Owl's neck with a backhand On the ground, another stream of blood was splashed on the ground.

The six-eyed owl croaked again, spreading its wings to fly into the air.

Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Get off!"

For a flying guy like the Six-eyed Demon Owl, if he was allowed to spread his wings, he would definitely be much harder to deal with.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

Qiao Ye slapped the air with a palm, and a huge handprint appeared in the air, forcing the Six-eyed Demon Owl back to the ground abruptly.

The next moment, Qiao Ye jumped up and came to the front of the Six-eyed Demon Owl, slashing with the black halberd in his hand.


When the halberd fell, a black arc appeared, and the six-eyed owl's head instantly flew into the air, and was chopped off by Qiao Ye.

"You killed an evil beast (six-eyed owl), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

Qiao Ye stepped forward and cut off the six-eyed demon owl's phoenix-like tail feathers, then reached out to gesture to Lin Ziyi.

Lin Ziyi shook his head and said, "You take it."

Qiao Ye was not pretentious, and casually threw it into the jade token space.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye felt something, and quickly took out the spirit paper of summons from his arms, one of which was burning.

Qiao Ye said: "The defender has arrived."

The spiritual paper of communication is not just for conveying text information, it can also guide after burning, and the burning end will always point to the messenger's location, so, according to the burning of the spiritual paper of communication, the defenders will naturally be able to find it.

However, when I contacted yesterday, it was the spirit paper of communication burning next to the corpse, so the other party could only find the location of the corpse.

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi walked upstream along the creek, returned to the dense forest according to the way they came, and soon returned to the place where the body of the boundary guard was.

At this moment, leaning on the big tree next to the corpse was a man of about twenty-five or sixteen, wearing a soapy white long gown, with resolute features.

Qiao Ye recalled it for a while, and had a little impression that when he left Mo Ye City, the other party was in the team of boundary defenders and was one of the ten reserve members of boundary defenders.

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi stepped forward, and the other party sized them up and asked, "Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I sent the message."

"I'm Tian Chengguang." Tian Chengguang said: "I rushed over after receiving the summons."

Qiao Ye said, "Have you checked the body?"

Tian Chengguang nodded and said: "I've checked, it doesn't look like I died at the hands of those monsters, but was killed. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will deal with it later. You continue to hunt, or stick to it until the end of the night of magic." can."

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi nodded. It would not be their turn to investigate this matter. An official defender must be needed to take over.

Tian Chengguang said: "By the way, did you find anything from the corpse? That might be a clue."

Qiao Ye took out a small bag and said, "This is his space treasure, and nothing inside has been touched."

Tian Chengguang said: "Is his summoning spiritual paper in your hands?"

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi glanced at it. Sure enough, there was something wrong with the stack of spiritual papers? To be precise, there should be some problems with the only different spiritual paper.

The two were thinking at the same time, and then Lin Ziyi took out the spiritual paper and said, "It's here with me!"


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