Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 268 Alien Colored Creature

Chapter 268 Alien Creature

A silver light flashed in front of Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye almost instinctively dodged to the back.

Taking a few steps back, Qiao Ye lowered his head to look at his chest. There was a tear in his skirt, and he looked up at Tian Chengliang again. The speed at which this guy erupted in that instant was really frighteningly fast.

Qiao Ye murmured: "The ability of the possessed type increases the speed!"

Tian Chengliang snorted coldly and said: "Boy, you'd better give me that ghost lamp while I'm planning to talk, or don't blame me for being cruel!"

Qiao Ye ignored Tian Chengliang, just stretched out his hand, and a large cloud of smoke overflowed from Qiao Ye's body, and quickly spread towards the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, it rippled towards the surroundings like water.

Martial Soul, Heavenly Demon Dazzling!

"I don't know how to flatter you!" Tian Chengliang said gloomyly: "Then kill you, then kill that woman, and then snatch the things over."

Tian Chengliang's figure flashed, and the speed was indeed terrifying. Almost in the blink of an eye, he spanned a distance of nearly ten meters, and suddenly appeared beside Qiao Ye, sweeping the cone blade in his hand towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye quickly dodged sideways, and the tapered blade almost brushed Qiao Ye's cheek.

But in the next moment...

Tian Chengliang seemed to shift shape and change positions. He obviously appeared on Qiao Ye's left side, but changed his position to the right side almost instantly, and the awl in his hand stabbed towards Qiao Ye again.

"I'm so sorry!" Qiao Ye's voice sounded faintly: "Your spiritual ability just happens to be of no use to me!"


A cloud of smoke suddenly exploded from Qiao Ye's body, like a wall, forcibly separating Tian Chengliang, Tian Chengliang's eyes froze, and his figure turned around again.

Qiao Ye grinned and stretched out his hand to shake it.

Boom, boom, boom!

Streams of black smoke rose continuously and pushed away towards the surroundings. No matter how Tian Chengliang moved, he still couldn't break through to Qiao Ye again.

At the same time, Tian Chengliang's speed became slower and slower, and with the rising smoke, Tian Chengliang suddenly found that the route he could move was completely blocked.

"You think you can stop me like this?"

With a flash, Tian Chengliang rushed directly into the rising smoke, pierced through the black smoke, and approached Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but draw the corners of her mouth.

The black smoke all over the field is his own martial soul, passing through the black smoke is equivalent to passing through his own martial soul, no matter how terrifying Tian Chengliang's speed is, as long as he passes through the black smoke, he can easily catch it.

"And after knowing the trajectory of the movement..." Qiao Ye said with a chuckle: "No matter how fast the speed is, it's useless!"


Qiao Ye slammed on the ground, twisted her body, stretched out her hand toward the back, and just met Tian Chengliang, before Tian Chengliang made a move, Qiao Ye grabbed Tian Chengliang's throat and gave Tian Chengliang's body He lifted it up directly, and then slammed it hard to the ground.


There was a roar on the ground, and countless spider web cracks opened, and half of Tian Chengliang's body fell directly into it.

Tian Chengliang's body arched, and he spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13,000 points."

After pressing Tian Chengliang to the ground, Qiao Ye said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you, and why are you pretending to be a member of the Boundary Defender Reserve?"

Tian Chengliang gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare, kill me!"

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand, turned into a black halberd, stabbed down towards Tian Chengliang's thigh forcefully, pierced Tian Chengliang's thigh directly, and nailed the whole leg to the ground.


The veins in Tian Chengliang's neck twitched violently, and he roared loudly, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead in an instant.

Qiao Ye said coldly: "I don't have much patience, you'd better not waste my time."

Tian Chengliang bit his lip tightly, keeping his mouth shut.

Qiao Ye drew out the black halberd, and stabbed down at Tian Chengliang's other leg again.

"Ah!" Tian Chengliang screamed again, gritted his teeth and said, "You give up, I won't say anything."

Qiao Ye said: "You're quite stubborn, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Qiao Ye pulled out the black halberd and was about to stab Tian Chengliang in the head.

Seeing the black halberd stabbing down, Tian Chengliang quickly said: "We are looking for mutated creatures of different colors."

"Isn't it tough?" Qiao Ye said disdainfully, "What kind of strange creature."

Lin Ziyi stepped forward and said: "This ghost lamp has been mutated. Normal ghost lamps are not of this color. The lamp body should be the color of black iron, and the ghost fire is also the color of ordinary flames. It's the color of brass, and the color of the will-o'-the-wisps is light blue."

Qiao Ye asked strangely, "Is it rare to have mutated?"

Lin Ziyi said: "Rare is quite rare, and those who have mutated will become much stronger, but that's all, they can get better spiritual materials. I don't think that in order to find mutated creatures, you can involve Death of a Guardian Reserve member."

Qiao Ye looked at Tian Chengliang and said, "What are you looking for with mutated alien creatures?"

Tian Chengliang said: "I don't know...ah..."

Before Tian Chengliang finished speaking, Qiao Ye pressed Tian Chengliang's wound, and Tian Chengliang screamed again.

Qiao Ye said, "As I said, I'm impatient."

Tian Chengliang gritted his teeth and said, "The Void Gate is related to the Void Gate."

The place where the void fault is formed is called the void gate. This is one of the main tasks of the defenders. Some void faults that are too dangerous are difficult to control, or require a lot of manpower and material resources. The gain is not worth the loss. The ultimate goal is to destroy it If you want to destroy a void fault, you must first find the void gate, because if you want to destroy the void fault, you must start with the void gate, and then the void fault will disappear.

Lin Ziyi said: "The Void Gate of Moye City has never been found, and although there are some very powerful creatures in Moye City, the number is not too many. Compared with places like Ningbei Snowfield, it is of course much more dangerous, but It’s not out of control.”

"What's going on?" Qiao Ye looked at Tian Chengliang and said, "Tell me everything you know."

Tian Chengliang broke out in cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said, "That's all I know. The order I received was to find mutated creatures of different colors, which seemed to have the key to open the void door. I don't know exactly what happened. I just Just follow orders."

Qiao Ye pointed to the corpse and said, "You killed it?"

"Probably yes, I don't know." Tian Chengliang said, "We acted separately."

Qiao Ye frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

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