Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 269 Questions and Answers

Chapter 269 Questions and Answers

"Who the hell are you? What is your identity? You are not a reserve member of the Guardians of the Spirit Realm." Qiao Ye thought for a moment, as if thinking of something, looked at Tian Chengliang and said, "Or, let me put it another way, for you The one who gave the order should not be the guardian of the spiritual domain, right?"

Lin Ziyi asked in surprise, "What do you mean by that?"

Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Ziyi and said, "You said just now that he used illusion to disguise his appearance, didn't you?"

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "A very powerful disguise technique, which directly replaces the face with illusion, and even the body can be replaced with illusion if the attainment is advanced, unless you have strong mental power or suffer from mental attack. It can only be broken when it is broken, except for these two cases, it is almost indistinguishable."

Lin Ziyi glanced at the ghost lamp while talking. The mutation direction of this ghost lamp seems to be spiritual power, and it is quite terrifying.

Qiao Ye said: "Then, here comes the question, why did they disguise themselves?"

Lin Ziyi looked at Qiao Ye suspiciously.

Qiao Ye said: "Their purpose is to find mutated creatures of different colors. Why do they kill people to disguise themselves? The guardians of the spiritual domain, apprentices of the guardians, and members of the reserve team of the guardians can all enter and leave normally when the night of magic falls. Hunting here, as long as they don't tell, who knows that they are looking for mutated alien creatures? Who knows that their goal is the void gate?"

Lin Ziyi thought for a while and said, "Unless it wasn't an order from the guardians of the spiritual domain, they pretended not to deceive the people of the Wu domain, but to deceive the guardians of the spiritual domain!"

Qiao Ye grabbed Tian Chengliang's collar and said: "We were misled, because of that corpse, so we thought that the other party had killed the reserve members of Wuyu's boundary defenders, and then pretended to be them, and plotted something. , this guy should have been disguising since Mo Ye City, the accurate statement should be that he pretended to be an apprentice of the guardian of the spiritual realm and mixed into Mo Ye City, right?"

As Qiao Ye spoke, she shook her wrist.

"Hey, answer me!" Qiao Ye looked at Tian Chengliang and said, "My guess is correct, right?"

Lin Ziyi said: "But he came to us disguised as a member of the reserve guard of Wuyu, so what's the problem with summoning the spiritual paper?"

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and said, "Of course he needs to answer this."

Tian Chengliang gritted his teeth and said: "We have set up a formation, and the general summoning spirit paper will be received by our summoning spirit paper. However, there are special summoning spirit papers in the hands of the reserve guards. Directly sending messages to the guardians of the night duty level or above, the spiritual materials for making this kind of communication spiritual paper are very special, and cannot be isolated with a formation."

Qiao Ye said: "So, you are still hunting and killing members of the Boundary Defender Reserve?"

Tian Chengliang said: "I didn't kill it. I don't have such strength. Someone else did it. I just want to take back the spirit paper of communication. I'm afraid you will use it directly and attract guards above the night level."

Qiao Ye said: "Then, the last question, who are you?"

Tian Chengliang said: "I don't know."

Qiao Ye smiled ferociously, and was about to reach out to press Tian Chengliang's wound again.

Tian Chengliang said urgently: "I really don't know much, I only know..."

Before Tian Chengliang finished speaking, suddenly, a strong wind in the forest struck, but it was a silver arrow that flew towards him suddenly.

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely fast, and he swept out with a halberd. However, the moment Qiao Ye's black halberd hit the arrow, the arrow of the arrow split apart and turned into a triangular piece of iron.

Puff puff……

The silver triangular piece bypassed the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand, and nailed directly to Tian Chengliang's face, pierced through Tian Chengliang's head, passed through the back of his head, and nailed into the ground.

Tian Chengliang's eyes widened, three blood holes appeared on his face, and he fell silent in an instant.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank sharply. It was not him, but Tian Chengliang that the other party wanted to kill, or in other words, to stop Tian Chengliang from continuing.

Qiao Ye's eyes froze slightly, and he directly raised his hand and threw a halberd towards the place where the arrow came from.

The black halberd flew out, turning into a stream of black light and moving forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The trees in front were constantly hit by the black streamer, were constantly broken, and collapsed towards the surroundings.

On a big tree, someone jumped down from the air, holding a big bow in his hand, buckled the bowstring, put on three feathered arrows, and shot at Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye grasped it in the void, and amidst the black smoke, the black halberd reappeared in Qiao Ye's palm. The next moment, Qiao Ye tapped his toes and flew forward.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

Facing the arrows that were shooting towards him, Qiao Ye raised his halberd and shot down the three arrows one by one.

The opponent's blow was invalid, so he quickly turned around and ran away.

Qiao Ye shouted, "Can you run away?"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand directly, and patted towards the other party.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

Huge handprints suddenly appeared, fell towards the front cover, slammed on the back of the opponent fiercely, and sent the opponent flying with a blow.

Qiao Ye took the opportunity to catch up behind the opponent, raised his hand and swept towards the opponent.

The black smoke surged, and the opponent quickly turned his body, and then looked back at the place where the black mist fell. The ground exploded and a huge pit was blasted out.

"Out of the spirit, the strings are flawless!"

The sky spirit pattern on the opponent's forehead flickered, and then his arms stretched forward, bow handles appeared on both sides of the arms, and a string of beef tendon was attached to the back of the opponent's hand, it looked like the whole arm became a fist like a bow.

The next moment, the other party suddenly raised his hand, and a white light appeared, condensed into arrows, and shot out continuously in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The three forms of Tianwu, the road to heaven, and the flying stars in the nine palaces!

Qiao Ye's gaze became serious, and he moved his body quickly, like a ghost, moving continuously, flashing the arrow of light continuously.


Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's round of shooting, Qiao Ye suddenly let out a low drink, and threw the black halberd in his hand forward.

The black halberd flew out, and the opponent's face was slightly terrified. He quickly pulled the string and shot again, and the light arrow appeared again.

Seven Stars!

Seven arrows of light flew forward in a row, but...

Qiao Ye's black halberd is unstoppable!

Boom, boom, boom!

The moment the light arrow collided with the black halberd, the light arrows exploded one by one, and then the black halberd pierced into the opponent's chest, and even, the huge force directly flew the opponent out. The halberd nailed the man to a big tree.

The other party coughed up a large amount of blood immediately.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."


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