Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 276 Shadow Spirit Sky Ghost

Chapter 276 Shadow Spirit Sky Ghost

Qiao Ye dragged the black halberd forward, looked at Xu Jue and Jiang Liuxue and said, "The last two!"

Jiang Liuxue looked at Xu Jue and said, "Your subordinates are more useless than expected."

"Little ghost, you're dead!" Xu Jue walked towards Qiao Ye with a gloomy face and said, "Anyone who stops the revival of the Shadow Department deserves to die!"

As Xu Jue spoke, he stretched out his hand and pressed in Qiao Ye's direction.

"Out of spirit!" Xu Jue said with a gloomy face, "Shadow spirit and heavenly ghost!"

In front of Xu Jue, a group of black mist suddenly appeared, moving close to the ground, the speed was terrifying, the mist moved in a serpentine shape, and it was obviously about ten meters away, and it unexpectedly reached Qiao Ye in the blink of an eye. In front of him, it suddenly turned into a humanoid silhouette, with both arms turned into blades, and slashed towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye quickly blocked the attack with a horizontal halberd, looked at Xu Jue and said, "So it was you!"

Qiao Ye was no stranger to the humanoid silhouette formed by the mist, it was the one who chased and killed Lin Ziyi before.

Xu Jue sneered and said, "You were lucky before. At that time, the Shadow Spirit and Heavenly Ghost were a thousand meters away from me, and they could only display 30% to 40% of their power. Now..."

Xu Jue let out a low snort, and the size of the shadow spirit sky skyrocketed suddenly, becoming five or six meters high all of a sudden.

Xu Jue said ferociously: "Killing you is nothing more than slaughtering a dog!"


The fog blade in Yingling Tiangui's hand swept again, and after it hit the black halberd, a huge force struck. Qiao Ye's arm trembled, and was directly pushed out by the huge force, and his body slid towards the back. Foot dragged out mud prints.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrunk slightly, looking at Yingling Tiangui and Xu Jue.

Xu Jue sneered and said, "Why do you think I can command them? Why am I their leader? How can I kill members of the Boundary Defender Reserve by myself?"

Xu Jue's cultivation was not higher than others. The third-level cultivation of the Spiritual Ancestry Realm was probably equivalent to the third-level Wu Zongjing. Among the Lingyu people who were killed by Qiao Ye, it was not without the third-level cultivation of the Spiritual Ancestry Realm. for.

However, compared with Xu Jue, the strength of those Lingyu people is obviously far behind.

Xu Jue's face was full of arrogance, and he raised the corner of his mouth and said: "My spiritual ability, my shadow spirit and ghost, are of the sixth grade!"

The spiritual ability of the sixth rank, that is...

A rank-six martial soul!


The moment Xu Jueyan fell, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Immediately afterwards, the ghost, the shadow spirit, turned into a black shadow again, and flew towards Qiao Ye close to the ground.

When the distance was about three meters, the shadow spirit sky ghost suddenly jumped into the sky, its body stretched continuously, and it directly turned into a huge sword several meters in length, and slashed at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes were cold, and black smoke drifted around his body. The moment the sword fell, Qiao Ye also swept towards the sky.

The surrounding black smoke condensed and turned into the shape of a half moon.


The sound of explosion suddenly sounded, and layers of invisible air waves rolled around, and the whole mountain was trembling at this moment. On the side wall, countless cracks suddenly appeared, and the cracked rubble continued to roll and fall downwards. .

Xu Jue raised his eyebrows, showing a look of horror.

In the black smoke, Qiao Ye stepped out and looked at Xu Jue.

"Is the sixth-rank's spiritual ability amazing?" Qiao Ye raised his head and said, "It's not like who is talking about it!"

Xu Jue's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The sky and ghosts are separated!"

The exploding sword turned into mist again, scattered in all directions, and the moment it landed, it continuously turned into human silhouettes one after another.

In the next moment, those human figures came from all directions, and their arms changed into various weapons, such as knives, swords, hammers, axes, or guns, and they attacked Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye snorted and said, "Is it useful to have more people?"

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, reached out and directly grasped the end of the black halberd, then twisted her ankle, and her body flew into a whirl.

Qiao Ye's body was spinning like a spinning top, and the black halberd in his hand drew circles with stippling circles, drawing an arc in the air, spreading towards the surroundings continuously.

Puff puff……

The humanoid silhouette didn't even come to Qiao Ye. After being swept by the arc, his body was cut in two.

However, Xu Jue's shadow spirit and sky ghost are very strong, and the most important thing is the illusion type. Moreover, the illusion body is a mist, which can be continuously deformed, condensed, and transformed. This degree of fragmentation cannot completely transform Xu Jue's shadow. Lingtian ghost was killed.

Sure enough, just as Qiao Ye chopped up the outline of the human figure, Xu Jue stretched out his hand again and said, "Ghostly!"

The chopped mist fell to the ground, like a viscous liquid, it actually seeped into the ground, turned into a black shadow, and sneaked towards Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom!

Wherever the shadow passed, the sound of explosions sounded continuously, and the ground exploded.

As Qiao Ye backed away, she ran her fingers across the spikes on the Gorefiend's finger, and then blood dripped to the ground.

Blood Art of Hundred Battles, Three Styles, Piercing!

The moment the blood fell to the ground, clusters of blood-colored spikes pierced out of the ground continuously, and collided fiercely with the black shadow wandering on the ground.



There was a huge noise, and amidst the violent collision, a cloud of smoke and dust rose up, billowing into the air.

At the central point of the collision, rocks flew into the air, and the broken stones kept churning up one by one. The ground collapsed inch by inch at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a circle of deep pits with a diameter of more than ten meters.

After a while, the smoke and dust drifted away, Qiao Ye panted with the halberd, raised her head, and looked for Xu Jue's figure.

"You look tired?" Xu Jue's figure came from the side of the cliff and said, "That's right, you have persisted for two days when the devil night came, and you have fought with so many people, so it should be very natural." tired!"

As Xu Jue spoke, Xu Jue fell from the cliff, and the shadow spirit flew into the air, came to Xu Jue's side, wrapped around Xu Jue's arm, and turned Xu Jue's arm into a long black blade.

The next moment, Xu Jue came to Qiao Ye, waved his arm, and chopped off the long blade.


Accompanied by Qiao Ye's horizontal halberd, there was a crisp collision sound, the blades of the halberds intersected, and sparks burst out.


With a low snort, Qiao Ye vigorously pushed the black halberd, sending Xu Jue's body flying.

Xu Jue twisted his body in the air, then landed firmly on the ground, looked up at Qiao Ye coldly, and said in a teasing and contemptuous tone, "How long can you hold on?"

Qiao Ye looked at Xu Jue coldly and said, "As long as I kill you before I can't hold on, that's enough!"

After saying that, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and smashed it hard to the ground.

In an instant, in the Nether Demon Realm, the white bones covering the ground suddenly trembled.


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