Chapter 277 Death

Click, click!

The white bones on the ground trembled unceasingly, making crisp noises, and the misty smoke around became more intense.

It makes everything in the Nether Demon Realm appear darker and colder.

Xu Jue's smile froze on his face, his eyes sank slightly, and gradually became dignified.

That breath, that fluctuation, and the surrounding black smoke.

Can the Martial Soul be improved?


At the same time, Qiao Ye took a step forward and crushed a skeleton head.


Qiao Ye opened his mouth and exhaled black smoke.

In the sky, a large number of night crows suddenly appeared, croaking, like dark clouds, densely packed.

Tianmo Dazzling didn't continue to improve, it's just that Qiao Ye released all the power of Wuhun.

The night crow of the eighth rank, the demon blood of the seventh rank, and the Netherworld of the sixth rank!

It was the first time for Qiao Ye to completely release the power of Dazzling Heavenly Demon.

The black armor was even darker, and the cloak condensed by smoke fluttered on the back with the wind, and it floated away. In the sky, a night crow landed on Qiao Ye's shoulder, looking at Xu Jue with blood-red eyes.

Xu Jue's face showed a bit of ferocity.

An extremely heavy sense of oppression. At this moment, everything around him made Xu Jue feel under heavy pressure, and that feeling even made it difficult for him to breathe.

Preemptive strike!

Xu Jue feels that if he continues, he will be completely overwhelmed by that feeling, so there is only one best way...

Before that...

Kill Qiao Ye!


Xu Jue kicked the ground fiercely, and the whole person flew forward, like a ghost, running at a frighteningly fast speed, constantly moving forward, and the ghost, the ghost, was also sticking to the ground and constantly moving forward , followed Xu Jue closely.

Coming to Qiao Ye...


Xu Jue's face was ferocious, and his facial features were distorted by the ferocious expression. He raised his hand violently, and the shadow spirit and sky ghost turned into a cloud of mist and sprang out from the ground. In Xu Jue's hand, it turned into a huge black sickle. Xu Jue held it up high and swept it forward.

Boom, boom, boom...

The moment the black sickle was swept out, a circle of strong wind pushed away towards the surroundings, and a mountain wall on the side was just blown by the strong wind, and there was a loud noise, and a foot was cut directly. There were traces of a slash thirty meters away, and one piece was broken.


The moment the curved sickle blade came to Qiao Ye, it stopped suddenly!

Xu Jue's pupils shrank sharply, then enlarged, and then shrank sharply. The surrounding area was extremely quiet, so quiet that Xu Jue could even hear his own heart beating.

The sickle was hanging less than half a meter in front of Qiao Ye, because...

The sickle was pinched by Qiao Ye!

With just one hand, holding the sickle blade, Xu Jue couldn't continue to swing the sickle.

"Why are you slowing down?" Qiao Ye tilted her head, looked at Xu Jue and said, "No, I should be speeding up!"

The veins on Xu Jue's forehead twitched violently, and he gritted his teeth violently. The ghost, the shadow spirit, turned into a cloud of mist again, and then condensed again to form a huge sickle. Xu Jue used this method to break the weapon out of Qiao Ye's palm. Then he lifted it up again and slashed at Qiao Ye.

"Don't waste your efforts!" Qiao Ye raised her head and said, "Die!"

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand suddenly raised, and struck forward!

Bottom up, gently pick!

Qiao Ye's halberd looked understated, compared to Xu Jue's blow that shattered half of the mountain wall, it wasn't even considered powerful.

But in the next moment...


A piece of black smoke suddenly appeared, accompanied by the blade of the halberd, rushed forward, turned into a half-moon shape, rushed straight into the sky, and even shattered a piece of cloud.

Starlight sprinkled, extraordinarily clear!

"Impossible..." Xu Jue's eyes widened, and he still maintained the posture of raising his scythe and waving his scythe, with a look of unwillingness on his face, "I will... revitalize... the Shadow Department..."


Suddenly, a splash of blood splattered out, and Xu Jue's body exploded directly, became torn apart, and swayed towards the surroundings.

With one halberd, Xu Jue's body was chopped into pieces!

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."

Crack, crack, crack...

The moment Qiao Ye killed Xu Jue with a halberd, there was no chance to breathe, and crisp applause suddenly sounded.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. I didn't expect that there would be such a ruthless character as you among the apprentices of Wuyu this year!" Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "However, even if What's the use of killing him?"


Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head abruptly.

Those two strange-colored creatures had already been thrown into the void crack by Jiang Liuxue.

Qiao Ye had been paying attention to the two strange-colored creatures and stopped everyone in front of them. However, Xu Jue was indeed a formidable enemy, which made Qiao Ye have no time to think about other things.

The crack in the void has become extremely unstable at the moment. With a trend visible to the naked eye, it is constantly wriggling there, and the edge is constantly wriggling, appearing wavy, like two rows of teeth.

Intense fluctuations emanate from the cracks in the void, constantly attacking the surroundings.

The ground began to crack, the mountain trembled slightly, and then...

The crack in the void began to grow bigger and bigger.

Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and smiled, "Maybe you can try to stop it, but it's useless. The troubled times are bound to come, and today is just the beginning."

Jiang Liuxue stepped back while talking, and under Qiao Ye's surprised gaze, Jiang Liuxue actually stepped directly into the crack in the void.

This is crazy?

Or die?

"Hope we have another chance to meet again!"

Jiang Liuxue's figure gradually disappeared in the void crack, and finally disappeared without a trace as if being swallowed by the void crack.

This sudden change also made Qiao Ye stunned, and then...


The crack in the void suddenly twisted violently. It was originally a vertical shape, but now it seemed to explode suddenly, and gradually became an oval.

The surrounding ground also shattered with a bang, and a huge pothole was formed directly under the crack in the void.

Qiao Ye was also brought back to his senses by the sound of the ground breaking, and quickly came to the front of the crack in the void.

"Damn it!"

Qiao Ye looked at the cracks in the void, and couldn't help but curse in his heart, he has already reached this point, is it going to be a failure?

If you can't stop the emergence of the Void Gate, even if you kill those people in the spiritual realm, it will be meaningless!

take a deep breath...

Qiao Ye's eyes suddenly became deep.


You can't give up so easily!


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