Chapter 278

"Heavenly Demon Dazzling!"

Qiao Ye took a step forward and gave a low drink.

The surrounding smoke swept in quickly, covering the void crack, and then continuously pushing the expanding void crack.

Accompanied by the churning of black smoke, the swollen void crack was pushed back a little to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up involuntarily, it turned out to be useful!

"Then!" Qiao Ye said in a low voice, "Continue!"

The drifting smoke became more intense, completely enveloping the crack in the void, continuously squeezing it, trying to push back the crack in the void.


In the next moment...


Qiao Ye opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the ground red. The crack in the void that had just been compressed expanded again, pushing away the black smoke wrapped around it.

Qiao Ye reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, her face turned pale and bloodless.

My martial spirit has almost reached its limit.

Qiao Ye raised her hand, wanting to activate her martial soul again, but her arm trembled slightly, even uncontrollably!

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt a weight in his head, and instinctively reached out to grab a handful, and then grabbed a lamp from his head.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Ghost lamp?"

It suddenly appeared, and it was the strange-colored brass ghost lamp.

The ghost lamp struggled out of Qiao Ye's hand, circled around Qiao Ye, fluttered continuously, and then stood on Qiao Ye's head again.

next moment...

Terrifying mental power was released.

The spiritual power was not malicious. On the contrary, Qiao Ye felt that the spiritual power was penetrating into his body, penetrating through every capillary of the skin. It felt extremely comfortable, as if the whole person was soaking in a hot spring. , warm and extremely comfortable.

Qiao Ye's eyes also suddenly lit up, as her martial soul was constantly recovering.

The consumption of the Martial Soul is multi-faceted, including physical consumption, energy and blood energy in the body, and spiritual consumption. The huge influx of spiritual power does not help much in the recovery of the physical body. But Qiao Ye could obviously feel that he was recovering from the mental exhaustion, and he could obviously feel that he was not so tired.

"Close it!"

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, gritted his teeth again, the surroundings gradually drifted away, and the thin black smoke thickened again, as if it had substance, constantly squeezing the void crack, pushing back the ever-expanding void crack bit by bit.

Just at this very moment...

A voice suddenly sounded in Qiao Ye's ear.

"Discover Absorbable Items: Void Gate (No Item)"

"Is it absorbed?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help being stunned, could the Void Gate also absorb it? Can that thing still be regarded as a treasure?

However, Qiao Ye was only in a daze for a moment, and quickly realized that no matter why he could absorb it, as long as he absorbed it, would he be able to completely destroy the void door and open it?

Qiao Ye immediately said: "Absorb!"

"You have absorbed the Void Gate (No Grade), and you have obtained a Martial Soul value: 5,000,000."

Almost instantly, the crack in the void twisted and rotated, forming a circular light and shadow at the edge, like a whirlpool.

In the end, the light and shadow gradually dissipated, and the void crack was...

Turned into a thin black line!

And when the crack in the void turned into a thin line, the violent fluctuations in the crack in the void immediately began to dissipate, as if it gradually calmed down, and there was no such restless feeling.

Qiao Ye tried to step back slowly to let the black smoke around him gradually dissipate. The black line did not expand again, and turned back into a crack in the void, which seemed to be very stable.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, it's done!

That void crack was suppressed.

Qiao Ye let out a long breath, put down the black halberd, took off the ghost lamp on his head, sat down on the ground, panting heavily, so tired!


it's over!


At this time, there was a shout from the mountain path, and Qiao Ye turned around to see that it was Lin Ziyi walking up the mountain path.

Qiao Ye suddenly realized that he had handed over the ghost lamp to Lin Ziyi before. Since the ghost lamp appeared, it was only natural for Lin Ziyi to come. Moreover, not only Lin Ziyi, but Xuanyuan Beimu was also there. In other words, this should be Lin Ziyi's reason for running back.

Lin Ziyi stepped forward, with an anxious expression on his face, and said, "Are you okay?"

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "It's just that the consumption is a bit high."

Xuanyuan Beimu casually took out a pill and handed it to Qiao Ye, "Eat it!"

Qiao Ye reached out to take it and threw it into his mouth, and then used the jade tablet to absorb it directly. It was the Soul Control Pill that could stabilize the martial soul. Although it didn't help recovery consumption, the martial soul was stable, and Qiao Ye could feel more comfortable.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Is it the ghosts of these Lingyu people?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Ling Yu, people from the Shadow Department."

"Shadow Demon Division? As far as I know, that branch of Lingyu people has disappeared for a long time, just like our country was destroyed." Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Where is the Void Gate?"

Qiao Ye pointed to the black line in front of him and said, "This was originally a crack in the void, but now I forcibly pushed it back with my martial spirit."

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded, stepped forward to check, and checked very carefully.

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Ziyi and said, "How did you come here?"

"About half an hour ago, the formation set up by the other party was destroyed. Xuanyuan Jiaoxi notified everyone with the spiritual paper of communication and asked everyone to withdraw to Moye City." Lin Ziyi said: "Since the spiritual paper of communication has been restored, I will contact you I learned from Xuanyuan, and then followed her to find you, as for how you found it..."

Lin Ziyi smiled and held up the ghost lamp and said, "I have to ask this little guy, we haven't found a way to find you, but it seems to be able to track your movements, and then we came here."

The ghost lamp was held by Lin Ziyi, and seemed to be enjoying it. The eyes formed by the two ghost fires directly turned into two crescents, like a "∩?∩" face, which seemed to express happy emotions.

Qiao Ye took the ghost lamp and shook it casually, "Can this thing track my movements? Why?"

It seemed that it was uncomfortable being shaken by Qiao Ye, and the three crescent-shaped will-o'-the-wisps turned into three horizontal lines again, like a " ̄? ̄" face, which seemed to express dissatisfaction.

Qiao Ye tilted her head, this thing is a bit interesting, does Ghost Yindeng also know the specialty of "Yan Yi"?

At this time, Xuanyuan Beimu turned around and said, "That ghost lamp seems to like your spiritual power very much, so it follows you all the time."

Qiao Ye said, "My mental strength?"

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded, and then said: "I'll talk about this later, this crack in the void seems to be completely closed, don't worry for now, but just in case, this place still needs to be sealed off."


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