Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 279 Dongfang Sun Rabbit

Chapter 279 Dongfang Sun Rabbit

Qiao Ye nodded, and then Xuanyuan Beimu asked questions, Qiao Ye answered, and gave a detailed account of what happened.

Of course, if Cain is gone, he will naturally hide it. Qiao Ye will definitely not say such things as directly absorbing the Void Gate. He just said that he forcibly suppressed the formation of the Void Gate with his martial soul, and Qiao Ye attributed the credit to that A ghost lamp.

In fact, a very large part of the credit goes to the ghost lamp. My martial soul is already at the end of its strength. If the ghost lamp didn't appear and lent me a lot of mental power to recover, I might not be able to survive.

Secondly, the reason why this set of arguments makes sense is that the mutated alien-colored creature is actually the key to open the void door, so theoretically, the alien-colored creature has the ability to close the void gate.

"This is very important." Xuanyuan Beimu said: "No one has ever known that the Void Gate can be opened artificially. Moreover, although mutated creatures of different colors are rare, they can still be seen occasionally. They actually open the Void Gate. The key to this matter is completely worth studying.”

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi nodded, if they could find the law to open the void door.

That doesn't even need to wait until the void gate is opened, let the defenders take the risk of a life-and-death battle and forcibly destroy the void gate, they can find a way to close the void gate in advance.

While the three of them were talking, a small flying boat appeared.

This is the flying boat of Moye City. Because Moye City is a large void fault, it is necessary to use the flying boat to travel in an emergency, but it is rarely used. Now the flying boat is dispatched directly. It can be seen that this matter is true. importance.

After a while, the flying boat landed.

There are fifteen guardians in total, all of them are guards at the night duty level or above. If you don’t count the reserve members of the guards, this is almost half of the guards in Mo Ye City. It is really a big battle .

Xuanyuan Beimu stepped forward, and after a few words with the leader, an old man with white beard and hair, the old man nodded, then smiled and beckoned to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, and the old man smiled and said, "Your name is Qiao Ye?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The old man continued: "Your father is Qiao Mufeng, and your mother is Su Zhi?"

Qiao Ye widened her eyes, couldn't help the excitement in her heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Old man..."

The old man interrupted Qiao Ye with a smile and waved his hand: "Father Tiger has no dogs, but it's not suitable to talk about it right now. Anyway, you've done a good job. Let's have a good rest, Bei Mu, take him back to Moye City first."

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded obediently and said, "Okay!"

Xuanyuan Beimu patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Let's go first."

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, nodded, and followed Xuanyuan Beimu onto the flying boat. What everyone is concerned about right now must be Void Sect and those people from the spiritual realm. It is really not suitable to talk about their parents, anyway. After waiting for many years, Qiao Ye is not short of time.

The flying boat set sail, but at this time...

In the sky, under the clouds, an eye seemed to slowly open.

"That lamp..."

A small voice came from under those eyes, but no one noticed, and then...

The eye closed quickly and slowly.

Qiao Ye sat on the deck and couldn't help but ask, "Sister, who is that old man?"

Xuanyuan Beimu smiled and said: "Have you heard of the name of Lin Jiexu, the mad knife of the earth?"

Qiao Ye shook his head.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "It's normal if you haven't heard of it. He has lost his reputation since he joined the Guardian 40 years ago. How can the brats know his name now? However, he was a figure in the military domain back then. As for now..."

Xuanyuan Beimu curled the corner of his mouth.

"He is the pinnacle of the world defenders, the world defenders!" Xuanyuan Beimu said with fascination on his face, "And he is Dongfang Ritu, one of the twenty-eight stars!"

The real guardians are divided into three levels, starting from the night duty, then the daytime, and finally the guardians, and those who rule above all the guardians are called the twenty-eight stars of Sifangtiandou, and they are the most powerful. There are twenty-eight powerful world-defenders. At the same time, all the defenders are led by Sifang Tiandou.

Lin Ziyi asked curiously, "How could twenty-eight stars appear in Mo Ye City?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "It's just a coincidence. Something was found on the void fault called Dalongquan next door. I don't know what it is. Mr. Lin came to check it out, and happened to be taking a rest in Moye City."

After Xuanyuan Beimu finished speaking, he patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, you will always know what you should know. You did a good job this time, and you should be rewarded. As for now, Go back and rest well, by the way, you asked me why the lamp favored your spiritual power earlier?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "I'm actually not very clear about this, but mutated creatures of different colors are usually very powerful, and this kind of strength will be highlighted in a certain way, and the place where the ghost lamp is mutated is the spirit. Power, it has extremely terrifying spiritual power, as for liking you, do you still remember the spiritual power training to prepare for the Dao?"

Qiao Ye nodded again.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Your spiritual power is terrifying. Although I don't know how far it has reached, the duration of your martial soul is far longer than that of ordinary people. It is because of your spiritual power. Your level is still higher than mine, so it is not too strange that the ghost lamp is attracted by your spiritual power and sticks to you. Of course, it is mainly because it is a ghost lamp, and this kind of creature is timid and timid. The most important thing is that they are not aggressive, so they get close at will, other creatures of different colors are two different things."

Qiao Ye glanced at the Ghost Lantern who was displaying "Yan Yi", and kept changing his face with ghost fire, and said, "What should I do?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "If you don't dislike it, you can take it with you. Anyway, it's just a lamp to show off ghosts, and it's good if you don't attack people or be bullied by others. No one cares. Of course, it probably won't help much. Busy, no, judging from the previous performance, it seems to be able to lend you spiritual power, so your martial soul seems to last longer."

that's it?

Qiao Ye pursed her lips. Under normal circumstances, it can be said that it is extremely rare for her martial soul to be used too much. Whether there is a ghost lamp, Qiao Ye has never seen a martial soul that can fight against her. of long duration.

However, looking at the brass-colored ghost lamp floating around him, the ghost lamp has a lot of credit for being able to absorb the void gate this time, so take it with you and keep it as a pet?

But when people keep pets, they all keep cats and dogs, and even bears and wolves...

Keep a lamp by yourself?

How weird it feels!


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