Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 284 Thousand Spirit Sword

Chapter 284 Thousand Spirit Sword

The land of Jianmen?

Qiao Ye murmured, that place was really good for him.

Ji Wuyuan said: "In short, you should rest in peace, wait for the people from the other three academies to arrive, and then go to the land of Jianmen to get rid of those guys who have nothing to do and make trouble, and let them know that the four major academies will never be theirs. The object of your mind, and then go to Lingyu, and kill the guys in Lingyu, and when everything is settled, after two months, you will be the real guardian."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I will."

Ji Wuyuan said: "By the way, there is one more thing I didn't tell you, and that is the rewards. In order to allow this competition to be held with them, the land of Jianmen also paid a lot of money. , the four major academies have not lost their benefits, and the winners can also get rewards for winning."

While talking, Ji Wuyuan pointed out four fingers and said: "The treasures of the fourth grade, one for each person!"

Qiao Ye said: "That is to say, if you win, a team can get up to eight pieces? This is really a big deal!"

Ji Wuyuan said: "There is also the spiritual domain, although it is not a stated reward, but according to the rules of previous years, the winner can enter the spiritual temple to receive prayers, which is of great benefit to both the cultivation base and the martial soul. , People from Wuyu enter the spiritual temple of Lingyu, thinking about it, I find this exciting, I really want to know what expressions those guys will have."

Ji Wuyuan booked the first place in the Lingwu Festival without fighting. It can be said that he is not arrogant, but this is the style of Xuehai Academy, and Qiao Ye also likes this style very much.

Since we have to do it, why not do the best?

Since it was going to be a fight, why wasn't he the one who won?

Ji Wuyuan said: "Also, go to the warehouse by yourself and pick any treasure weapon below the fourth rank. This is given to you by the academy. There is only one requirement. Win for me. Only our four major academies are eligible for the Lingwu Festival." Go to war, understand?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Understood!"

Ji Wuyuan patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Then I'll go first."

When Ji Wuyuan went out, Qiao Ye thought about it, since he had something to take, he naturally didn't take it for nothing.

Below the fourth rank, that is to say, you can pick the treasures and weapons of the fifth rank, and go to see if there is any one that is easy for you. Even if you don't, you can just pick one to absorb.

After leaving the door, Qiao Ye went to the treasury of the academy. Xuezi could enter as soon as the token was lit, and the guards were quite polite. It was precisely because of this kind of treatment that every student of Xuehai Academy did their best. Climbing up, compared with the other three academies, Blood Sea Academy does have the fewest population, but it has to be admitted that the elites are the most, and they all have a vicious streak in their bones.

There are many good things in the treasure house of the academy, and it is not uncommon to see those of the third rank and above. However, only for the fifth rank, it is more or less for the sake of restraint, otherwise the fight will become a treasure trove, and the twelve kingdoms of the military domain have emptied the treasury There are not as many people from the four major academies, let alone the Daochang, so there is no need to fight.

Besides, for Wu Zongjing, a treasure that is too strong consumes too much to use, and it may have side effects. For Wu Zongjing's cultivation base, the fifth rank is the upper limit of the full power of the treasure.

Qiao Ye wandered around the warehouse for a while, and finally his eyes fell on a sword.

The appearance of that treasure was a sword, but it was very small, only about one finger long, with a gold thread hanging on the hilt, it looked more like a sword-shaped pendant.

A light curtain soon appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

Thousand Spirit Sword (Rank 5): Made of third-grade spiritual material five-fang stone, instilled with the sword intent of contemporary heroic swordsmen, it can turn thousands of swords with one sword, using light and shadow as a sword, and it needs spiritual power to activate.

The sword shadow is like a river: Thousands of swords are like a river, rushing to attack.

Square Sword Formation: Form a square sword formation with the sword shadows of the Qianling Sword, trapping the enemy, defending, attacking and killing as a whole.

nice one!

Strictly speaking, this thing is no longer a weapon. There is no ordinary weapon that can be transformed into thousands of attacks. This should be regarded as a magical treasure.

Qiao Ye also took a look at the amount of martial soul points he could get by absorbing the Thousand Spirit Sword. It turned out that there were a total of 2.1 million martial soul points. Jump two steps in a row, directly to the sixth step of Wu Zongjing.

But compared to the cultivation base, the value of the Thousand Spirit Sword itself is obviously greater. With a martial soul value exceeding two million, even among the fifth-grade treasures, it is definitely the best work. It means that you can hold a halberd and a sword at the same time.

Moreover, I don't know if it is related to the blood of the spiritual realm. Qiao Ye's spiritual power is quite terrifying, which is rare in the martial arts. Warriors in the martial arts pay more attention to the physical body, but the spiritual power of the spiritual realm relies more on spiritual power. What's more, Qiao Ye still has a ghost lamp.

Therefore, the Thousand Spirit Sword is obviously more valuable in Qiao Ye's hands than absorbing and improving his cultivation.

He greeted Ji Wuyuan with the spiritual paper of communication, and told Ji Wuyuan to inform the guard of the treasure house, and Qiao Ye took the Qianling sword out of the treasure house smoothly.

After wandering around the academy and revisiting the old place, Qiao Ye returned to the residence, enjoying a rare leisure time, meditating and practicing every day, and occasionally going to attend some professors' lectures.

On the third day, people from the other three academies finally arrived.

"Qiao Ye..." Qiao Ye and Ji Wuyuan went to the mountain gate to pick up people. As soon as the flying boat landed, Qiao Ye saw Lin Ziyi stuck his head out and waved to him, "We meet again!"

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Ziyi suspiciously and said, "Are you participating too?"

Lin Ziyi was dissatisfied and said: "Have you seen my real ability? I am very good!"

Qiao Ye said, "I don't mean that."

How weak can a person with a first-grade skill be? Qiao Ye wouldn't take a peek at Lin Ziyi. The problem lies in Lin Ziyi's background. The woman's father is Zi Yihou, one of the three gods of war in Wuyu, and the royal family of Tang Kingdom. Leaving aside the Lingyu side, in the case of civil war, Even if Lin Ziyi didn't play for Tang Country, Tang Country should also prevent Lin Ziyi from playing for Linglan Academy, right?

Lin Ziyi said indifferently: "My father asked me to choose by myself, so I chose to represent the academy. As for the others, the emperor dare not control me. Who else can control how I want to choose?"

This is a fact. The population of the royal family is generally very prosperous, and when the population is prosperous, sometimes the seniority is very complicated. Nowadays, the emperor of the Tang Kingdom has to call Lin Ziyi "auntie" in terms of seniority, although Lin Ziyi is better than the current Tang Kingdom. Dijun is still three years younger.

Qiao Ye said: "Is Linglan Academy only sending you one?"

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "I am the only one who is suitable for my age, has enough strength, and has a good status. After all, I am still an apprentice of a boundary guard. I can't be regarded as a boundary guard. I can be regarded as an academy student, but wait. After the matter is over, I should be the real guardian of the boundary, the academy promised me so, participating in the Lingwu Festival is the final assessment for me to become a guardian of the boundary."


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