Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 285 Do you know the reason for your appearance?

Chapter 285 Do You Know The Reason You Appeared?

All the crows in the world are black!

After hearing Lin Ziyi's words, Qiao Ye couldn't help but think of this sentence. It's true that the two academies thought of exactly the same tricks.

However, it's a good thing that Tianwu Academy and Guixie Academy didn't play like this, otherwise the four major academies would each have one person, and they wouldn't even have the minimum number of people.

There are two people at Guixie Academy, one is Xiao Jingyan and the other is Bai Zixi, a man and a woman, both of them are not weak in cultivation. Xiao Jingyan is at the third level of Martial Ancestry Realm, while Bai Zixi is at the fourth level of Martial Ancestor Realm. As for the appearance...

I can't see the appearance at all!

The people of Guixie Academy are always dressed in that way, with a wide cloak covering half of their face, Xiao Jingyan can still see his mouth at least, and Bai Zixi even covered his face with a black veil.

As for the names of the two, Qiao Ye has no impression at all. If the students of Xuehai Academy are labeled as "arrogant", the students of Ghost Academy are labeled "low-key" and "ghostly". People have always been mysterious, and when they appear, they always make people feel gloomy.

On the other side of Tianwu Academy, there are also two men, both of whom are boys, one named Sun He and the other named Wu Xi. The cultivation base of the fifth level of Wu Zongjing.

At the same time, these two belong to the famous type.

Sun He is an apprentice guardian. After becoming a true guardian in the future, he will guard the border of the Duanjie. His father is Sun Yi, a powerful man who is at the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. However, Sun Yi does not belong to Any force, a lone ranger, this is why Sun He will represent Tianwu Academy in the battle. At the same time, Sun He represented Tianwu Academy in Tianxia Martial Arts Association two years ago, and was the leader of Wuling Realm at that time.

As for Wu Xi, this guy is even more ruthless. The son of Wu Chengran, the vice president of Tianwu Academy, although he doesn't have any strong record, but with this status, his strength can't be too weak.

Of course, no matter whether it is Sun He or Wu Xi, although the two of them have the names of apprentices, everyone knows that it will be a matter of time before they become real guardians and guardians. The reputation is not obvious, so I don't know the origin, but most of them will become the mysteries of the world in the future. The four major academies thought of going together, and they all found out the apprentices who were temporarily named.

In addition, there is a teacher from each of the four major academies, and they are all old acquaintances. Ji Wuyuan from Xuehai Academy, Sun Sisi from Tianwu Academy, Hu Die from Linglan Academy, and White Ghost from Guixie Academy happened to be Yan Yan. Four of the Battle of Yangshan.

Sun Silu glanced at the crowd, curled his lips and said, "How about two difference? Ji Wuyuan, is there no one else in your Blood Sea Academy except this kid?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "Fart, do we need other people in Xuehai Academy? Just sending a cat or a dog is enough!"

Qiao Ye looked at Ji Wuyuan with a question mark on his face. This couple is old enemies, but who did he provoke?

Ji Wuyuan said directly: "He fights both rounds, the personal battle will be guaranteed for two first, and the other two personal battles are up to you."

Sun He pursed his lips, looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said, "Save two points first? Are you worthy?"

Qiao Ye looked at Sun He, did he say that? It was Ji Wuyuan who said it, who did he provoke?

The eyes of the two intertwined, and Qiao Ye said, "Not convinced?"

Sun He said: "A cat and a dog are also worthy of my service?"

Qiao Ye said indifferently: "Do you know why you are here? Because there is no way to fight three times in an individual battle, and there must be five people in a team battle, that's all!"

Wu Xi sneered and said, "I've always heard that the students of Xuehai Academy are crazy. When I saw them today, they were indeed arrogant. However, it's useless to have only one mouthful these days."

Sun Silu smiled and said: "Although this is a joint of the four institutes, there must be a captain to lead it. Why don't we learn from each other? By choosing a captain, we can also understand each other's strength and trust each other. "

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Sun Si Si, although the old guy looked pleasant, but he obviously wanted to provoke trouble.

Qiao Ye said: "I'm not interested in the captain. If I beat the two of them to the ground, will you give me the last of the three Tianwu moves?"

Sun Silu's expression froze immediately.

Actually, Qiao Ye didn't mean to be provocative. After learning two of Tianwu's three moves, the last one left made Qiao Ye always feel uncomfortable and a little imperfect, so he really wanted to use the last one.

However, in Sun Silu's ears, these words were naked provocation, contempt, and ridicule...

It can be said that Sun Silu's heart will always be in pain for Qiao Ye to learn two of the three Tianwu moves. Not only was he scolded by the dean, but he was also placed under house arrest for three months.

However, before Sun Sisi made a sound, Wu Xi and Sun He jumped up, and they pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, don't be so crazy, you beat us both up? Why are you?"

Qiao Ye said lazy nonsense, took off his coat and threw it aside, revealing his black military uniform and said: "The two go together."

Sun He glanced at Wu Xi and said, "I'll teach him a lesson!"

While talking, Sun He stepped forward and stood in front of Qiao Ye.

Sun He's cultivation was at the fourth level of the Martial Ancestry Realm, and he was only one step away from reaching the fifth level. In terms of cultivation, Sun He didn't think he would lose to Qiao Ye. In terms of martial arts and martial arts, Tianwu Academy's inheritance was no less than that of Xuehai Academy. At the same time, Sun He also has the family-passed Tongbei Shenquan, a boxing technique that has been cultivated to the second level. In Sun He's opinion, it is not something that Qiao Ye can possess.

The last is Wuhun, this is Sun He's most confident aspect, his Wuhun is...

Diming level!

Sun He hooked the corner of his mouth, he couldn't think of a reason why he could lose to Qiao Ye!

"Boy, I heard that you have been to our Tianwu Academy to make trouble." Sun He sneered and said: "Today I will let you know that you can show off your power in Tianwu Academy, not because no one can cure you, but because you are too lazy to take care of you !"

"Have you said enough?" Qiao Ye glanced at Sun He and said, "That's enough, let's start!"


The sound of feet hitting the ground suddenly sounded, and then, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly disappeared.

The speed was terribly fast, Sun He opened his mouth slightly, without any reaction at all, just watching Qiao Ye suddenly appear in front of him.



The second muffled sound came, but it was Qiao Ye who suddenly raised his leg and swept his foot across Sun He's lower abdomen. The next moment, Sun He's body flew out and landed on the ground three meters away. After tumbling for several times, he was able to support the ground with one hand and stabilize his body.


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