Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 286 Don't Waste Your Effort

Chapter 286 Don't Waste Your Effort

Sun He knelt on the ground on one knee and said angrily, "You sneak attack!"

"Sneak attack!" Qiao Ye hooked his hands indifferently and said, "Come on, I'll pay you back!"

Sun He gritted his teeth, jumped up from the ground, and quickly rushed to Qiao Ye's front. Then, with a touch of his toes, he jumped up in the air, twisted his body in mid-air, and then swung his foot across, towards Qiao Ye. Ye's head swept over directly.


Qiao Ye didn't intend to dodge at all, and after agreeing to return Sun He's move, he returned the other party's move.

"Boy, let's see how proud you are..."

Sun He sneered, and then the smile froze suddenly.

Qiao Ye just stood there, tilted her head because of Sun He's flying kick, and then looked at Sun He coldly, not to mention being kicked out, and she didn't even move her body at all.

"What the hell!"

Qiao Ye raised her hand, grabbed Sun He's ankle, and then threw Sun He's whole body with a forceful swing.


Sun He flew half a circle in the air, and then fell to the ground again.

Qiao Ye looked at Wu Xi and said, "You guys should go together."

"Need not!"

With a face full of humiliation, Sun He slapped the ground and jumped up again, stepping forward.

"Tongbei Shenquan..." Sun He roared, "Brofeng!"

Tongbei Shenquan is the boxing method of Sun He's father Zhentian Shenquan Sun Yi, and it is also a boxing method passed down from the Sun family's ancestors. As a boxing technique that can reach the second level, it is indeed extraordinary. Sun He has only practiced Tongbei Shenquan to the sixth level now. That's all, that power is already very terrifying.

The moment the fist blasted out, people could feel a very obvious sense of oppression. The fist kept approaching, and there was a feeling that it was constantly expanding, as if covering the surrounding area.

This is not an illusion, and the fist is not really enlarged, but...


The momentum of punching and not retreating!



Qiao Ye stretched out her palm to block her chest, and Sun He's fist fell into Qiao Ye's palm fiercely, all the feeling dissipated, and Qiao Ye directly took Sun He's fist down.

Sun He said incredulously: "This is impossible!"

next moment...

Qiao Ye punched Sun He's fist with a fist, and then swung his arm again, lifting Sun He up, and threw it to the side again.


Sun He's body fell to the ground again, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Sun He's eyes became more ferocious, and he roared: "Wuhun, iron arm and steel fist!"

Diming-level eighth-rank possessed martial soul, iron arm and steel fist!

Sun He's body was bent, and a hoarse roar like a wild beast continued to sound from his throat, and then the surface of Sun He's body exuded a faint brilliance.

In the next moment, Sun He's body seemed to have turned into a reinforced iron frame, and the surface of his entire body exuded a metallic luster.


The moment the metallic luster spread all over Sun He's body, Sun He jumped forward fiercely, smashed the ground with one foot, and raised his fist to hit Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, the power contained in that fist was completely incomparable to before.

When the fist came in front of him, Qiao Ye slammed his head to avoid Sun He's fist, then raised his foot and hit Sun He's chest with a knee.

There was a bang, not the feeling of hitting flesh and blood at all, but hitting some hard metal, not only the sound, but also the hardness.


At the same time, Sun He let out a low shout, and punched Qiao Ye down, but Qiao Ye dodged it quickly with a flash of his body.

Sun He straightened up and looked at Qiao Ye again, and said ferociously, "If you don't want to be maimed by me, I advise you to obediently beg for mercy!"

"Just relying on that scrap metal Martial Soul?" Qiao Ye chuckled, grinning and said, "Earth Ming level, it's really good, but it's a pity..."

With a bang, behind Qiao Ye, a large cloud of black smoke burst out suddenly, rushing forward.

Sun He's right foot just stepped out was suspended in the air, his pupils narrowed sharply, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

When the black smoke rushed past Sun He, looking at the black smoke around him, Sun He felt like he was in hell, as if there was a sound of devil crying in his ears, and the black smoke around him surged , Forming one after another grimaces, shaking constantly around him, looking at him ferociously, eerie and evil.


Sun He suddenly felt his feet go limp, and he fell to the ground directly.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of the Spiritual Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "Unfortunately, the eighth grade is a bit lower!"

This is the power of a fifth-grade martial soul. Even if it is at the Earth Ming level, it is useless if the level is not enough. At that moment, just the breath from the chaos of the demons made Sun He feel irresistible, and he was completely alive. Not show the heart of confrontation.

"Get up!" Wu Xi said angrily, "Sun He, get up and see what you look like now? You are embarrassing Tianwu Academy!"

Wu Xi yelled loudly, but it was of no use at all. Under the influence of Dazzling Heavenly Demon, Sun He's spirit was almost instantly crushed, and he couldn't hear Wu Xi's voice at all.

"damn it!"

Wu Xi let out a low cry, and rushed forward, approaching Qiao Ye.

The three forms of Tianwu, break the palm of the sky!

Wu Xi stretched out her hand to cover it in front of her, and then a huge handprint appeared, and it fell towards the top of Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand casually and said, "I've let you guys go together a long time ago!"


The huge handprint fell from the air, but was caught by Qiao Ye's understated single palm, and was shattered by the shock.

Wu Xi's face was ferocious, and he shouted in a low voice: "Wuhun, the wind is blowing away!"

Diming-level seventh-rank metamorphic Martial Soul, sweeping away the clouds!

Wu Xi's martial spirit is as rare as Sun He's, but it has already reached the seventh rank.

In an instant, the surrounding wind was surging, and a gust of wind blew and swayed, blowing towards the surroundings, blowing away the surging black smoke.

Wu Xi cracked his lips and said with a smile: "I'm so sorry, it seems that your martial spirit has been restrained by me!"

Qiao Ye casually raised his hand and said, "Are you sure?"

As Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, the black smoke that was blown back condensed around Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye grabbed a handful of it, pulled out a black halberd from the black smoke, and then stretched out his hand towards Slash hard in front!

When the halberd fell, Qiao Ye's surroundings suddenly swayed in a circle. The oncoming hurricane had just arrived in front of Qiao Ye before it was instantly shattered and turned into a gentle breeze, spreading in all directions.

Wu Xi's expression froze, and he raised his hand violently, trying to regain his coquettishness, but at this moment...

"Stop wasting your efforts!"

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Wu Xi, less than one meter away.


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