Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 287 Revisiting the Homeland

Chapter 287

So fast!

Wu Xi still maintained the movement of raising his arms to gather the coquettish flow, and cold sweat kept pouring out of his forehead.

He saw Qiao Ye's forward movement, but it was useless because he couldn't react at all.

At that moment, Wu Xi felt the same feeling as Sun He.

Qiao Ye stood there, exuding black smoke all over her body. That rather handsome face was not ferocious, and even had a hint of immaturity and bookishness. However, in Wu Xi's eyes, it was like the face of a devil. generally.

And the black halberd was already resting on Wu Xi's shoulder at this moment, and the crescent-shaped halberd blade shone faintly.

"Do you know?" Qiao Ye tilted her head, looked at Wu Xi and said, "If I want, you are dead now!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he backed away slowly and put down the black halberd on Wu Xi's shoulder.

The moment the black halberd moved away, Wu Xi's legs softened, and he followed in Sun He's footsteps, his body loosened involuntarily, and he fell to the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 16,000 points."

Qiao Ye waved his hand casually to disperse the Wuhun.

Ji Wuyuan laughed loudly, with a savage face, looked at Sun Situ and said, "How is it? Do you still want to be the captain? Do you have anything to say?"

Sun Si Si snorted coldly and ignored Ji Wuyuan, feeling horrified in his heart. He had already seen Qiao Ye during the Battle of Yanyang Mountain, and he had witnessed Qiao Ye's growth. Compared to Qiao Ye's Strength, this growth rate made Sun Silu feel even more frightened, and thinking that Qiao Ye should have gone to Tianwu Academy and should become a student of Tianwu Academy, because his father was a student of Tianwu Academy, Sun Silu felt a burst of heartache.

Ji Wuyuan snorted and said, "You have nothing to say? But I have. I think the four instructors lead the team, and there should be a priority. Come on, come and fight with me, whoever wins will be the main leader!"

Sun Silu couldn't help but glance at Ji Wuyuan, are you a dog? Are you at the Martial King Realm fighting Lao Tzu at the Martial King Realm? Can you show some face?

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Sun Silu said, "When are we leaving?"

Ji Wuyuan provocatively said unreasonably: "Why? Don't you dare?"

Instructor Hu Die of Linglan Academy smoothed things over and said, "Ji Wuyuan, please don't say a few words!"

Ji Wuyuan snorted twice, and then said: "Let's go, stay overnight first, and leave for the Jianmen land tomorrow morning."

Lin Ziyi moved closer to Qiao Ye and said with a smile, "This is the first time I've come to Xuehai Academy, take me for a stroll."

Qiao Ye hesitated for a moment. What is there to do in Blood Sea Academy? If you have that time, you might as well meditate. Sure enough, women will only affect the speed of your halberd. However, since you are a visitor from afar, Qiao Ye still nodded and agreed. .

"Over there is the Martial Arts Field of Blood Sea Academy, this is the library building, that is the treasure house, and the two mountains behind are the trial grounds. This is the trial for the fifth-class students, and the other is for the fourth-class students. ..."

Qiao Ye talked while walking, introducing the surrounding buildings to Lin Ziyi.

Lin Ziyi pointed to a small house and said, "Why is your Xuehai Academy still such a dilapidated place?"

"That's where fifth-class students live, so it's the worst." Qiao Ye pointed to a low room with no door and said, "I used to live there. It's cold in winter and warm in summer, and the environment is very nice."

Lin Ziyi was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing and said, "Cold in winter and warm in summer? The environment is pretty good?"

Qiao Ye said: "In terms of training your mind, it's really good. Let's go, I'll take you to the place where you live, and I won't let you live here. You can choose whatever you like for the pavilion in the back."

Qiao Ye accompanied Lin Ziyi for a stroll around Blood Sea Academy, and there were many students who wanted to strike up a conversation. After all, Lin Ziyi was definitely considered a beauty, not to mention that Blood Sea Academy was a monk's nest, but, still He was scared away by Qiao Ye without going forward. Although Qiao Ye did not speak from the beginning to the end, as long as his eyes were not blind, he could see the blood token on Qiao Ye's waist.

After sending Lin Ziyi back to her residence, Qiao Ye went back to her own room.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone boarded the flying boat and headed for the land of Jianmen.

Revisiting the old place always has a different feeling, descending under the towering city tower, feeling the sword intent inside the city wall, and then slowly walking towards the city gate.


"That's Qiao Ye!"

"People from the Four Great Academies!"

When everyone entered the land of Jianmen, the surroundings became noisy in an instant, and there were many discussions. Then some people started to cheer, shouted Qiao Ye's name, and started to welcome him.

A group of people looked at Qiao Ye in surprise, Lin Ziyi said: "Are you so famous?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's just in the land of Jianmen, and the reason why they call my name is just to bet on me."

Lin Ziyi smiled and said, "Being able to let others bet on you is a kind of prestige in itself, and no one would bet money on an unknown person."

Wu Xi muttered, "What's the big deal, everyone still calls me by my name when I go back to Tianwu Academy."

Qiao Ye ignored Wu Xi, looked at Ji Wuyuan and said, "There are still three days before the competition, so we have to arrange a place to live first?"

Ji Wuyuan said: "Yes, but I have no arrangements. Isn't there you here? This is your home stadium."

Qiao Ye was speechless. Does this mean that he has to arrange it by himself?

There is definitely no place to stay in the inn. The four major academies, the Tianxia Dojo, and the twelve kingdoms of the Wuyu, the three largest branches of the Wuyu are going to send people to compete. It is definitely a prosperous age in a prosperous age. Countless people came to the land of Jianmen, just to watch the battle, those inns were already full, and even, in order to have a foothold, some people were so frantic that they would not let go of the Goulan brothel. Room.

Qiao Ye reluctantly took out a spiritual paper of communication, wrote Jin Baocai's name on it, and lit the spiritual paper of communication.

The only one who can find a place to live right now is Tianwu Pavilion.

After burning the spirit paper, there was no reply from Jin Baocai, but the direction behind the city gate suddenly became lively again, the crowd dispersed quickly, but there was a new team coming.

Qiao Ye glanced at the other party, this is really...

The enemy's road is narrow!

That team was full of eight people, and the leader was...

Yan Beixing!

Team of Shenwei Dojo!

When Qiao Ye saw Yan Beixing, Yan Beixing naturally also saw Qiao Ye, and his proud face became stiff instantly.

After a while, Yan Beixing took a deep breath, walked along the street, glanced at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, don't come here without any problems."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I'm living well, at least I haven't been cut into a stick."


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