Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 295 This is the price

Chapter 295 This is the price


The spear and the halberd intersected together, making a clear and crisp sound.

With a flick of Su Beimu's wrist, the ice gun brushed past the halberd shaft, and the frost flakes bloomed all around. Immediately afterwards, the two passed by each other. Qiao Ye didn't turn his head back, and directly swept the halberd back with his backhand .


Su Beimu immediately swung his spear across to block Qiao Ye's black halberd, his face changed slightly, the power from the halberd was more terrifying than imagined.

Su Beimu quickly pushed the spear, and the spear circled around the shaft of the halberd and stabbed at Qiao Ye. The gun, before the person landed, three shots stabbed at Qiao Ye.

Delicate, exquisite!

Su Beimu is known as the spear king of the Northland. If it is only based on his cultivation, such a title is obviously not worthy of the name. The fact is that Su Beimu can get such a title because Su Beimu has a very good gun. Skills, regardless of cultivation, the world-renowned spear masters may not be much stronger than Su Bei Mu.



Qiao Ye didn't care about it at all, the black halberd in his hand swept across, and hit Su Beimu's ice spear forcefully, shaking Su Bei Mulian's spear away.

The next moment, as soon as Su Beimu landed, Qiao Yebian had already killed him again. He raised the black halberd in his hand like a hammer, and smashed it directly at Su Beimu.

Su Beimu quickly jumped back, the ground was hit by Qiao Ye's halberd, and it burst open in an instant, and the broken ice danced wildly.

"Damn it!"

Su Beimu cursed in a low voice.

In Su Beimu's eyes, Qiao Ye's halberd technique is not worth mentioning at all. No, does Qiao Ye have halberd technique?

The movement of swinging the halberd is wide open, swinging, chopping, chopping, the movement is too simple, even, there is no trick at all, it is completely willful and reckless, just attack as you want.


Why can't I stop myself!

"Because, this is the halberd, this is me..." Qiao Ye came to Su Beimu again, smashed the halberd on the barrel of the gun, forcing Su Beimu to retreat, and then raised his head and said: "Halberd, the soldier of the overlord, Whoever refuses to accept in the world, I will beat him until he is convinced!"




No need!

Those who dare to stand in front of his eyes will be cut off. This is Qiao Ye's halberd!


The black halberd fell again, hitting heavily on the shaft of the ice gun, and the huge force crushed it, causing Su Beimu to stagger and kneel on the ground on one knee.

"I said before, there is a price to be paid for talking nonsense, right? How about Xuehai Academy, it is not for mere mediocrity to judge." Qiao Ye looked down at Su Beimu and said, "The three-day competition is up to now. No one has ever died, right?"

Although everyone needs to sign a life-and-death contract in this competition, so far, no one has died, because everyone is restraining. This has nothing to do with the competition itself, but the checks and balances of various forces. There are different forces behind each team, and the meaning of victory and defeat is different from that of life and death. It is not just a simple battle, but also a collision of forces from all sides.

And the price Qiao Ye wants Su Beimu to pay is...

Be the first person to die on this stage in three days!


Without giving Su Beimu any chance to breathe, Qiao Ye flipped his wrist, and the black halberd swung away, shaking the Xuantian Ice Spear in Su Beimu's hand, and smashed it down again.

Su Beimu's pupils narrowed sharply, and he threw himself to the side, rolling on the ground, looking a bit embarrassed, barely dodging the halberd.

After getting up from the ground, Su Beimu gritted his teeth and shouted, "Qiao Ye..."

"I'm here, do you want to ask for mercy?" Qiao Ye chuckled lightly, "Sorry, I don't accept it!"

Qiao Ye moved forward, swung the black halberd in his hand again and smashed it towards Su Beimu. After a bang, the ice gun collided with the black halberd for the first time. The huge force Surging like a tide, Su Beimu's body was blown away again.

This is a collision between the two martial souls, and at the same time, it is also a collision between the two people's understanding of their respective weapons.

If Su Beimu's spear is exquisite and meticulous, then Qiao Ye's halberd is...


Staggering up from the ground again, Su Beimu's expression became more ferocious. He slowly bent his body like a beast bowing his back, and raised the Xuantian Ice Spear in his hand towards the front.

"It seems that this is your last shot!" Qiao Ye swung the black halberd fiercely, bringing out a large cloud of black smoke and billowing around, then he threw the black halberd down and said, "Then, come on!"

Su Beimu took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "Martial arts, thunder from the gun!"

With a low shout, Su Beimu rushed forward again, the Xuantian Ice Spear in his hand moved forward, and as Su Beimu ran forward, the ground under Su Beimu's feet continued to shatter, and at the same time , around the cracks, the bursting ice flakes continued to rise, like blooming ice flowers.

The Xuantian Ice Spear moved forward at a frighteningly fast speed, and it was impossible to see the shadow of the spear clearly. Like a silver-white lightning, it hit Qiao Ye directly in front of him.


"Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

The inverted black halberd was lifted high above the top, and then black smoke poured down from the black halberd like water, covering Qiao Ye's body.

Just at this very moment...

Su Beimu came up to Qiao Ye, and the Xuantian Ice Spear in his hand thrust forward vigorously, piercing through the black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye's body.


There was joy in Su Beimu's eyes, but in the next moment...

The black smoke that lingered on Qiao Ye's body gradually dissipated, and Qiao Ye reappeared. On Qiao Ye's body, there was a jet-black armor.

The Xuantian Ice Spear hit Qiao Ye's chest, but he couldn't get any further.

"It's my turn!"

The black halberd that Qiao Ye held high above the top suddenly fell, bringing out a dark arc, and fell towards Su Beimu.

"Do not!"

Su Beimu's eyes widened and he screamed, his pupils contracted suddenly.



The muffled sound of the blade piercing the flesh suddenly appeared, and a bright blood spray splashed out in front of Su Beimu's body.

There was a hideous wound on Su Beimu's chest. The chest was completely cut open, and Su Beimu's sternum could be clearly seen from the wound.

Su Beimu seemed to be drained of all his strength in an instant, and his body slipped limply towards the ground. He knelt on his knees, then tilted his body, and fell to the ground.

Blood continued to flow from under Su Beimu's body, forming a pool of blood.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth rank of the Martial Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 16,000 points."

Su Beimu became the first person to die in battle since the three-day battle!

This is……



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