Chapter 296

Qiao Ye walked back to the passage, and it was not until Qiao Ye disappeared that there was a loud noise on the city wall.

Lin Ziyi said to Qiao Ye, "I'm going!"

"Be careful!" Qiao Ye said: "Beheading Su Beimu is a death feud. The second match will naturally become more difficult, and the opponent will fight with anger."

Lin Ziyi looked at Qiao Ye with piercing eyes.

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Ziyi smiled and said, "Just curious, are you caring about me?"

Qiao Ye said: "You think too much, I'm just too lazy to fight team battles!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she turned around and walked aside. Lin Ziyi smiled and stuck out her tongue at Qiao Ye's back, made a grimace, and walked into the urn.


All three individual battles won!

The five-person team battle was meaningless again. Although killing Su Beimu made the battle a little more difficult, Lin Ziyi still won the battle lightly. Wu Xi was equally strong and created a second tragedy , causing the second person to die in the three-day competition.

Although the relationship between the four major academies is not very good internally, they are one when they are external. What is Wu Academy?

After all, Lin Ziyi was a woman, so she was more or less gentle, but Wu Xi was not so polite, if she could kill her, she should not live!

At the same time, everyone has seen the strength of the four major academies. So far, Qiao Ye and the others have not participated in a five-person team battle, and they have all won three individual battles.

After the competition on the third day, there were only five remaining teams, namely the Alliance of Four Courts, Heimeng Kingdom, Loulan Kingdom, and the second-ranked Zixiao Sword Village among the Dojos of the World. The third Luofu dojo, as for the dojo ranked first in the world, it's not that they lost, but they didn't participate.

On the fourth day, the only bye spot fell to the Alliance of Four Courts. Qiao Ye and the others could save one game, leaving the teams of the four forces to fight each other.

Although the national strength of Heimeng Kingdom is inferior to that of Loulan Kingdom, but this time it was superior and became the winner. In the duel between the two Daoist Temples, Luofu Daoist Hall was finally unable to defeat and lost to Zixiao Mountain Villa, and finally stayed. The next three teams became the Alliance of Four Courts, Heimeng Kingdom and Zixiao Sword Village.

This competition for Lingwu's sacrifice to heaven has finally come to an end, and there will be a decision after two more battles at most.

At the same time, when there are three teams left, the number of byes is very important compared to before, and one more game will inevitably consume more points.

"It doesn't matter whether you have a bye or not." Ji Wuyuan said in a big voice: "There is no difference between playing one game and two games, as long as you win."

But at this moment...

There was a knock on the door, and Qiao Ye looked up and said, "Please come in!"

Jin Baocai pushed the door open and said with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "How many of you are here? Are you discussing tomorrow's competition?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Is Manager Jin okay?"

Shopkeeper Jin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "There is something to inform everyone, Zixiao Sword Village has withdrawn from the competition."

Including the four instructors, they couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Zixiao Sword Village has been passed down for 800 years, which can be regarded as quite an ancient inheritance. It has the title of the best sword in the world. Throughout the ages, most of the most powerful swordsmen come from Zixiao Sword Village.

In general, the Twelve Kingdoms of the Martial Domain use the power of the whole country to find talents, and the selected teams must be more threatening, and the resources and financial resources of the dojo are definitely not comparable to the power of one country.

However, Zixiao Sword Village will definitely not be inferior to teams from any other country, because there is a person in Zixiao Villa!

that person is called...

Qin Jianchuan!

The cultivation base of the fourth level of Wu Zongjing is the limit that can be reached within the age limit of being able to participate in the Lingwu Festival. So far, there has not been any martial artist who has broken through to the fifth level of Wu Zongjing, and Qiao Ye himself has stayed At the fourth level of Wu Zongjing's cultivation.

But cultivation is not the whole of strength. In fact, even a martial artist of the fifth or even sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm may not be Qin Jianchuan's opponent.



Heavenly Chosen Level Six Martial Spirit, the Sword of the Great Dao!

When the owner of Zixiao Sword Village gets old, Qin Jianchuan will 100% become the next successor of the owner, and will also be the new generation of sword god of Zixiao Sword Village.

On the side of the Black Mongolian Kingdom, there are also two masters, Dongfang Sheng, the adopted son of the Four Great Spears Dongfang Yao, who has a cultivation level of the fourth level of the Martial Ancestry Realm, and a martial soul of the seventh level of the Earth Ming level, and the other is called Lan Sihai. He knows his name, his background is unknown, and he doesn't know where the Black Mongolian Kingdom found him. The cultivation base of the first level of Wu Zongjing is obviously a bit weak, and his martial soul is only at the imperial level, but Lan Sihai has a fifth-grade martial soul!

Lan Sihai's martial soul rank is even higher than Qin Jianchuan's!

However, with Qin Jianchuan present, Zixiao Villa has a chance to fight Hei Mengguo, and, normally speaking, Zixiao Villa has a better chance of winning.

Therefore, Zixiao Villa withdrew from the competition, leaving everyone at a loss.

Jin Baocai hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Although Zixiao Villa has withdrawn from the competition, Qin Jianchuan and another disciple named Lin Xiangnan from Zixiao Sword Villa have temporarily joined the team of the Black Mongolian Kingdom. Therefore, on the fifth day The fight has become the last fight to decide the outcome."

Everyone was stunned, feeling that the amount of information was a bit large.

After a while, Ji Wuyuan slapped the table and said: "Those insidious villains are actually playing tricks!"

After a brief moment of stupefaction, everyone had already understood.

Zixiao Villa did not withdraw from the competition at all, but...

The two teams have merged!

The reason is of course self-evident, in order to deal with the Alliance of Four Houses!

Jin Baocai was trembling, fearing that he would be used to spread fire. This matter was actually promoted by the Tianxia Dojo and the Twelve Kingdoms of the Wuyu Region at the same time. Otherwise, the four major academies would have sent people directly to the Lingyu. There would not be so many things , and Tianwu Pavilion is the property of Tianxia Dojo, and Jin Baocai can be regarded as the sinister villain in Ji Wuyuan's mouth.

Qiao Ye looked at Jin Baocai and said, "Treasurer Jin, you are not here to negotiate with us as a representative?"

Jin Baocai also wanted to cry without tears: "Brother Qiao, to put it bluntly, I am doing odd jobs for others. Let me tell you what they said. The four major academies are the oldest places of inheritance of martial arts. Naturally, they will not be afraid of challenges." , the rules are not changed now, just a few people are changed, I think you will not refuse."

Qiao Ye said: "So, it's not a negotiation, but to inform us of this decision, right?"

Jin Baocai said helplessly: "If you are really dissatisfied, you can speak up and I will relay it for you."


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