Chapter 317

Qiao Ye's biggest problem is...

Wuhun is too strong!

If other people heard this, they would probably spit on Qiao Ye's face, and then say: Smelly shameless!

But the fact is true, Wu Zongjing's cultivation is obviously not suitable for supporting a fifth-rank martial soul. After all, even if one enters the king realm, there are not many people who can possess a fifth-rank martial soul.

This means huge consumption!

Supporting the Martial Soul requires both physical and mental consumption. Now Qiao Ye has a way to deal with it in terms of mental strength. He can use the ghost lamp. Even the phantom of the demon can last for a long time. As for the limit, it is not clear After all, it was only used when fighting Qin Jianchuan, and Qin Jianchuan was not enough to force out the limit of the virtual form of the demon.

But what about the physical cost?

Martial soul also consumes the energy and blood energy of the physical body, and the compensation of mental power can indeed be extended, but relying on mental power alone is not a long-term solution.

Therefore, it is as important for the blood world to recover its physical strength as the nectar after a long drought. To put it bluntly, physical strength is nothing more than a warrior's energy and blood energy, let alone the blood world can recover from injuries.

This happened to be what Qiao Ye lacked the most at the moment!

With the blood world and ghost lamp, Qiao Ye is confident that the duration of his martial soul can be greatly improved, even if he uses the virtual form of the demon.

This made Qiao Ye's face look joyful. It was indeed correct to give up raising his cultivation base to the peak of the ninth rank, but to choose the blood technique of hundreds of battles. Moreover, he was not far from the ninth rank of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat strength: 2156000

Cultivation: Martial Ancestor Realm ninth rank.

Martial soul value: 550200/3000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Tianmo Dazzling (Fifth Grade) (Variable).

Items: Tsingyi Umbrella, Thunderbolt Ring, Blood Demon, Thousand Spirit Sword, Valkyrie Iron Book (Volume 26)

Cultivation method: No Second Sword (Visual Thought)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (Level 4), Breaking Heavenly Palm (Rank 7), Road to Heaven (Rank 7), Nine Turns of the Golden Body (Level 9)

A light curtain appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes, and he nodded slightly. In his current state, he participated in the Lingwu Festival, and his hope of winning was very high. At the same time, Qiao Ye also sorted out the jade cards by the way.

Tsing Yi Umbrella, Thunder Ring, after Qiao Ye thought about it, he absorbed it directly.

With the Thousand Spirit Sword, the Tsing Yi Umbrella's offensive effect is very general, and secondly, the Nine Turns Golden Body is a defensive skill, so the Tsing Yi Umbrella's defensive function is useless.

As for the thunder ring, it doesn't go well with Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye was only at the Martial Spirit Realm before, and the thunder ring was quite useful, so I kept it. Now it feels a bit dispensable, so I absorbed it together. .

At the same time, as a replacement, Qiao Ye stored another treasure in the space of the jade tablet.

A sixth-grade treasure, twin lives in one realm!

This thing was obtained after killing the first Jiang Liuxue. However, it has never been displayed on the light curtain. The things in the spatial treasure will not be displayed on the light curtain.

The reason why Qiao Ye did this was that he still didn't understand how to use the Twins in One Realm, so he never put in the jade card, but carried it with him, in case of a contingency, that is, when there is a need , absorbed immediately.

Spatial treasures are convenient, but when they are really in danger, is it faster to take them out of the jade tablet, or to absorb the things on their body? You don't need to think about it. If a master makes a move, even one move can decide life or death.

Therefore, not only twins in one realm, Qiao Ye also put some spiritual materials and medicines in his pocket. These are things that can be absorbed instantly when needed. In this way, we can race against time.

For example, if Qiao Ye is facing an opponent at the Martial King Realm, he may not necessarily be an opponent, but he can immediately absorb the Twins of One Realm and break through to the King Realm.

Right now, after absorbing two useless treasures, Qiao Ye thought about it and filled them in. It is a sixth-grade treasure, and if it is a rare space treasure, if possible, Qiao Ye Ye still didn't want to absorb it, it was a bit wasteful, and secondly, breaking through the first-order cultivation now required 3 million martial soul points, and absorbing the first-level twins only had 850,000 martial soul points, which was not enough.

Of course, the problem that arises from this is that if Qiao Ye is more cautious, he still needs to prepare one or two treasures and put them in his pocket so that he can absorb them at any time.


Qiao Ye was thinking that treasures below the fifth rank were not enough to allow him to immediately break through to the first level of cultivation. Maybe two sixth rank treasures were a good choice.

But at this moment...

"Open the door!"

There was a knock on the door of the house, and at the same time there was a low voice from the door.

Qiao Ye frowned involuntarily. It was more accurate to say that the knock on the door sounded like a smash than a knock.

"Open the door, do you hear me, I know someone is there!"

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door sounded again, and at the same time there was a sound of urging from the door.

Qiao Ye frowned even tighter, but she still got up and opened the door.

Standing at the door was a man in his mid-twenties. His facial features were fairly handsome, except for a pair of slanted eyes, which made it difficult for people to form a good impression when they first saw him, and made the other person's entire face a little more gloomy.

At the same time, Qiao Ye didn't know the other party, and it was impossible for him to know him, because the other party had a lavender spirit pattern on his forehead, and he was a person from the spiritual domain.

When the other party saw that the door was open, he slapped Qiao Ye's arm that was holding the door, then walked into the room and sat down, casually crossing his feet.

This behavior is very impolite, even, it can be said to be rude.

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Su Fei. Speaking of which, you should call me cousin." Su Fei sat there with contempt on his face, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "But you'd better not call me that, because I don't like having a bastard." Cousin."

Qiao Ye's gaze turned cold, and then when he realized something, his pupils suddenly dilated.


That is...

own mother!

"It seems that you have figured out my origin." Su Fei sneered and said, "I am from Lingyu, from the Zhanling clan, from the Zhantian Division, and so is your mother, that bitch!"

Zhantian Clan, Zhantian Department!

This is one of the most famous and powerful tribes in Lingyu, just like the Tianlu tribe.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as Qiao Ye's mother's natal family.

"To be honest, I don't want to come. Why can you return to the Zhantian Department?" Su Fei didn't hide the contempt on his face, and said to Qiao Ye: "But the elders of the tribe ordered , I can only do so, so, as long as you lose this Lingwu Festival and sever all ties with Wuyu from now on, you can be allowed to return to Lingyu and Zhantian Department."


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