Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 318 Get Out While I'm Talking Well

Chapter 318 Get Out While I'm Talking Well

Qiao Ye now also has a certain understanding of her parents, especially her mother.

Ji Wuyuan once speculated that Qiao Ye's mother might be a member of the Yinling family, and only the Yinling family can use their abilities to enter the Wuyu, but in fact this is not the case. His mother is also a guardian and can go to Wuyu It's because he was with his father. Although this kind of thing is rare, but he is also a guardian and will not be stopped.

Secondly, my mother is from the Zhantian tribe of the Zhantian Clan in the Lingyu, one of the three tribes in the Lingyu, and is famous throughout the Lingyu for producing brave warriors.

"But what does that have to do with me?" Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei and said, "Get lost!"

Su Fei was stunned for a moment, then stood up abruptly, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "What did you say?"

Qiao Ye said, "I'll let you go!"

"Didn't you hear what I said clearly?" Su Fei looked at Qiao Ye and said, "It's a great kindness for you to be able to return you to the Spirit Realm and the Zhantian Department. You bastard should be grateful to Dade now, and then Obediently do as I say, understand?"

Qiao Ye sneered, Lingyu, Zhantianbu, what do these have to do with him? He didn't grow up in the spiritual domain, and Qiao Ye didn't know what the so-called Zhantian Department looked like.

"You insult my mother with your words, you deserve to die!" Qiao Ye said: "I already considered that there is some kind of blood relationship, so I let you leave here alive, so, while I am still planning to talk, get out of here. "

"Death?" Su Fei laughed loudly and said, "What? You still want to kill me? Come on, kill one and show me."

Su Fei walked up to Qiao Ye with his head held high, with a look of contempt and disdain.

"You chose it yourself!"

Qiao Ye suddenly grabbed a flower stand at the side, and threw it at Su Fei's head.

With a bang, the flower stand shattered instantly.

Su Fei was a little dazed by the smashing. He didn't expect that Qiao Ye would really dare to do it. This is the spiritual domain, not Qiao Ye's territory. Moreover, even if Qiao Ye is powerful, he is qualified to participate in the Lingwu Festival, but After all, he is much younger than himself, and Su Fei is now at the seventh level of the Spiritual Ancestor Realm, a young and promising genius of the Zhantian Department.

How dare Qiao Ye?

But Qiao Ye made a move. After one blow, before Su Fei came back to his senses, he kicked towards Su Fei again, hitting Su Fei's chest, causing Su Fei to retreat a few steps.

This kick finally brought Su Fei back to his senses, and he said angrily, "Bastard, you really dare to do it? It seems that if you don't teach me a lesson, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and you won't be obedient."

While Su Fei was talking, a tiger pounced forward, directly in front of Qiao Ye.

As soon as he opened his fists, Su Fei raised his fist and threw it in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye sneered and took a step forward.

The nine-turn golden body was activated, and Qiao Ye's body suddenly became golden, and circles of golden light wrapped around Qiao Ye's body, and golden halos continuously appeared around him, floating towards the surroundings.


At the same time, Su Fei punched Qiao Ye fiercely in the chest, but Qiao Ye didn't seem to feel the attack at all, so he just stood there and took Su Fei's punch hard, without changing his expression, on the contrary It was Su Fei who looked shocked, his fists were numb for a while, and there was obvious pain, as if he had hit an extremely solid wall.

This physical body is so strong!

Although the Wuyu area pays more attention to the cultivation of the physical body, the spiritual domain is more inclined to the cultivation of the spiritual power. If it is the physical body, the spiritual domain people are at a disadvantage, but the gap is not so big, especially in the In Su Fei's eyes, it's impossible for Qiao Ye's cultivation to be higher than his own.

"Aren't you full?" Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei and said, "You can use more force!"

Su Fei was furious, jumped up on the spot, twisted his waist sharply in mid-air, and swept forward with one foot.


Su Fei kicked Qiao Ye's face, and then said grimly, "You asked for it..."

Su Fei finished speaking halfway, and swallowed the second half abruptly.

That kick hit Qiao Ye's face, Qiao Ye just tilted his head, and didn't even move his body.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth, the defense of the Nine-Turn Golden Body, not to mention the stunned look on Su Fei's face, Qiao Ye himself was also a little surprised, after entering the Nine-Turn Golden Body state, his physical body was hardened, Qiao Ye didn't feel Su Fei's attack at all.

This level is only a ninth-rank martial skill, and it is only a sixth-rank when it is fully cultivated?

However, Qiao Ye quickly remembered an important point, the nine-turn golden body is disabled, and as long as he continues to absorb the Iron Book of the God of War, it is very possible to complete it!

On the other side, Su Fei was startled at first, and then, seeing Qiao Ye's indifferent, even distracted expression, he instantly became extremely angry. With a low growl, he twisted his body again, and swept his foot towards Qiao Ye.

When the strong wind hit, Qiao Ye came back to his senses and raised his hand casually.


That kick swept the back of Qiao Ye's hand, and Qiao Ye blocked it lightly.

The next moment, Qiao Ye grabbed Su Fei's ankle fiercely, directly lifted Su Fei upside down, and then threw it forcefully towards the side.


Su Fei's back hit the wall, making a loud noise, and cracks appeared on the wall in an instant.

Qiao Ye pointed her toes, and she rushed forward to pursue the victory, and hit Su Fei's chest with a knee bump.


The second sound of the wall breaking was heard, and the wall collapsed just like that. Qiao Ye kicked Su Fei to the door and fell to the ground four or five meters away.

The movement on Qiao Ye's side also alarmed many people, who opened the door one after another.

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Personal grievances!"

While talking, Qiao Ye strode forward and came to Su Fei. When Su Fei was about to get up in a panic, Qiao Ye raised his leg and swept Su Fei's chest again, sweeping Su Fei away again.

"Didn't I tell you?" Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei coldly and said, "You should get the hell out of me while I'm still planning to talk properly!"

The corner of Su Fei's mouth was bleeding, he got up from the ground, and roared angrily: "Bastard, you are dead, I will kill you, I must kill you!"

Amidst the roar, the spirit pattern on Su Fei's forehead shone with light, dotted with dots, continuously sprinkled around Su Fei's body.

"Out of the spirit!" Su Fei roared: "The will of the ice god!"

Su Fei fiercely stretched out his hand towards the front, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and a sheet of frost and snow suddenly appeared, covering Qiao Ye's direction.

Click, click!

The surrounding ground, as well as Qiao Ye's body, condensed a clear frost in an instant. With Qiao Ye as the center, after the frost and snow covered it, everything around her began to gradually freeze.


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