Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 319 Maybe it's time to take off your head now

Chapter 319 Maybe, It's Time To Take Your Head Off Now

Su Fei yelled at Qiao Ye with a ferocious face: "Qiao Ye, I want you to die, right now!"

The surrounding frost and snow became more violent, covering a large area.

Su Fei was able to be an outstanding figure of the younger generation of Zhantian Department, and his strength was quite good. Physically, he was crushed by Qiao Ye, and Su Fei recognized it. Originally, the cultivation of the spiritual realm was not based on the physical body.

However, the need for spiritual power is more obvious when using spiritual power, which is also the reason why spiritual monks in the spiritual realm focus on cultivating spiritual power.

In fact, Su Fei's spiritual ability is really good.

From Qiao Ye's point of view, if it is a martial spirit, it should be able to reach the earth level, and the rank should also reach the seventh rank, and it belongs to the peak of the seventh rank, which is close to the sixth rank. At Su Fei's age, such Of course, his strength is quite impressive.

"But..." Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei coldly and said, "That's all!"

Su Fei sneered and said: "You can still brag there now, I'll see how you die later!"

Right now, Qiao Ye had almost been frozen into an iceman, even her eyebrows were covered with frost flowers, and her whole body had turned into a silvery white color, gradually turning into an ice sculpture.

Qiao Ye grinned, and suddenly...

Click, click!

The frost covering Qiao Ye's body continued to make crisp sounds, and then...


Qiao Ye raised her arm violently, and the frost covering Qiao Ye's body suddenly exploded, became torn apart, and swung around.

Qiao Ye's body was surrounded by black smoke, and it retreated from Qiao Ye's feet towards the surroundings. Whenever the black smoke passed by, the frost on the ground would continue to shatter and crack, and the frozen ground would also shatter. gradually reappeared.

Qiao Ye tilted her head, looked at Su Fei and said, "How do you want me to die?"

The corners of Su Fei's eyes twitched slightly, and he growled at Qiao Ye: "You think that's all? It's not over yet!"

Su Fei stretched out his hand and waved it forward, and the frost and snow around him suddenly became more terrifying.

"Wind Snow Dance!"

A sudden gust of wind blew up all around? The frost and snow were continuously rolled up, and then shrouded and fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

At the same time, the frost in the air continued to condense, turning into huge ice thorns five or six meters away, and then falling towards Qiao Ye continuously.

The flying snowflakes turned into blades, spinning continuously, cutting everything, and rolling towards Qiao Ye.

The ground was trembling and rumbling, and countless ice thorns rose from the ground, covering Qiao Ye's surroundings, and constantly compressing the space, approaching Qiao Ye. It was sealed and Qiao Ye was trapped in the middle.

With a ferocious face, Su Fei pushed the wind and snow around him with all his strength, without any intention of holding back, and attacked Qiao Ye crazily.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly sighed.

"You try your best, and then..." Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei and said, "That's all?"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd in his hand high and swung it forward vigorously.

After that halberd passed, a large cloud of black smoke appeared in front of Qiao Ye, forming the shape of a crescent moon, and continuously pushed out towards the surroundings. The black smoke became thicker and bigger, and covered Qiao Ye in the blink of an eye. four weeks and then...


The icicles falling from the sky shattered and shattered in an instant, and countless ice shards were sprinkled one after another.

The snowflake-shaped flying blade began to melt the moment it touched the black smoke, and the non-protruding ice thorns on the ground were instantly cut off by the black smoke.

Su Fei was almost completely dumbfounded in place, even if he was crushed in the physical competition, his spiritual ability was no match for Qiao Ye's martial soul?

"I don't believe it!" Su Fei came back to his senses and roared angrily, "The Ice God roars!"

Su Fei stretched out his hand towards the front, and the surrounding wind and snow gathered in an instant, spinning in front of Su Fei, and then rushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye, forming a snow tornado.

Qiao Ye snorted coldly, threw the black halberd behind her back, and then...


Qiao Ye stepped on the ground fiercely, there was a loud noise from the ice under his feet, cracks were cracked inch by inch, and Qiao Ye's body flew forward.

The next moment, Qiao Ye held up the black halberd and slashed forward with all his strength.


As soon as the halberd fell, a black arc flashed, and the ice and snow tornado that hit the face split in an instant.


Su Fei opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards with his whole body upright, hitting the ground hard.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 22,000 points."

"You have defeated 500 warriors without a single defeat, and you will get an extra reward: 300,000 martial arts points."

Su Fei's spiritual ability was directly knocked out by Qiao Ye, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

At the same time, the winning streak reward, which hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared. The last time the reward was 300 enemies, it had accumulated to 500 without knowing it. However, 300,000 martial soul points, for the current Qiao Ye In other words, like a drop in the bucket, the distance from breaking through to the king realm is still quite intense.

Besides, even if he had accumulated enough martial soul points, Qiao Ye would not be able to break through to the Martial King Realm, otherwise he would not be able to participate in the Lingwu Festival.

With a wave of his hand, the black halberd disappeared. Qiao Ye strode forward and came to Su Fei. Before Su Fei got up, he stepped on his chest and pushed him back to the ground.

Qiao Ye bent down and looked down at Qiao Ye and said: "My mother is indeed from Zhan Tianbu, but this is not the reason for you to tell me what to do, I am me, I am Qiao Ye, you are not qualified to teach me how to do things, let alone come Teach me how to do things, I have no interest in such things as returning to the Zhantian Department!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he let go of his feet.

"Get out!" Qiao Ye said: "It's only three things. I'll give you a second chance, but there won't be a third. If you appear in front of me again, I'll take your head!"

Su Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Qiao Ye, just wait for me, you will regret it!"

"I do have some regrets." Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei coldly and said, "Maybe, I should take off your head now?"

Su Fei was startled, got up from the ground hastily, and walked out without looking back.

Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei's back, curled her lips in disdain, and then walked back.

Lin Jiexu left the house at some point, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Your mother?"

Qiao Ye nodded, and said, "Don't worry senior, I will take care of it myself."

Lin Jiexu couldn't help laughing, patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Rest early, don't affect your mood and state because of these things."


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