Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 323 False First Grade

Chapter 323

The general process of Lingwu worshiping heaven is that all people must first go to the spiritual temple to worship heaven. This step is called asking the spirit god to return to his place.

Afterwards, the major tribes in the spiritual domain, including Qiao Ye and others, will compete in front of the spiritual temple. The rules of the competition are the same as those in the Jianmen land. Wu Jitian was carried out according to the rules.

After the final decision is made, the victor can enter the spiritual temple again and receive prayers. In the inheritance of the spiritual domain, praying for spirits is equivalent to a kind of blessing, and can receive a very weak part of the power of the spirit god. Of course, Even if it is only a very small part, it is still a very considerable opportunity for people in the realm of masters to improve their strength.

There is no problem with these procedures. Before Lingyu sent out invitations and contacted, he had already said it roughly. Yan Chiyong just explained everything more carefully, including some etiquette in the process of offering sacrifices to the heavens. Some situations, and details to pay attention to when praying for spirits, etc.

The only difference is that Lin Jiexu cannot follow!

This is something Lin Jiexu cannot accept.

Why does the forest world need to follow?

Of course, it was to ensure that Qiao Ye and the others did not have any accidents.

First, a life-and-death contract is required for a fight. It is impossible to guarantee that you can definitely win before the fight. The existence of Lin Jiexu is to prevent the opponent from doing evil things in case of losing.

Second, before Lingyu sacrifices to the sky, in order not to lose ground, Lingyu may not hurt Qiao Ye and others, and will ensure that they can appear normally in the Lingwu Festival, but if Qiaoye and the others really win , Will the people in Lingyu really watch Qiao Ye and the others enter the Ling Temple to pray for spirits? After all, the spiritual temple is the holy place of the spiritual realm, and praying for spirits is also a grand event in the spiritual realm.

It is obviously unrealistic to say that Lin Jiexu is strong enough for one person to fight against so many spirit domain people. Even if Lin Jiexu is strong, it is impossible to be so strong, but the existence of Lin Jiexu is indeed an insurance.

Yan Chi said bravely: "The existence of the Ling Temple is an independent space. According to the ancient tradition, only the spirit worshipers can enter, and the cultivation level of the spirit worshipers cannot exceed Wu Zongjing, or they must complete three years of hard work. , or if the cultivation base breaks through to the Martial King Realm, he will be sent away by the Lingmiao. There are not so many rules nowadays, but the power of the spiritual temple is still there, even if I want to let you in, it is impossible."

"Independent space?" Lin Jiexu frowned and said, "Is there a fault in the void?"

"Who would know?" Yan Chiyong said: "That's a spirit god. It's not impossible to build an independent space with great supernatural powers. In short, you can't get in. The only way to enter the spirit realm is to participate in the spirit realm." People from Wu Jitian can go in, I really don’t believe it, you can try it, but you will bear the consequences yourself.”

Lin Jiexu really believed in the sentence that you have to bear the consequences yourself. If the other party doesn't stop you from breaking in, it means you have no fear, that is, you really can't get in.

Qiao Ye said: "It doesn't matter, since everyone is the same, then we can go in."

Yan Chi said bravely: "At that time, there will be priests accompanying them, and they will stay in the Wuzong realm all their lives, just to guide the completion of Lingwu's sacrifice to heaven, so, just remember when the time comes, what the priests say, you will follow Whatever is fine, after completing the process of offering sacrifices to the heavens, they will also assign groups for the competition of spirit martial arts to worship the heavens. As for the results of the competition, there is no need to worry about fairness. They will use formations to project the spirit screen, and everyone can see it .”

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "What about the time?"

Yan Chi bravely said: "Tomorrow will be at the beginning of the day."

Yan Chiyong was business-like, got up and left after speaking.

Lin Jiexu looked a little sad. After thinking about it for a while, he waved to Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, come here."

Qiao Ye stepped forward and said, "Senior Lin, what are your orders?"

Lin Jiexu first took out a piece of paper and said: "This is a special communication spiritual paper for twenty-eight stars. In theory, no treasure or formation can block the communication of this kind of communication spiritual paper. Please put it away carefully." , if there is any accident, use this spiritual paper to find me immediately."

Qiao Ye put away the spiritual paper and nodded, expressing that she understood.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jiexu took out a box from the space treasure and opened it. Inside was a pestle, but it was not like a Buddhist vajra, but a pestle-like weapon, with dragon patterns and phoenix carved on it, and two A gigantic virtual image.

Lin Jiexu said: "This is a backhand prepared before coming here. If people in the spiritual realm make any rash moves, they can borrow this treasure to escape. Of course, it should be used by me. If something goes wrong, I will launch this treasure." A treasure, but now I can't go to the spiritual temple, so I can only give it to you."

Qiao Ye said: "If you encounter danger, leave immediately? Then what should I do if Senior Lin is not in the spiritual temple?"

"Don't worry about me." Lin Jiexu said with a smile: "With my strength, it's not a big problem if I want to leave, and, after all, I am a guardian of the Wuyu domain and one of the twenty-eight stars, they may not dare to touch me , otherwise it is equivalent to wanting to start a full-scale war, but there is one thing to pay attention to, this is a fake first-class treasure!"

Not only Qiao Ye, but everyone was surprised.

A treasure!

This is really only heard of, never seen, let alone Qiao Ye, most warriors will never see it in their lifetime.

Although what Lin Jie has to say is fake, but...

Qiao Ye looked at it carefully, and found that the pestle was not damaged. The so-called fake first-grade treasures were originally first-grade treasures, but due to some reasons, they were usually damaged, which led to a decline in the grade. It reaches the level of the first rank, but in fact exceeds the level of the second rank. Therefore, it is called a fake first rank, and there are also so-called fake second ranks and fake third ranks.

Of course, there are also times when it is enough to make a first-grade treasure, but in the end it is missed, but there is no failure, resulting in the birth of a fake first-grade treasure.

Lin Jiexu said: "This treasure can break the space, and it is easy to cross the broken boundary. Therefore, as long as this thing is in hand, even if the god of war is reborn, it cannot be killed. However, every time it is used, it will be weakened, and the rank will be reduced. If it falls, the effect will also decline, until it falls out of the third rank, it will be completely broken, because it has been used once, so now it is a fake first rank."

Qiao Ye said: "In this case, there is nothing to worry about!"

"No, what's next is the key point." Lin Jiexu said with a very solemn expression: "Do you think that a fake first-grade treasure can be used if you want to use it?"


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