Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 324: Sacrifice to Heaven

Chapter 324 Worshiping the Heaven

Lin Jiexu pointed at the crowd, and said, "It can be said that, except for Qiao Ye, the rest of you can be sure that you won't need this treasure at all."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "I can?"

"Not necessarily." Lin Jiexu said: "The use of the treasure, like the martial soul, actually consumes energy, blood, and spiritual power. However, compared with the martial soul, because the treasure itself is It contains a part of the power needed to activate it, and the consumption is not that big, but after all, it is a fake first-grade treasure, and it is impossible to activate it at the Wu Zongjing. It is enough to just enter the Martial King Realm. To be on the safe side, you need the peak of the Martial King Realm. However, you There is a characteristic, so there is a certain possibility of being able to use this treasure."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Spiritual power?"

Lin Jiexu nodded and said: "You have a strong mental power and you also have a ghost lamp, so there is a possibility that you can use it, but there are a few points to keep in mind."

Qiao Ye said, "Say it."

Lin Jiexu said: "It takes about 30 breaths to use this empty pestle normally. Even if you can use it, this time may be longer, it may take a stick of incense, it may take a cup of tea, it is useless I can’t say for sure, so if you have to use this treasure, don’t hesitate, you need to prepare in advance.”

Qiao Ye nodded.

Lin Jiexu continued: "Second point, even if it can be used, it will be very detrimental to yourself, so don't use it if you can. It seems that the two points are contradictory, but this is the case. You have to weigh the choice of the situation. Don't hesitate to use it when it should be used, and never use it when it shouldn't be used."

Qiao Ye nodded again and said, "I understand!"

Lin Jiexu said: "The last point, even if it is dangerous, don't use it near the spiritual temple, at least leave the spiritual temple."

Qiao Ye said, "Why?"

Lin Jiexu said: "This is just my own guess. If the spiritual temple is an independent space, it may be related to the void fault, or a space similar to the void fault. No one can know what the result will be if you use it in an unstable space. Therefore, to be on the safe side, if you have to use it, at least leave the spirit temple if you don’t leave it. Temple, do you understand?"


Qiao Ye nodded, and solemnly took the Duankong pestle from Lin Jiexu.

Lin Jiexu said: "It's probably like this, don't be too nervous, these are just in case preparations, not that they will definitely be used, adjust your mentality, and go to the Lingwu Festival normally, it's normal It’s fine if you win, let’s go down and rest first.”

Qiao Ye and the others bid farewell to Lin Jiexu, then exited Lin Jiexu's room and went back to their rooms.

Driven by curiosity, Qiao Ye first tried to see if he could absorb the Duankong pestle, and the result was...


At least Qiao Ye couldn't do it with his own strength, maybe it was possible with the help of ghost lamps.

But Qiao Ye did not continue to try. Anyway, even if it was possible, Qiao Ye would not be able to do so. The current situation is equivalent to several people's wealth and lives in this empty pestle. It is best not to use it, but if there is a need If you use it, then you can completely count on this thing.

Secondly, the Duan Kong pestle was not given to Qiao Ye, it was Lin Jie who had to lend it to Qiao Ye!

Qiao Ye carefully put away the Duankong pestle, which can be said to be the most important thing in Qiao Ye's hands at present.

No words all night!

In the early morning of that day, Yan Chiyong sent someone to inform Qiao Ye and the others to go to the spiritual temple.

To go to the spiritual temple, you need to go up the mountain first. There is a winding path at the foot of the mountain, which can lead directly to the top of the mountain.

And there are quite a few people who participated in the Lingwu Festival. There are a total of 56 people, hundreds of people, and about 30 priests. These priests are not young, but they do not practice. Staying under the Spirit King Realm, he is responsible for all the matters of the Lingwu sacrifice to the heavens every year, including guiding the people, and sending the things used for the sacrifice to the mountain and so on.

Qiao Ye and the others are like plague gods, no one wants to get close to Qiao Ye and his party.

After the others climbed the mountain first, they instinctively distanced themselves from Qiao Ye and the others.

Qiao Ye and the others didn't care, to put it bluntly, they were here to play games.

All the way to the top of the mountain, I finally saw the spiritual temple.

Seen from the flying boat, there is indeed nothing special about the spiritual temple, but up close, the spiritual temple is quite magnificent, very huge, and has an ancient feeling.

Qiao Ye looked up at the spiritual temple, frowning slightly. The spiritual temple gave Qiao Ye a very strange feeling, and Qiao Ye couldn't tell what it felt like.

Just like when Qiao Ye felt the sword intent from the city wall when he first went to the land of Jianmen, and the spiritual temple in front of him made Qiao Ye feel something contained in it.

Of course, this time it is definitely not sword intent, but a feeling...

As if talking about something...


After everyone gathered in the square, the priest came and arranged for everyone to line up, and then entered the spiritual temple to be busy. After half an hour, he began to guide everyone into the spiritual temple in order, neatly arranged.

Except for the direction near the gate, there are huge long tables on the other three sides, on which various offerings are placed.

As for the so-called spirit god, it is a huge statue. Interestingly, the spirit god has no face, and that face is something like a mist.

Surprisingly, there is even a Valkyrie in the Lingshen Temple, a huge statue of a middle-aged man, with sword eyebrows and eyes, and tough facial features. In some records, there are also portraits of the God of War. However, probably because this is a spiritual temple, the God of Spirit is naturally in the main position, while the God of War is in the second place.

A priest came to Qiao Ye and whispered to them: "Actually, there is nothing surprising. The earliest Lingwu sacrifices to heaven were a grand event in the two domains. There were also statues of spirit gods in the Martial God Temple."

Qiao Ye nodded. Naturally, the priest had made arrangements when he came over.

The priest went on to say: "When you worship the heavens later, if you need to kneel down, you have no problem?"

Qiao Ye and the others frowned and said, "If you don't want to, is there a problem?"

The priest said: "Then only a few of you can be invited to leave. If you don't want to leave, you can turn your body slightly and worship the statue of the Martial God."


Of course not, they came all the way to Lingyu, could it be for fun?

Qiao Ye looked at the others and said, "Then worship the Martial God Statue."

The others nodded and asked them to worship the Spirit God, of course they didn't want to, but if it was to worship the Martial God, although Wu Yu didn't have such a custom now, it was not unacceptable.

The sacrificial priest said: "Then, I will stand by your side, please obey my words for a while, do as I say, and complete the sacrifice to heaven."


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