Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 325 It's Not Me, I Didn't

Chapter 325 Not Me, I Didn't

Worshiping the sky is definitely not a simple matter, on the contrary, it is a very complicated process.

When the time came, those priests first stood at the front, muttering some obscure ancient characters, these are the spiritual scripts of the ancient times, except for these priests who dedicated their lives to the spiritual temple, obviously there is no other people will.

But if you think that you just need to stand and listen, you are very wrong. There is a whole set of rituals for offering sacrifices to heaven. After chanting, a group of people start to form a long line. Make a circle inside, and after a week, start worshiping the spirit god.

Of course, Qiao Ye and the others didn't take the Lingzhu, and they worshiped in the direction of Martial God.

This kind of ceremony needs to be performed three times, and then it will be replaced by the next one. There are six sets in total, and it takes three hours to complete.

Not to mention Qiao Ye and the others, there are also many people in Lingyu who are impatient. After all, Lingshen is too old a thing, and there are not many people who are really in awe from the heart, but they are still obedient Just do it, even if you feel impatient, you can only endure it.

Qiao Ye also stood there silently, honestly waiting for the end of the Lingwu Festival, but at this time...

"Discover Absorbable Items: Spiritual Aura (No Product)"

"Is it absorbed?"

A voice suddenly sounded in Qiao Ye's ear, which made Qiao Ye stunned.

What's happening here?

Qiao Ye looked up and looked forward. There was no change in the spiritual temple, and the sacrifice to heaven was still going on.

Spiritual rhyme?

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at the statue of the spirit god. Did he find something that could be absorbed in that statue?

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows suddenly, realizing that this possibility was indeed possible.

Since he participated in the Lingwu Festival, it is naturally impossible to know nothing about the Lingwu Festival.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about in the competition in the middle. It is just to determine the winner anyway. The focus is on the two parts of offering sacrifices to heaven and praying for spirits. Fu, more directly is to get benefits.

Although this is a legend, there is no basis for it, but the spirit of prayer does exist, and every year the person who prays for the spirit will benefit from it, and the speed of cultivation will become faster.


Is this the return of the spirit god?

And the power in the spirit statue can be absorbed by itself?

So, absorb it?

Qiao Ye didn't make a hasty decision, because she didn't know what the consequences would be if she chose to absorb it, so don't cause any trouble.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye had a flash of inspiration.

I can secretly absorb it at the end of the Lingwu Festival. It is impossible to finish so many fights in a short time. Therefore, they have to stay in the Ling Temple for several days. I can find opportunities for no one, as long as no one Knowing that you did it yourself, what can you do with yourself? Moreover, as long as no one knows that I did it, I don't care about the consequences, and it doesn't matter if the temple collapses.

Qiao Ye quickly made up his mind, but at this moment...

On the statue of the spirit god, a glowing green light suddenly radiated, and countless halos appeared, and began to float around.

A priest was chanting words in front of the statue, and when he saw this scene, he froze in place.

Others don't know why, but those priests perform Lingwu sacrifices to heaven every year, and they have never seen such a situation.

next moment...

"You have absorbed the aura of the spirit god, and obtained the spiritual ability: the spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas."

Qiao Ye's expression froze instantly.


I didn't do anything!

But at this moment, the green halo overflowing from the spirit god statue quickly gathered towards Qiao Ye's direction, continuously surrounded Qiao Ye's body, and then gradually entered Qiao Ye's body.


The moment those green halos all entered Qiao Ye's body, the statue of the spirit god suddenly made a crisp sound, and then, a crack appeared, spreading from the forehead to the position of the feet, and the statue of the spirit god was completely The crack came.


The few priests standing in front of the statue of the spirit god were pale, and they knelt down on the ground with horror on their faces. Looking at the statue of the spirit god, their lips trembled, and they were completely speechless, as if the sky had fallen. .

Suddenly, the priest next to Qiao Ye and the others turned pale, pointed at Qiao Ye, and shouted ferociously, "Say, what did you do to the statue of the spirit god?"

Qiao Ye just shut up, I still want to know what happened, but the problem is that I really don't know, although it seems that the spiritual charm was really absorbed by me, but before the absorption, I need my consent, the ghost knows this How could I do this to myself this time? Is there still a time limit to automatically absorb it without giving an answer?

at the same time……

Accompanied by the priest's roar, the surrounding Lingyu people glared at Qiao Ye as if they had found the instigator, and then kept closing in on him.

Qiao Ye and the others slowly approached, Sun He cursed, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "What the hell did you do?"

"I wish I knew what I did!" Qiao Ye looked around and said, "The problem is that I don't know what's going on, the brilliance from that broken statue came to me somehow! "

Qin Jianchuan said: "Don't talk about it, it's useless, what should we do now?"

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, her face became ferocious, with a trace of solemnity and killing intent, she gritted her teeth and said, "Get out!"

Now I can only kill it, because this matter cannot be explained clearly at all, and even if it can be explained, the other party will not believe it. The most troublesome thing is that it seems that Qiao Ye did something on the surface, although it was passive .

Qiao Ye and the others gathered together and retreated towards the rear at the same time.

"They want to run!"

"Catch 'em, don't let 'em go!"

"Damn it, it's a mistake to let the guys from Wuyu enter the spiritual temple. The statue of the spirit god is broken, and it must be an expression of anger."

"Kill them!"

"Yes, kill them, sacrifice to the spirit god, and appease the anger of the spirit god!"

The surrounding Lingyu people roared immediately, and kept approaching Qiao Ye and the others.

Although withdrawing directly at this time will definitely arouse the anger of the other party, but looking at the angry expressions of the surrounding people, it can be seen that even if they stay to explain, the result will not be much better.

when broken,

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand resolutely, and wiped it from the jade tablet. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye broke the empty pestle in one hand and the Thousand Spirit Sword in the other.

The buzzing sound of swords resounded at this moment, and around Qiao Ye, phantom swords kept appearing one after another. In the blink of an eye, a large circle was formed above Qiao Ye's head, and at the same time, everyone around was surrounded. Surrounded in a circle.

Qiao Ye yelled lightly: "Sword out!"


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