Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 326 Some People Can Die, Some People Must Live

Chapter 326 Some People Can Die, Some People Must Live

The Thousand Spirit Sword is very useful at this time, because there are a lot of them!

The larger the number, the more targets that can attack the enemy at the same time!


Apart from attacking and killing with the phantom sword, Qianlingjian also has another ability, that is...

Square Sword Formation!

Square Sword Formation: Form a square sword formation with the sword shadows of the Qianling Sword, trapping the enemy, defending, attacking and killing as a whole.

The Square Sword Formation is one of the effects of the Thousand Spirit Sword, but Qiao Ye has never used it because it is meaningless.

Among the abilities of the Noble Phantasm, the Square Sword Formation belongs to the classification of war abilities. Simply put, it belongs to the ability to use fewer enemies and more enemies, which is suitable for use in wars. It can only be used in battles with at least a hundred people. Under normal circumstances, you can fight against each other and activate it. The square sword array is not as fierce as directly attacking all the phantom swords at one target.

After the Sifang Sword Formation was activated, the circle of phantom swords above the head continued to rotate, and the sound of swords screamed all around, and then the circle of phantom swords transformed again, two circles, three circles...

A total of six circles of phantom swords, amidst the sound of the swords, rotated clockwise and counterclockwise alternately, and then the shape of the sword circles also began to gradually change, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, finally forming a sword array!

next moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

Those imaginary swords stabbed towards the ground crazily, forming a square sword array!

The Square Sword Formation is divided into four areas. The eastern area is full of sword auras. Countless sword auras follow irregular trajectories, crazily stabbing towards the surroundings, criss-crossing and attacking the surroundings.

The area in the south is full of light, and the light of the sword keeps skyrocketing. Each phantom sword grows to a distance of ten meters, and it keeps moving, trapping people in it. Bump back.

In the western area, a phantom sword pierced into the ground, shaking constantly, and then a crisp sword cry sounded, but the sound of the sword sound fell into the ears of the surrounding people, but it was like a talisman, causing headaches Cracking, incomparable pain, it is a mental attack.

In the northern area, the phantom sword shattered and turned into the aura of a golden weapon, with a strong sense of killing. There were illusions in the area, and bones in armor stood up, holding their knives and moving forward. Everyone fights.

The square sword array has been completed!

However, Qiao Ye knew very well that the Sifang Sword Formation could only delay the time a little bit.

This spiritual temple is full of spiritual monks in the spirit sect realm. Even if the Qianling sword is a fifth-grade treasure, it can't trap so many people. However, as long as they can delay the time a little, it is enough for Qiao Ye and the others up.

Quickly exit the Ling Temple and come to the open space outside the Ling Temple.

Qin Jianchuan said: "Go down the mountain?"

Qiao Ye picked up the Duankong pestle and said, "No, just leave the spiritual realm!"

Going down the mountain is because Lin Jiexu is at the bottom of the mountain, but the current situation is a bit complicated. Lin Jiexu's worry is based on the fact that the other party can't afford to lose, or he doesn't want the opportunity to pray for spirits to fall on the heads of Qiao Ye and the others. There is also the danger that black hands may resort to unscrupulous methods in order to win.

But right now...

Things seem to be a little big!

The statue of the spirit god in the spiritual temple is cracked!

Even if they went to the bottom of the mountain like this, Lin Jiexu might not be able to take them away. On the contrary, the other spirit realm people at the foot of the mountain fell into madness after hearing about the incident...

Qiao Ye took out the spiritual paper and handed it to Lin Ziyi: "Don't tell Senior Lin what happened, lest he do something unwise in order to save us, and just say something wrong, but we can fix it, advise Senior Lin Get out without disturbing anyone."

Wu Xi glanced at the Duan Kong pestle in Qiao Ye's hand and said, "Can you really use it?"

Qiao Ye glanced back at Wu Xi and said, "Are you afraid of death?"

Wu Xi gritted his teeth, and then became silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy, because this rhetorical question made everyone understand what Qiao Ye meant.

Lin Jiexu came to Lingyu just in case, in the event of an emergency, he could save Qiao Ye and others, which might put Lin Jiexu in danger as well, and the possibility is very high, after all, No matter how strong Lin Jiexu is, it is impossible to fight against the entire spiritual domain, but this is Lin Jiexu's decision!

And Qiao Ye's decision is...

They can die!

Lin Jiexu, no!

Losing an extremely strong man, the existence of twenty-eight stars among the defenders, or losing them, which is more important?

Even people like Qiao Ye can represent the future!

Qiao Ye never thought about the possibility of using Duankong pestle at all, what he wanted was that the forest world must be able to live, and they lived as long as they could, and if they couldn't...

Then fight to the death!

But also at this time...

The Duankong pestle held by Qiao Ye suddenly emitted a faint light, very soft, like the light of water, slowly flowing around the Duankong pestle.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then showed a bit of joy. The fact that the Duankong pestle has such a change means that Qiao Ye can indeed use the Duankong pestle. Otherwise, the Duankong pestle should not respond at all, and there will be no change. .

As long as Duan Kong pestle can be used, everything has hope.

But, in the next moment...


Qiao Ye suddenly opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out all over the ground, his face turned pale instantly.

Lin Ziyi quickly supported Qiao Ye and said, "How are you doing?"

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "It consumes a lot, and the energy and mental power extracted are terrifying!"

Qiao Ye felt the burst of pain in his head, not because of the mental attack, but because of the unimaginable horror of the mental power he lost at that moment.

At the same time, the light of the Duankong pestle gradually dimmed.

Everyone's hearts turned cold, even if Qiao Ye could use the Duankong Pestle, it would be futile if he couldn't hold it. He had to let the Duankong Pestle open up a space before they could be sent away.

The room leak happened to be raining all night, at this time, there was a sudden cry of killing in the temple, and people rushed out from the temple.

Qian Lingjian's square sword array had also reached its limit, and it turned into a small sword again and flew back into Qiao Ye's hand.

"Kill the enemy first!" Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "I still have a second hand, so I can give it a try!"

Qin Jianchuan was the first to draw his sword, and without any nonsense, he swept his sword forward.

"Sword of the sun and the moon!" Qin Jianchuan shouted in a low voice: "The sword cuts the sun, the moon and breaks the stars!"

Qin Jianchuan's sword swept forward, and a terrifying sword light appeared, sweeping out into the air, with the feeling of covering the sky and the sun, when the sword light fell to the ground, a terrifying loud noise suddenly appeared.

A piece of ground in front of the spiritual temple exploded, and a ten-meter-long sword slash appeared, and the layers of air waves rolled up directly shook the surrounding people away.

next moment...

"Martial soul!" Qin Jianchuan stretched out his hand to wipe the edge of the sword and said, "The sword of the great way!"

Heavenly Chosen Grade Six Transfigured Martial Soul, Sword of the Great Dao!


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