Chapter 327 That Light

No temptation, no holding back.

This is obviously a life-and-death battle, so just fight!

Qin Jianchuan entered the martial soul state immediately, and the others naturally did not have any delay, and quickly displayed their martial souls to deal with the incoming enemy.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and threw the ghost lamp out of the jade tablet space.

Floating beside Qiao Ye, the three will-o'-the-wisps of the ghost lamp turned into a " ̄ェ ̄" appearance, which seemed to be a look of enjoyment.

Qiao Ye patted the ghost lamp and said, "Lend me your mental power, or you will find a new owner!"

This is Qiao Ye's backhand. Although Qiao Ye can't support the use of Duankong Pestle, if you count the ghost lamp, it may not be so, and it may be able to use it smoothly.

Soon, the Ghost Lantern landed beside Qiao Ye, and surging mental power gushed out like water, and continuously entered Qiao Ye's body, and the hollow pestle in Qiao Ye's hand radiated out again. up the light.

Beads of sweat dripped from the corners of Qiao Ye's forehead. With the spiritual support of the ghost lamp, the Duankong pestle finally did not calm down, but it still consumed a lot!


At this time, there was a sudden shout of anger from Qiao Ye's side, and someone came to Qiao Ye's side, with a five-ringed saber in his hand, he slashed at Qiao Ye's head.


Qiao Ye raised his eyelids, stretched out his hand to hold it in the air, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand, swept across to the side, collided with the opponent's big knife with a clang, and then shook the big knife away. The halberd swept across the opponent's chest.


A splash of gorgeous blood drifted away, and the opponent opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell straight from the air to the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13,000 points."

Killed one person with a single blow!

Qiao Ye has no intention of showing mercy now, since the other party wants her own life.

Then, the way to survive is naturally...

To the other party's life!

Things in this world are always so simple!

Sweeping the black halberd in his hand again, a large cloud of black smoke appeared, rushing towards the surroundings, like waves, one layer after another, moving forward surgingly, meeting the people in the spiritual realm rushing forward, abruptly to push people away.

On the other side, the others were also caught in a fight.

Qin Jianchuan was alone with his sword, looking ahead, suddenly, with the sword in his hand, a rainbow of sword shot up into the sky, pierced the clear sky, and fell forward, tearing the sky and tearing apart the two people from the spiritual realm. The body was torn apart and blood was scattered all over the ground!

Xiao Jingyan and Bai Zixi looked at each other, and then the ghost formation opened, the figures of the two were like ghosts, they kept darting towards each other, with a short dagger in their hands, they swept forward and slit the other's throat.

Sun He and Wu Xi were back to back, and at the same time, they were besieged by people, and they raised their fists and bombarded them, and the punches were like the wind, and the people in the future would be knocked back.

Lin Ziyi tapped her toes, her body fluttered towards the crowd, she stretched her sleeves, and countless phantom butterflies fluttered around her, heading towards all directions. It looked like she was dancing among the crowd, but...

The phantom butterfly flew by, and fresh blood was continuously scattered around, adding a bit of beauty to the dance.

Everyone is fighting bravely, but everyone knows that this kind of fighting cannot continue forever, and they will be exhausted to death here sooner or later.

Qiao Ye also clenched her teeth, and looked down at Duan Kongchu.

Faster, faster!

Qiao Ye was thinking silently in her heart, and suddenly...

On the Duankong pestle, a large piece of light suddenly burst out, Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, and swiped the Duankong pestle forward, a void crack appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

The void crack is not the same as the void crack that can often be seen in the void fault. Looking into the void crack, one can see that the void crack is not a piece of nothingness and chaos, but some scenery can be seen faintly.

It was as if two completely different spaces were forcibly spliced ​​together after being split.

It's done!

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and then he jumped up, first came behind Xiao Jingyan and Bai Zixi, grabbed the collars of the two, threw them into the void, and then shouted: "Go!"

Sun He and Wu Xi's eyes lit up when they saw the rift in the void, and quickly retreated to the rear, entering the rift in the void.

Qin Jianchuan let out a low shout, and a sword light slashed forward, cutting a piece of the ground. After forcing the person back, his body floated forward and jumped into the crack in the void.

Lin Ziyi came to Qiao Ye's side, looked at Qiao Ye's pale face and said, "You..."


Qiao Ye pushed Lin Ziyi's shoulder vigorously, pushing Lin Ziyi away from her back. At the same time, she flicked the fingertip of her right thumb, and the spikes of the Gorefiend's ring cut Qiao Ye's finger.

The next moment, Qiao Ye took a step forward, and punched forward, breaking the way for everyone.


The blood essence in the blood demon's finger was mobilized, and Qiao Ye's punch was thrown out, and a large cloud of blood mist immediately appeared in front of him, and he pushed it away frantically, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

The blood mist was filled with cracking sounds, and the blood mist gradually crystallized, continuously condensing into bright red crystals, and with just one blow, the surrounding people were completely blown away.


After one blow, Qiao Ye shook his body and knelt on the ground on one knee.

The Duankong pestle that Qiao Ye was holding in his left hand fell to the ground, hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

At the same time, the moment the Duankong pestle fell to the ground, the void crack behind Qiao Ye also closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then completely disappeared.

Qiao Ye was panting continuously, with sweat dripping from his forehead. This was the horror of the fake Noble Phantasm. Qiao Ye could only support it for so long, until he sent the others away.

"Sure enough..." Qiao Ye supported the ground with a black halberd, slowly stood up and said, "It's better to be alone!"

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye found someone coming up from behind and standing beside Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked up in astonishment, and saw Lin Ziyi standing beside her. When she looked, Lin Ziyi lowered her head to Qiao Ye and smiled.

"I made up my mind when I was in the spiritual temple." Lin Ziyi chuckled and said, "I have already left you once in Ningbei Snowfield, this time, I don't intend to leave you alone. come down."

Qiao Ye couldn't help narrowing her eyes, and for a moment, Qiao Ye felt as if a hallucination appeared in front of her eyes.

In that pitch-black world, suddenly, a very warm light shone in.

For so many years, I have been waiting for...

That light!


Qiao Ye shook her body, slowly stood up from the ground, and stood side by side with Lin Ziyi.


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