Chapter 329 Fierce Battle

Around the huge virtual image, countless blood lines appeared, continuously winding around the body of the virtual image, densely packed.

next moment...

Qiao Ye flexed her five fingers, and grabbed it hard, those blood lines tightened instantly, and the body that entangled the virtual image was also torn into pieces in an instant, completely shattered, like broken glass, constantly collapsed.

Even the flames that fell from the sky were completely cut open at the moment when the blood lines were divided.

In the distance, the complexion of a man from Lingyu changed suddenly, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."

But at this moment...

Suddenly, there was a loud "rumbling" sound from the surrounding ground, and suddenly, the ground cracked, and a towering tree came out from the ground.

There was a wind blowing, and there was a "rustling" sound among the treetops, and then, those branches suddenly grew, like sharp thorns one by one, constantly stabbing towards the tree leaves.

Bang, bang, bang!

As Qiao Ye dodged to dodge, those branches kept hitting the ground, and the ground continued to explode, forming circles of deep pits.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind blowing from behind Qiao Ye, but someone pinched Qiao Ye's back. The three attacked at the same time, two with swords and one with an axe, respectively attacking Qiao Ye's upper and lower sides. cold.

Qiao Ye didn't look back, a colorful light butterfly appeared behind Qiao Ye, like a barrier, the three weapons were stopped, and as the light butterfly flapped its wings, countless dots of powder appeared, and then...

Puff puff……

The bodies of the three people suddenly burst into wounds one after another, and blood seeped out continuously, staining their clothes.

Lin Ziyi came behind Qiao Ye and leaned back to Qiao Ye.

Lin Ziyi said quietly: "Can we survive?"

"At least you can live before I die. As for me..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "If the sky doesn't accept me, I can live. You, who can kill me?"

Qiao Ye gave a low shout to the surroundings, and then pushed forward with a palm.

Hundred battle blood techniques, three types of blood thorns!

The surrounding ground trembled again, and then a series of ferocious spider web cracks appeared continuously, one after another densely packed with blood thorns, piercing out continuously, spreading out in all directions!

Because of the relationship between the blood world, the blood thorns have also become extremely terrifying. The length of each has reached the level of five or six meters, and the whole body exudes blood light, which has a deep and bloodthirsty feeling.


A person from the spiritual domain didn't react for a while, and didn't even have a chance to dodge. The blood thorn that suddenly rose pierced through his chin, and then pierced out from the top of his head, directly hanging the corpse high in the air.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."

At the same time, the branches of the towering tree moved again, and those branches continued to move forward, densely packed, and swept down again in the direction of Qiao Ye.

"Go away!"

Qiao Ye's face was gloomy, and she stretched out her hand to move forward. The black smoke around her surged, layer by layer, and collided with those branches.

The black smoke was like a knife, and the moment they touched, those branches were instantly cut off.

And after those branches were cut off, the spirit man who was manipulating the big tree finally showed his figure. Qiao Ye's eyes froze, and he took a step forward.

Move with the smoke!

The black smoke passed behind the opponent, and then, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly appeared like a ghost, and the black halberd in his hand stabbed vigorously at the opponent's back.


A halberd pierces the body!

The other party didn't even have a chance to react, and Qiao Ye pierced through his body with a halberd. Then Qiao Ye used force with his arms to directly lift the corpse into the air.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14,000 points."

"A bunch of useless things!"

At this time, a burly man roared in the crowd, stretched out a pair of iron arms forward, and easily pushed everyone away.

Qiao Ye looked up and looked at each other.

A head of hair like a hedgehog stood upright, and his upper body was naked, revealing a terrifying tendon, and the muscles were like sharp-edged granite.

"I am Zhen Nanxiong, the ghost general of the Disha tribe!" The tall giant shouted, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Do you dare to join the battle?"

Sky Demon, Zhan Tian, ​​Earth Sha...

The three most famous tribes in Lingyu are also known as the three tribes. Lingyu is on the battlefield of the Nine Domains. Among the most valiant spiritual monks, almost 50% of them are from the three tribes, and the other 50% are from the three tribes. belongs to other!

Qiao Ye had met the people from the Sky Demon Department and Zhantian Department, and it was finally the turn of the Earth Brake Department.

Qiao Ye smiled contemptuously and said, "Come on!"

"Get out of here!" Zhen Nanxiong aggressively pulled everyone in front of him away, and shouted: "He is my prey!"

After Zhen Nanxiong finished speaking, he walked towards Qiao Ye with strides, and at the same time stretched his hands to the sides.

"Out of spirit!" Zhen Nanxiong shouted in a low voice: "Bone Crusher!"

Two weapons appeared in Zhen Nanxiong's outstretched hands towards the sides. Apparently, his spiritual ability was similar to that of the weapons in Wuhun, and those two weapons should be maces, but generally All of the maces owned by Zhen Nanxiong have long handles, but Zhen Nanxiong's maces have short handles and can be used for dual wielding.

The moment the weapon transformed into shape, Zhen Nanxiong also came to Qiao Ye, raised the bone crushing weapon in his hand, and smashed it down on Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye jumped back to dodge, the stick hit the ground, and the ground was instantly torn apart, even, the ground was not simply broken, but was directly crushed into powder by the blow, turning into a pothole.

Zhen Nanxiong grinned ferociously and said, "Wuyu Bastard, I'm going to smash your brains out!"

As Zhen Nanxiong spoke, he stepped forward again, continued to raise the bone crushing weapon, and threw it down at Qiao Ye again, but...

This time, Qiao Ye didn't hide!


Qiao Ye directly turned the black halberd across, and collided with the opponent's weapon. The weapons of both of them trembled at the same time, making a crisp sound.

Zhen Nanxiong showed surprise on his face. He is one of the few people in the spiritual realm who does not major in spiritual power, but tempers his physical body. A heavy weapon like the bone tyrant makes Zhen Nanxiong's strength very terrifying. If ordinary people fight with him recklessly, they won't even be able to take three sticks.

And Joey...

He caught it lightly!


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