Chapter 330 Lien Chan

"Whether you can smash my brain out, I don't know!" Qiao Ye looked up at Zhen Nanxiong and said, "But your head will be gone!"


Before Zhen Nanxiong could react, Qiao Ye suddenly flicked his wrist, and the black halberd rolled around Qiao Ye's wrist.

Delicate, exquisite!

Originally, Qiao Ye's black halberd was at the bottom, but after turning around like this, it immediately came to the top, and easily escaped from the bottom of Zhen Nanxiong's weapon.


The halberd blade slashed across Zhen Nanxiong's throat, Zhen Nanxiong didn't have a chance to react at all, a blood line appeared at the mouth of his throat, and the blood continued to flow out.

Zhen Nanxiong's eyes widened immediately, he still didn't understand what was going on, the only thing he could feel was that his vitality was constantly passing away.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14,500 points."

Qiao Ye looked at Zhen Nanxiong's body contemptuously. It is undeniable that Zhen Nanxiong should be the leader of so many people who participated in the Lingwu Festival. After all, he came from the famous Disha Department, but there is a big problem with this guy's cultivation method.

Zhen Nanxiong is not tall, but he is very big. Even, this kind of figure looks a bit scary. Even if the warriors in the martial arts field are more inclined to the physical body when practicing, most warriors will not temper the physical body into this appearance. .

Excessive size and terrifying muscles bring huge weight, of course there will be a terrifying increase in strength, but...

too slow!

Not only the speed of movement during battle, but also the speed of attack will be greatly affected by this!

What's more...

Zhen Nanxiong's strength is not as strong as imagined, and Lingyu is really not very good at tempering the body.

And after Qiao Ye killed Zhen Nanxiong with one blow, it was also a deterrent to the others around him. The people who were besieging Qiao Ye couldn't help but froze at this moment.

Zhen Nanxiong is obviously quite well-known in the spiritual domain, and his background from the Earth Brake Department, his strength has been recognized, and now, Zhen Nanxiong has been killed so easily, so, what about the others?

Everyone wants to kill Qiao Ye, but it doesn't mean they don't care about their own life or death.

No one thought that Qiao Ye could really kill him. With so many people, even if they were tired, they could exhaust Qiao Ye to death.


Before Qiao Ye died of exhaustion, how many people could he kill? Among those killed by Qiao Ye, would there be himself?

This thought ran across everyone's minds involuntarily.

"Hey, sure enough, the guys from some small tribes are all trash, are you afraid?" A mocking voice sounded, and someone stepped from the crowd, with fluttering white clothes, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you can kill Zhen Nanxiong, you can kill Zhen Nanxiong." It’s a bit of a skill.”

Qiao Ye said disdainfully, "Another courting death!"

The young man in white twitched his lips, his face darkened in an instant, and he said to Qiao Ye, "Gao Lingjie from the Heavenly Demon Department, let me show you what you are capable of!"

Gao Lingjie snorted coldly, stretched out his hand towards the front, and a silver dagger about the length of his palm appeared in Gao Lingjie's hand.

The silver dagger was very interesting, it was actually hanging on Gao Lingjie's palm, and it would continuously transform into various shapes as it flew around.

There are ordinary daggers, double-edged daggers, and crescent-shaped blades on both sides...

"Out of the spirit!" Gao Lingjie snorted coldly: "The magic blade of the spirit pattern!"

Gao Lingjie shot out the magic blade of the spirit pattern, and a silver light curtain appeared, directly covering the magic blade of the spirit pattern, and attacked Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, this spiritual ability was a bit miraculous, Qiao Ye couldn't understand what kind of ability it was, but the silver light curtain was already in front of him, Qiao Ye simply swung his halberd forward.

The silver light curtain was broken, and Qiao Ye's right hand poked in, almost grabbing the magic blade of the spirit pattern, but at this moment, the magic blade of the spirit pattern suddenly changed its shape and turned into a silver lotus.

The silver lotus whirled in the air, and circles of silver light blades swirled continuously towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, and a golden light immediately radiated from her body.

Nine-turn golden body!

The golden radiance was like a mask. After covering Qiao Ye's body, the radiance fit onto Qiao Ye's body like a armor.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The silver light blades kept slashing at Qiao Ye's body, making crisp impact sounds. However, with the demon's blood armor and the nine-turn golden body, those light blades couldn't even leave a mark on Qiao Ye's body.

Gao Lingjie raised his eyebrows, and suddenly jumped forward.

The silver lotus flower suddenly spread out, and the lotus leaves piece by piece joined together, growing bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a silver sword, which Gao Lingjie held in his hand, and then cut it down in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand casually!


The silver sword slashed at Qiao Ye's arm, making a clanging sound.

"It's useless!" Qiao Ye sneered, "Your weapon can't break through my defense..."


In the middle of Qiao Ye's words, the sword in Gao Lingjie's hand trembled, and suddenly the sound of the sword sounded.

Qiao Ye's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he felt a stabbing pain in his head as he kept retreating.

Mental attack!

The sound of the sword sound was a mental attack!

Gao Lingjie sneered, and with a flick of his wrist, he stabbed in Qiao Ye's direction again: "Your mental power doesn't seem to be as strong as your physical body..."

Gao Lingjie's face showed a bit of complacency, but he was not happy for too long, seeing the moment when the sword was about to stab Qiao Ye...

There was an ear-piercing rubbing sound, but it was Qiao Ye who suddenly reached out and took Gao Lingjie's sword in his hand.

"I forgot to tell you." Qiao Ye looked at Gao Lingjie and said, "Psychic attacks are useless to me."

To be precise, it should be that the initial mental power attack was useful, because Qiao Ye didn't realize that Gao Lingjie used mental power to attack, and as long as Qiao Ye realized that there was a steady stream of spiritual power from the ghost lamp, if he wanted to It is still very simple to prevent the invasion of mental power attacks.

Gao Lingjie's complexion changed slightly, his body leaped backwards, and the long sword in his hand spread out again, changing and reorganizing again, this time, it looked like a hammer!


Gao Lingjie raised the hammer and slammed it forward, and there was a thunderclap. Then, a blue thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky, and it fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

With a flash of Qiao Ye's body, she stepped aside, the thunderbolt hit the ground, and the ground was instantly shattered, the sand and rocks exploded, and the ground was instantly scorched black.


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