Chapter 331

Qiao Ye could see it.

The weapon in Gao Lingjie's hand that can change its appearance has nothing to do with the weapon at all. His ability to release spirits is based on different weapons, and has different abilities.

Light blade, spiritual attack, summoning thunder...

Each weapon corresponds to a different ability!

Heaven's Choice!

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes. If Gao Lingjie's spiritual ability is measured by Wuhun, he can be sure that he is definitely at the level of heaven!

at the same time……

Gao Lingjie snorted coldly, and the hammer in his hand kept blasting towards the front, and the sound of explosions sounded continuously, one after another thunderbolts continued to fall, and even formed a series of thunderbolts, hitting the ground continuously, Qiao Ye's surroundings , the earth continued to explode.

Gao Lingjie sneered and said, "Qiao Ye, you have a lot of debts with us, you should settle it properly today!"

Gao Lingjie raised his hand again, and the weapon in his hand changed again, turning into a long spear. Then Gao Lingjie waved his hand, and the long spear pierced the air, turning into a bright light, approaching Qiao Ye.

Gao Lingjie said ferociously, "Die to me!"

Qiao Ye raised her head, looked at the Qiongguang, and suddenly...

Qiao Ye reached out!

The Qiongguang had already come to Qiao Ye's eyes, and the tip of the gun was in front of Qiao Ye's pupils, but at this moment, the Qiongguang was firmly held by Qiao Ye, and the brilliance shattered, and the gun fell to Qiao Ye. leaf in hands.

"Are you too happy?" Qiao Ye raised his hand and said, "You want to settle accounts with me? What are you going to settle with me?"

The black halberd was lifted by Qiao Ye, with exactly the same movements as Gao Lingjie. After Qiao Ye took a step forward, he threw the black halberd forward.

The surrounding smoke gathered in an instant, wrapping around the shaft of the black halberd. The surging black smoke condensed and transformed into a black dragon, which came to Gao Lingjie with its teeth and claws.


The sound of tearing flesh!

The black dragon hit Gao Lingjie's chest, and a bloody flower burst out.

Gao Lingjie looked down in a daze, and there was a bloody hole in his chest.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."

Gao Lingjie's eyes lost their luster, and immediately fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop".

Qiao Ye looked at Gao Lingjie's body coldly, and then...


Qiao Ye took two steps back, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground when she opened her mouth.

Lin Ziyi was shocked, and hurried to Qiao Ye's side, reaching out to support Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's face was like gold paper, and there was no trace of blood on his whole face.

Of course Gao Lingjie didn't have the ability to beat Qiao Ye like this, but...

The blood world can't hold it anymore!

The blood realm of the Hundred Battles Blood Art cannot last forever and will never disappear. In fact, domain abilities have a time limit, whether it is long or short.

The consumption of using the Duankong pestle is too great. In the field of the blood world, the recovery obtained by drawing blood is just enough for Qiao Ye to continue fighting, reaching a state of two-phase offset, and relying on the blood world for battery life.

After the duration of the blood world expired, the surrounding blood continued to recede, and Qiao Ye's state also fell back to the state when he just finished using the Duan Kong pestle. drain.

Lin Ziyi quickly took out a pill and put it into Qiao Ye's mouth.

Qiao Ye swallowed the elixir and said, "It's useless. I wasn't injured, but the lack of energy and blood caused by the use of the Duan Kong pestle, which cannot be compensated by the elixir alone."

And Qiao Ye suddenly vomited blood, and his state changed drastically. The eyes of the people around him suddenly lit up, and they became excited again.

They didn't care why Qiao Ye suddenly became like this, they only knew...

finally able to...

Kill these two guys!

Lin Ziyi smiled sadly and said, "What does it matter? Anyway, a decision has been made, hasn't it?"

Qiao Ye took a serious look at Lin Ziyi and said, "I didn't intend to die so easily, let alone let you die here!"

Lin Ziyi said: "Is there anything else you can do?"

Qiao Ye said: "Do you still remember Jiang Liuxue in Ningbei Snowfield?"

Lin Ziyi nodded.

Qiao Ye said: "His One Realm Twin Life is in my hands, do you still have any idea how he slipped away from our noses?"

Lin Ziyi's eyes lit up, but quickly dimmed and said: "I remember that treasure, but it took a certain amount of time to use it. Jiang Liuxue ran away first, bought time, and then used the treasure. Now we There seems to be no way to buy that kind of time."

Qiao Ye looked around and said, "So, we need to buy time, but I don't know what the consequences will be, maybe..."

Qiao Ye looked up and glanced at the spiritual temple.

"Maybe..." Qiao Ye said, "It will get worse!"

Lin Ziyi smiled and said: "Could it be worse than now? Just do it if you want!"


Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, and there was only one good head, anyway, the result would not be worse than losing her head.

Then, give it a go!

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat strength: 2156000

Cultivation: Martial Ancestor Realm ninth rank.

Martial soul value: 850200/3000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Tianmo Dazzling (Fifth Grade) (Variable).

Items: Twins in One Realm, Blood Demon, Thousand Spirit Sword, Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)

Cultivation method: No Second Sword (Visual Thought)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (Level 4), Breaking Heavenly Palm (Rank 7), Road to Heaven (Rank 7), Nine Turns of the Golden Body (Level 9)

Qiao Ye glanced at the light curtain. After killing many people, the current martial soul value is 850,000, and there is still a gap of more than 2 million before breaking through the Martial Ancestor Realm.


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand violently, black smoke billowed all around, and those people in the spiritual realm were very vigilant, thinking that Qiao Ye's attack was coming, but this time, Qiao Ye had no intention of attacking, but used the black smoke to kill those who died in battle. The things left by the person were sent to him in black smoke!

"You have absorbed the Broken Blood Sword, the value of absorbing martial soul: 190,000 points"

"You have absorbed Liuding Baoding, absorbing martial soul value: 22000 points"

"You have absorbed the Shen Lingshi card, and the absorbed martial soul value: 15000 points"


After all, they are all from the Lingzong realm, so they must have some wealth in their families. Moreover, in order to participate in the Lingwu Festival, the tribe will definitely prepare some things for them, and Qiao Ye's goal is to absorb all these things.

But it's not enough!

After absorbing all those things, Qiao Ye's martial soul value became 1970000/3000000...

There is still a gap of almost one million martial soul points!


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